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File 788/1919 Pt 4 ‘MESOPOTAMIA DISPOSAL OF RIVERCRAFT’ [‎121r] (239/240)

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The record is made up of 1 item (119 folios). It was created in 26 Apr 1920-3 Feb 1921. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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From Civil Commissioner, Baghdad, 1st May 1920.
5307. My telegram dated 13th. April, No. 4491:. Following are provisional
estimated receipts and expenditure, 1920--21 :—Receipts : Land Revenue 158 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees
Rs. 15,000, Date Tax 18 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 37,000, Koda 21 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 37,000, Tapii 5 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees
Rs. 72,500, Miscellaneous Revenue 14 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 54,790, Surveys Rs. 70,000, Agri
culture Rs. 50,000, Customs Rs. 82,000, Judicial 7 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 82,800, Jails 3 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees
Rs. 71,500, Political and General 2 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 11,550, Police Rs. 70,000, Education
Rs. 37,000, Medical 1 lakh One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 17,000, Press 6 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 60,000, Publications 1 lakh One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees
Rs. 85,000, Interest Rs. 30,000, Posts 47 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees , 93 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees (sic), Rs. 600, Telegraphs
45 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 81,000, Transport 4 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees , Stores 4 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 50,000, Public Works
(Military Contribution towards upkeep of roads) 3 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees , Miscellaneous 6 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees ,
Remounts (? Rs. 65,000), Payment for Revenue Grains sold to the Army in 1918
35 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees , contributions from army for quasi-military duties of Levies and Police,
18 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees . Total 666 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 68,740. Expenditure: Revenue 27 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 98,000,
Tapu 4 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 45,000, Land Settlement 2 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 80,000, Surveys 6 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees ,
Irrigation 57 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 17,000, Finance 8 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees , Agriculture 6 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 77,000,
Customs 44 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees , Political and General 64 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees , Judicial 12 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees , Jails 7 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees
Rs. 55,000, Public Works 94 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees , Police 70 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees , Levies 45 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees , Education
18 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 35,000, Medical 25 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees , Transport by land and water including cost of
:ansport for Public Works and all other departments 70 la khs^. Stores 7 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees
Rs. 50,000, Posts 38 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 14,000, Telegraphs 35 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 89,000, Presses
8 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 20,000, Publications 1 lakh One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 68,000, Miscellaneous Rs. 48,000, Sub
sistence Allowance, &c., 18 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs 54,100, Remounts, &c., 10 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 82,000,
quasiACaqf 2 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees , Stationery 3 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees , Ecclesiastical Rs. 20,000, Archaeological
1 lakh One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees . Total 719 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees Rs. 52,100. Deficit approximately 44 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees . Accumulated
surplus from 1919-20 and previous years after deducting 25 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees for debits in India
and the United Kingdom and allotting 50 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees to railway capital expenditure
75 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees . Estimated surplus at end of March 1921 31 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees . Above figures take no
account of Railways or Port which will be self-supporting and will be dealt with
separately and excluded from general revenues. No provision made for interest on
capital debit on account of any property taken over. Great bulk of this will be on
account of Port and Railways. Ottoman debt figures excluded from both receipts and
expenditures. I assume payment on this account will not be enforced retrospectively.
Above figures do not include cost of acquisition of land for military purposes as to
which see your P. 8002, dated 16th February, to War Office. Estimated expenditure
under Public Works includes 49 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees on new works costing over Rs. 20,000 of which
about 13 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees represents expenditure (? on) houses in cantonment—-outside Baghdad
to permit of early evacuation of billets. Larg^ re 1 notions in original estimate of
expenditure already made, but further scrutiny is in progress to secure greater
reduction if possible and to ascertain what expenditure if any properly debitable to
capital, after which situation will be fully reviewed in despatch—which I hope to
send about end of month.

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This part concerns the disposal of river craft in Mesopotamia and contains material relating to:

  • The arrangements made by Lord Inchcape [James Lyle MacKay], of the Euphrates and Tigris Steam Navigation Company Limited, with the Ministry of Munitions towards the purchase of the Government’s surplus river craft in Mesopotamia
  • The vessels purchased by the Euphrates and Tigris Steam Navigation Company from the Government through financial arrangements in Bombay [Mumbai], from March to August 1920
  • The transfer of the Inland Water Transport Department in Mesopotamia from military to civilian authorities, and the amount of military transportation vessels to be maintained
  • The suggestion of the Secretary of State for India, Edwin Montagu, to the Secretary of State for War, Winston Churchill, that they convince the civilian and military authorities respectively to agree to the sale of the river fleet in Mesopotamia
  • The wishes of General James Aylmer Lowthorpe Haldane to retain a portion of the river craft until the railway from Basrah [Basra] to Baghdad has proved its reliability, and consideration that he can carry his supplies by water more cheaply than could be done by possible purchasers
  • The criticism of the Civil Commissioner, Baghdad, of British Army control over the oil fleet as being ‘uneconomical’, for charging three times that of civilian organisations and railway transportation
  • The financial statement of the Ministry of Munitions to Parliament on the ‘Disposal of Surplus Government Property’, together with a ‘Memorandum on Disposals’ (ff 40-47)
  • The schedules of the Inland Water Transport Headquarters, Basrah, for fitting out and delivering the vessels to Keti Bandar, Calcutta [Kolkata] and Rangoon [Yangon] (ff 34-37)
  • The shortage of personnel in the Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force to make the arrangements for the delivery of vessels to the Euphrates and Tigris Steam Navigation Company
  • The observation by the War Office that it would entail an actual loss to make the vessels (all but nine) seaworthy and deliver them to Lord Inchcape under the stipulations
  • The responsibility for policing inland waterways in Mesopotamia and the possible takeover, by civil authorities, of four armed gunboats on loan from the Admiralty
  • The ‘non-delivery’ of river craft to the Euphrates and Tigris Steam Navigation Company due to the change in the military’s position
  • The reluctance of British military authorities in Mesopotamia to place river transport solely under private control, in case of a possible emergency in Government transportation.
Extent and format
1 item (119 folios)
Written in
English in Latin script
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File 788/1919 Pt 4 ‘MESOPOTAMIA DISPOSAL OF RIVERCRAFT’ [‎121r] (239/240), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/10/805/2, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 17 July 2024]

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