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General No. 6 of 1873, Forwarding Copies of Papers Regarding the Attack on the Steam-ship Cashmere [‎666v] (28/36)

The record is made up of 1 item (18 folios). It was created in 31 Jan 1873-1 Mar 1873. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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your proceedings in respect to the measures which have been adopted to compel
the Chief of Felaheea to give up the robbers who plundered the Cashmere,
Enclosure No. 7.
No. 60, dated Teheran, 18th September 1872.
From—Her Majesty^s Charge d’Affaires, Teheran,
To—-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
I have the honor to enclose copies of three telegrams which have lately
1 . September sth. P assed between Colonel Herbert and myself respecting the
2 . September 9th. pirates who attacked the Mail Steamer at Busrah
3. September 10 th. refuge in Persian territory at Felaheea. Nine were handed
over to the Turkish authorities last month, as reported in my despatch No 40
of the 17th of August, but two still remain in Felaheea protected by* the
Chief of that place. ^
The Persian Government has now ordered a special Mohessil to proceed to
Arabistan with instructions to Hamza Mirza, the Prince Governor A Prince of the Royal line who also acted as Governor of a large Iranian province during the Qājār period (1794-1925). of the
Province, for the immediate apprehension of the remaining culprits and the
restitution of the plundered property. r
Enclosure No. 8.
No. 44, dated Baghdad, 25th September 1872.
From—Political Agent in Turkish Arabia A term used by the British officials to describe the territory roughly corresponding to, but not coextensive with, modern-day Iraq under the control of the Ottoman Empire. ,
To—Secretary to the Government of India, Foreign Department, with the G.-G.
,, , J, N continuation of my letter No. 38, dated 26th ultimo, I regret to report
that the pirates who have found refuge at Felaheea, and their share of the
plunder, have not yet been given up by the Persian authorities.
Having received from Mr. Robertson late in the evening of the 4th instant
a e egram reporting that no answer had been received from Prince Anoushir-
t ^ a( ?^ n ^ een taken to carry out the orders of the Sadr Azem, that
f 1 . a er aaa no efficient force to act alone, and that the Prince was with-
fhp T^fwf-iv/r P ower ’ ^ the next morning communicated this intelligence to
fn p ^ 18 tt 1SS10 ^ ^t Teheran requesting the issue might be obtained of orders
to Prmce Hamza Mirza, Governor-General of Persian Arabistan.
My. p f° r an answer and in consequence of a further message from
VW P Gr i 8 ^! ^ e ?p r aptL e d to Teheran on the 9th September—“ Mine of fifth.
fpn nf • e e S ra phs Lufti gone to Prince Hamza Mirza at Khurmowab; that
desrmfph ? Ua ^ e ^aheea; fear Lufti may win over Prince. Please obtain
despatch of explicit orders to latter.”
for n \ 1 " ec . e ^ ve( l the following :— u Arrangements have been made
withthpnpp^ 0 les ®il being sent by the Persian Government to Khurmabad
and will i essai T. lns t^ uc tions for the Prince Governor A Prince of the Royal line who also acted as Governor of a large Iranian province during the Qājār period (1794-1925). . He will leave at once,
with thp 01 ^ eiS see ^ a ^ remaining pirates at Felaheea are secured
returning^to Teheran ^^ 01 ^ nia( ^ e over the Turkish authorities before
from his^visit ^ w . ever5 ^- r - Hobertson reported that Sheikh Lufti had returned
and that hp ^ . nnce tlamza Mirza, who had presented him with a belt,
and that he was taking no steps to surrender the robbers.
seems to be as ^? r J rarc ^ n g this information to Teheran, observing that it
that the Persian ari V^Pated (in mine of the ninth), and expressing a hope
Hie Persia authorities will not be allowed to trifle with BHtish interests.
graphic enquirv 1 J coase( l^ nce a note from Mr. Bobertson and after tele-
“Vice addressed the Teheran Mission as follows
impossible, that 8 Sh ate i^ C0lnn }°nly reported, tliough proof probably
^ i m his late visit to Khurmabad took 25,000 Kerans

About this item


This item consists of copies of a General Despatch from the Government of India Foreign Department to the Secretary of State for India, forwarding copies of papers regarding the attack on the steam-ship Cashmere , in continuation of Despatch No. 39 of 10 October 1872, and with reference to the letter from the Secretary in the Secret and Political Department, No. 117 of 11 October 1872, offering an opinion in regard to the propriety of asking the Turkish [Ottoman] Government to compensate the persons injured when the attack occurred.

Extent and format
1 item (18 folios)
Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence for this description (used for referencing) commences at f 657, and terminates at f 669a, as it is part of a larger physical volume; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. The sequence contains five foliation anomalies: f 657a, f 658a, f 663a, f 664a, and f 669a.

Written in
English in Latin script
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General No. 6 of 1873, Forwarding Copies of Papers Regarding the Attack on the Steam-ship Cashmere [‎666v] (28/36), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/6/106, ff 657-669a, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 4 October 2024]

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