Comments or concerns

In making material available on the Qatar Digital Library, the Qatar National Library acts in good faith and works with its partner institutions to comply with relevant legislation. However, if you have any concerns about material you find in the Qatar Digital Library which:

  • has been published without your permission as copyright holder and without being covered by a relevant exception in copyright law; or
  • contravenes privacy or data protection laws; or
  • is defamatory about a living person; or
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Qatar Digital Library
Qatar National Library
Qatar Foundation
PO Box 5825

When contacting us, please include the following information:

  1. “Urgent re: Qatar Digital Library content” in the subject or heading
  2. Your name and complete contact details, including email
  3. The reason(s) for your concern about the material, such as a potential breach of law in relation to: copyright, privacy, data protection, defamation, obscenity, etc.
  4. Full details of the material and its exact URL or page reference, so that we may identify it
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  • We may temporarily remove the material from the Qatar Digital Library pending further investigation or an agreed solution.
  • We shall contact the partner institution or contributor who provided the material, notifying them of the concern and its basis. Qatar National Library or the relevant partner institution or contributor will contact you to assuage and resolve the issue with you.

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