'Notes on tribes and boundaries.'


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The record is made up of 1 file (1 folio). It was created in 20 Feb 1885. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .

About this record


This file consists of a note written by J R Fitzgerald, First Assistant to the Agent to the Governor-General for Beluchistan, in which the author provides a number of instances of tribes divided by territorial boundaries, and casts doubt on the notion that members of those tribes cannot be said to be inhabitants of one side or the other of those boundaries.

The file also reproduces an extract from a letter written by Her Majesty's Ambassador at Tehran, dated 26 December 1874, in which the author provides examples of nomadic tribes who migrate across boundary lines, but who nevertheless declare allegiance and pay tribute to one state or the other.

Extent and format
1 file (1 folio)
Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence commences and terminates at folio 191, as it is part of a larger physical volume; this number is written in pencil, is circled, and is located at the top right corner of the folio. An additional foliation sequence is present in parallel; this number is also written in pencil, but is not circled

Written in
English in Latin script
Archival file

Archive information for this record

Access & Reference

Original held at
British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity.
Access conditions


Archive reference

History of this record

20 Feb 1885 (CE, Gregorian)
People & organisations
HM Ambassador to Iran

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'Notes on tribes and boundaries.', British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/18/C48, in Qatar Digital Library <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100000000833.0x000085> [accessed 5 July 2024]

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