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File 4535/1928 Pt 7 ‘Persia: Telegraphs: Position of I.E.T. Dept:’ [‎73v] (151/927)

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The record is made up of 1 volume (459 folios). It was created in 13 Feb 1929-24 Nov 1929. It was written in English and French. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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que les stations qui controlent 1 operation du cable restent aux mains des $eul$
specialistes qui s y connaissent. Quant a la section de ligne entre Djask et Gwadur,
je dois expliquer qu elle soit principaleinent de route supplementaire et, en cas
d avaries, de route alternative—au cable sousmarin. Elle est done essentielle pouj
le bon fonctionnement du trafic international, et des considerations d ordre pratique
exigent qu elle soit a la charge de ceux auxquels il incombe d operer le cable.
A part ces menus details, il nous reste encore a rediger 1 article par lequel sq'
consacre le reglement definitif de la question des telegraphes. Bien entendu, je me
tiens entierement a votre disposition pour discuter les divers points de detail
souleves par le transfert envisage, amsi que les termes de la redaction. En attendant,
ie suis persuade que vous me donnerez raison lorsque ie pretends qu en eeartantdt
hi sorte une pierre d achoppement a laquelle nous nous sommes heurtes si souvent
dans le passe, mon Gouvernement apporte la preuve concluante de sa volonte
d'aboutir. En effet, e'est une double concession quil s’est decide de faire; cedant
de son propre mouvement, et par egard pour 1 amour-propre persan, aux revendi-
cations du Gouvernement Imperial sur la question de principe, il renforce ce gestt
d'amitie par diverses concessions materielles des plus considerables. Il esperea
bon droit qu’une decision de cette envergure contribuera en grande mesure au succes
de nos negociations, et en fera entrevoir la conclusion definitive dans un avenir
P r00hain - " Veuillez, &c.
Enclosure 5 in No. 1.
Draft Exchange of Notes.
His Britannic Majesty's Minister to the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
M. le Ministre,
I HAVE the honour, on behalf of His Britannic Majesty s Government id the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, to request your Elighnes:
to be so good as to draw the attention of your Government to the following matter
Article 2 of the Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and Persia, signet
at Tehran on the 28th October, 1841, provided that “as for a series of yearsi
Resident of the British Government has resided at Bushire, the Persian Government
grants permission that the said Resident shall reside there as heretofore,
that date, in virtue of the terms of that treaty, which has never been abrogated, ti
British Resident in the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. has had his headquarters at Bushire. Sins
the year 1878 he has, in addition to these functions, held His Britannic Majestp
commission as consul-general, and has been recognised by the Imperial Persian
Government as His Britannic Majesty's consul-general for the Provinces of Hra
Luristan and Khuzistan, for the district of Lingah and for the Persian coast ani
islands in the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. . ,
His Britannic Majesty’s Government have now decided to remove the head
quarters of this official to a site outside the dominions of His Imperial Majesty m
Shah of Persia, and effect will be given to this decision as soon as the incidental
arrangements have been completed. Thereafter the Resident will cease to ha^
consular district in Persia, and will instead be described as inspecting consul
general. In that capacity it is contemplated that he shall inspect from time tot#
the British consular posts situated in the Persian ports of the Gulf.
In view of the desirability of ensuring a close co-operation between the Brio
and Persian authorities in the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. , Elis Majesty's Government trust G
the Imperial Government will be willing to accord the inspecting consul-general ^
his staff unrestricted access to British consular posts in Persian ports, and.
particular, will grant these persons a free visa valid for at least a year. I sh01
be glad to receive from your Highness an assurance that this request will be g ran
^ It is understood that, as laid down in the notes which we have already exchaDc
in connexion with article III of the General Treaty, Etis Britannic Majesty
ships and the ships of the Royal Indian Marine stationed in the Persian yii
together with the vessels of the auxiliary fleet, shall be able to put in at Bushny ,
a simple notification being given, as far as possible, in advance to the
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About this item


The volume contains papers, mostly correspondence, concerning the withdrawal of the Indo-European Telegraph Department from Persia [Iran]. The correspondence mainly relates to negotiations between the British and Persian Governments for the relinquishment of British control of a portion of the Indo-European Telegraph system in Persia, and negotiations between the British Government and the Imperial and International Communications Company Limited for the transfer of that portion of the telegraph system which would not be transferred to the Persian Government.

The main correspondents are as follows: the India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. ; the Foreign Office; HM Minister, Tehran (Sir Robert Clive) and HM Chargé d’Affaires, Tehran (Raymond Cecil Parr); the Government of India Foreign and Political Department; the Government of India Department of Industries and Labour; and the Director of the Persian Section of the Indo-European Telegraph Department (Eric Norris).

The file includes copies of several documents in French including: a letter from the Persian Minister of Court to Sir Robert Clive, dated 20 August 1929, with a copy of a 'Protocole relatif à Henjam'; and correspondence between Clive and the Persian Minister for Foreign Affairs, dated October 1930.

Other correspondents include Imperial and International Communications Limited, and the Indo-European Telegraph Company Limited.

The file also includes India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. minute papers and internal India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. notes.

The file includes a divider which gives the subject number, the year the subject file was opened, the subject heading, and a list of correspondence references by year. This is placed at the back of the correspondence.

Extent and format
1 volume (459 folios)

The papers are arranged in approximate chronological order from the rear to the front of the file.

The subject 4535 ( Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. , and Persia: telegraphs) consists of nine files (seven volumes and two physical files), IOR/L/PS/10/1266-1274. The files are divided into seventeen parts, with parts 1 and 3 comprising one volume, part 2 comprising the second volume, part 5 comprising the third file, part 7 comprising the third and fourth volumes, parts 8 and 11 comprising the fifth volume, parts 13 to 15 comprising the sixth volume, part 16 comprising the seventh file, and parts 10 and 17 comprising the eighth volume.

A location list on folio 5 of IOR/L/PS/10/1271 and IOR/L/PS/10/1272 states that part 4 is Coll 30/75 (IOR/L/PS/12/3792), part 6 is Coll 29/68 (IOR/L/PS/12/3644), part 9 is Coll 30/17 (IOR/L/PS/12/3727), and part 12 is P 4480/1923 Pt 2 (IOR/L/PS/10/1099).

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the inside front cover with 1, and terminates at the inside back cover with 461; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.

Written in
English and French in Latin script
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File 4535/1928 Pt 7 ‘Persia: Telegraphs: Position of I.E.T. Dept:’ [‎73v] (151/927), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/10/1269, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 28 January 2025]

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