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General No. 6 of 1873, Forwarding Copies of Papers Regarding the Attack on the Steam-ship Cashmere [‎666r] (27/36)

The record is made up of 1 item (18 folios). It was created in 31 Jan 1873-1 Mar 1873. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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foSudeavour t anS l"^ 0 ‘ ake 1 ^ “ d be ^”B 1
Majesty’s Mission as follows’ nsequently immediately addressed Her
« nr r • u t> Dated YSth August.
Prince Governor A Prince of the Royal line who also acted as Governor of a large Iranian province during the Qājār period (1794-1925). ^f Arahkmn° U Jtt fr ° m Sadr Azem strin gent orders to
runce governor ol Arabistan and Haji Jaber Khan to march aeamst Pelaheea
unless Lufti at once deliver to latter the robbers now under his^ction ” ’
in .^ thC1 ' nieSSageS P assed > and late on the 16th instant I received the follow-
Dated Teheran, YQth August 1872.
f fo i U r^i m T Sa ° e llaS tllis da * y been forwarded through me to Jaber
at Mohumrah by Sadr Azem :—
“Vous avez livre les neuf pirates il en reste encore d’aprbs les Anglais
(juatre autres, communiquez au prince Anouchirvan Mirza cet ordre formal et
qu’il prenne en consequence les mesures les plus efficaces pour forcer Cheiks
Lefty de icndie immediatement les pirates et surtout les Men voles qui se
trouveraient ckez lui que le prince ne neglige rien pour faire executer sans
retard cet ordre. ,,
(Sd.) Thomson.
This message I forwarded the next day to Mr. Eobertson, directing him to
proceed to Mohumrah and communicate personally with Haji Jaher with the
view to immediate steps being taken.
He did so without avoidable delay, and on the 20th reported his arrival the
previous evening at Eelaheea, Haji Jaber’s country residence, adding that the
latter had sent a messenger with a copy of the order from the Sadr Azem to the
Prince Governor A Prince of the Royal line who also acted as Governor of a large Iranian province during the Qājār period (1794-1925). , Anoushirwan Mirza, and expected an answer in five days;
and that he had also despatched a copy to Sheikh Lufti at Pelaheea.
Meantime Eiouf Pasha An Ottoman title used after the names of certain provincial governors, high-ranking officials and military commanders. has sent orders to the Governor of Busrah to send
two small steamers down the river, and to communicate with the Sheikh of
Koweit with the view to his co-operating in preventing the escape of the pirates
across the river or by the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. .
I have also been in telegraphic communication with Haji Jaher, and have
assured him that I will not fail to bring to the notice of Her Majesty’s Govern
ment any good services he may render.
Sheikh Lufti has, I learn from Mr. Eobertson, replied to Haji Jaber’s
demand that there are neither robbers nor plunder at Pelaheea, but he has gone
himself to wait upon the Prince Governor A Prince of the Royal line who also acted as Governor of a large Iranian province during the Qājār period (1794-1925). , who is near Howeyzeh, and hopes are
entertained that the latter will detain him as a hostage for the delivery of those
who are known to have taken refuge with him.
I am myself apprehensive that he may find means of persuading the Piince
Governor to take his part.
It appears that the arrest at Sook-es-Sheeookh of the memher of the hand
of Jassim-el-Khalaf, whose name is Mahomed-el-Haij, has led to that at Bus
rah of another man in whose possession has been found a small portion of the
P^Kasir Pasha An Ottoman title used after the names of certain provincial governors, high-ranking officials and military commanders. is reported to be in search of Jassim-el-Khalaf and his band.
Seventeen of the men now in prison at Busrah are reported to have con
fessed themselves guilty of participation m the piracy.
nclosure No. 6.
No. 2433G., dated Fort William, 6th December 1872.
From— Officiating Under-Secretary to the Government of India, Foreign Dept.,
T 0 —Political Agent, Turkish Arabia A term used by the British officials to describe the territory roughly corresponding to, but not coextensive with, modern-day Iraq under the control of the Ottoman Empire. .
With reference to your letter No. 38, dated 26th August 1872 I amdirect-
1 toTtate that His Excellency the Viceroy and Governor-Geneial appiov

About this item


This item consists of copies of a General Despatch from the Government of India Foreign Department to the Secretary of State for India, forwarding copies of papers regarding the attack on the steam-ship Cashmere , in continuation of Despatch No. 39 of 10 October 1872, and with reference to the letter from the Secretary in the Secret and Political Department, No. 117 of 11 October 1872, offering an opinion in regard to the propriety of asking the Turkish [Ottoman] Government to compensate the persons injured when the attack occurred.

Extent and format
1 item (18 folios)
Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence for this description (used for referencing) commences at f 657, and terminates at f 669a, as it is part of a larger physical volume; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. The sequence contains five foliation anomalies: f 657a, f 658a, f 663a, f 664a, and f 669a.

Written in
English in Latin script
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General No. 6 of 1873, Forwarding Copies of Papers Regarding the Attack on the Steam-ship Cashmere [‎666r] (27/36), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/6/106, ff 657-669a, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 4 October 2024]

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