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Rebellion of Mohammad Yaqub Khan [‎229v] (148/174)

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The record is made up of 1 item (87 folios). It was created in 4 Jun 1871-14 Nov 1871. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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ttslum’s counsel to his brother.
[ 1871.
Shaligassee Ataoolla, and had come back with Fukeer Mahommed, one of
Yacoob’s Generals, bearing YacooVs agreement to go himself to Cabul via
Huzara, leaving his brother Ayoob in command at Herat, and to withdraw
his troops from Oorskun. He begged that they on their part would with
draw to Furrah, and this they said, convinced of his sincerity partly by
the above-mentioned assurances, partly by the fact that he had already sent
off Surwur with a guard to Cabul, they were about to do. The Ameer said
nothing should have induced them to retire from Subzwar, and was so wrath
that he went on expressing his displeasure in durbar A public or private audience held by a high-ranking British colonial representative (e.g. Viceroy, Governor-General, or member of the British royal family). “ from 4 P. M. to 11 p. m.”
Next day his anger was appeased by the receipt of a letter, in which TJslum and
Feramoz said that they had sent trusty men to find out what Tacoob’s real designs
were, and that till they were assured as to the character of those designs, they
purposed withdrawing their force no further than Killa Dookhtur, where they then
689. Uslum at the same time wrote the following characteristic letter to his
brother Hoossein:
Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Mahomed Yacoob Khan is undoubtedly coming to Cabul; do not disbelive this
T ,, ,, -r, . x . , . , i x n I t 10^1 news. If Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Mahomed Yacoob Khan leaves
Letter from-British. Agent, dated 17tn June lovl. tt v , i > ,
Herat, the people will be inclined to us, and no
person will venture to oppose us. Should the Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. return to his followers before reaching
Cabul, he will not be trusted again. Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Mahomed Alum Khan has lately returned from
Shahgassee Ataoollah Khan with a request that we should re-assure him (the Shahgassee)
and negotiate friendship. In short, disturbances in Herat have been settled, and we have been
saved further anxiety. This has been done, Istly, by the help of God, and Zndly, by my
detaining the Commander-in-Chief at Subzwar. He did not foresee the aspects which things
have now assumed, and said that he should be permitted to wage war, otherwise lie would go
to Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Mahomed Yacoob Khan. A letter has been sent to you yesterday by me by the hand
of Meer Abdool Huq and Mahomed Yar, messengers, together with some communications
from Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Mahomed Yacoob Khan, and from its perusal you will find whether my proceed
ings were beneficial or injurious. Had I acted in conformity with the indiscrirninating views
of the Commander-in-Chief, instead of the success which has now been achieved, all mat
ters would have been disturbed. There is no doubt that Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Mahomed Yacoob Khan
will proceed to Cabul, and as our matters have been so easily adjusted, we have con
sidered it desirable,' for the satisfaction of the Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. , to start from Subzwar to Fur
rah. Supposing th^it the Ameer might object to this action being undertaken without
his permission, we have sent a letter to him; and had 1 been in Cabul, I should
have given him my reasons for so doing; but still you should represent to His Highness
(1) that in consequence of our being his well-wishers, we would not take any unwise step, and
(£) should his Highness still not like to give any authority to Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Mahomed Yacoob Khan
and desires to take Herat, notwithstanding that the Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. may wait on him, it will be incum
bent on us to take it. This might now be done with great facility, and without fighting,
although it could not have been taken before, without an expedition and reinforcements from
Cabul and Candahar; and any person who may be appointed Governor of Herat at present,
will be taken by us to that place. I now advert to my private matters, Ever since you and
myself have entered the service of the Government, many people have become openly and
secretly our enemies, while those who do not seek the interests of the Government or render
service to their ruler, or show perseverance in the Mahomedan faith, have no opponents, and
no person objects to their actions. Nothing, except the justice of the ruler and the patronage
of God, has been left for ns. As Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Mahomed Yacoob Khan is going to wait on his
father, I fear lest ill-disposed persons should falsely put some blame on us for past occurrences.
You should, therefore, remain zealously vigilant, and see that nothing is told against us, either
privately or publicly, by the Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. . You should also tell, both on your own side and on my
part, to the residents of the AmeeFs harem that whatever the Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. has hitherto done, and
whatever he will do in future, has been, and will be, attributable to his own discretion ; also,
that when the Ameer having gone to Herat the Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. took flight from that place, who had
influenced him, as we were at Peshawur at that time. You should be careful not to o>ive an
expression of the above account, either to the Moostowfee or to any other person, nor to dis
close it through your simplicity, before anything important occurs, in order that the ill-
disposed persons may not find an opportunity to throw doubt on you, and say —“ what
is the reason that you have commenced to feel uneasy before the arrival of Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Mahomed
Yacoob Khan ?” Although you are also yourself sensible, still I warn you not to show any
signs of displeasure or grievance by your conversation, features, &c. You should communicate
the above representation to the Ameer's harem in any way you can do it, and alwavs remain
very vigilant. If the matters are adjusted, the Ameer will certainly make over the manage
ment or Herat to Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Mahomed Yacoob Khan, and the governments of other Provinces

About this item


Letter and Enclosures to HM Secretary of State for India, dated 17 October 1871, concerning the Rebellion of Mahomed Yacoob Khan [Mohammad Yaqub Khan] in Afghanistan.

The papers cover: telegram from Charles Alison, HBM's Minister at Teheran [Tehran], concerning Persian policy in Afghanistan (folio 157); 'Narrative of Recent Events in Afghanistan, from the Recovery of Candahar to the Conclusion of the Rebellion of Yacoob Khan', by Henry LePoer Wynne, Under-Secretary to the Government of India, 28 August 1871, including references to the policy of the Persian Government on Yaqub Khan's presence in Persian territory (folios 222-225); and translated intelligence reports from the Agent at Meshed, June 1871.

The Enclosures are dated 9 June to 28 August 1871.

Extent and format
1 item (87 folios)
Written in
English in Latin script
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Rebellion of Mohammad Yaqub Khan [‎229v] (148/174), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/5/268, ff 156-242, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 28 October 2024]

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