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Rebellion of Mohammad Yaqub Khan [‎229r] (147/174)

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The record is made up of 1 item (87 folios). It was created in 4 Jun 1871-14 Nov 1871. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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Gabul himsdf and would post Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Mahomed Ayoob Khan with some adherents at Herat-
and that the Gommandei-in-Chief was at liberty either to remain in <3 ,
receipt of the Ameer’s instructions, or to come and attack Herat at once.” U ^ 116
Surwur Khan, Azim s son, had joined Yacoob in a most distressed condition.
687. A day after Yacoob’s letter reached the Ameer, he received the follow
ing letter dated 6th June 1871, from the
Viceroy, written on receipt of the news
nf Von™ Vo* *- .
S. I. 1871, No. 783 (see enclosure No. 20 of Secret
letter to Secretary of State, No. 29, dated 1871),
of Yacoob’s* expressions of penitence:
“ My honored and valued emend, —I have received through the Commissioner of
reshawur information that Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Mahomed Yacoob Khan has again written on 9th May en
treating your Highness’s forgiveness. J
“ My Friend, You are aware from my former letters of 24tk September and 16th Novem
ber last, how strong is the desire of my heart that you should be reconciled to your son, and
that those unhappy differences which distract your kingdom and cause anxiety to your friends
should terminate.
“ -1 am n °f hilly aware of the causes of these differences between yourself and Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division.
Mahomed Yacoob Khan. I offer no defence of his late conduct; but, remembering his services
to the State in past times, the courage and fidelity that he then displayed, his near relation
ship to your Highness, and, further, knowing what grief these troubles must occasion to your
self, what loss to your revenue has occurred, and above all what distress and suffering have
fallen upon your subjects, it is my duty, as your true friend, to urge you to a recon
“ If fortune has for the moment turned somewhat against you, and friends in whom you
trusted have wavered, or have deserted you, accepting the will of Providence, you should make
such concessions as your honor will allow, and, acting with prudence according to the circum
stances of the time, endeavour speedily to secure safety for your rule, and peace for Afghanistan.
“ Further, my friend, the British Government have endeavoured by many means and in
various ways to procure for you and your rule such securities as the nature of the case admitted.
“ These friendly efforts, which have never been relaxed, will possibly be frustrated by the
unhappy state of internal strife which has arisen.
“ The enemies of your State are many. They already evince a disposition to take ad
vantage of the present state of things to work evil against you. Our desire to support you is
as a strong as ever, but our power to do so is weakened by your quarrel with your son.
“ It is, therefore, with no other object but the warmest desire for your welfare, and as a
token of true friendship, that I make this request. Accept then this my advice: disregard
the recommendations of interested counsellors, be reconciled to your son, and thus restore peace
to your country.”
This letter turned the scale. On reading it the Ameer observed—
“ No person on the surface of the earth desires to be at enmity with his son, but all people
Letter from British Agent, dated 17th June 1871. of t heir life. Although I have previously on
many occasions given written and verbal instructions to the Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. at the instance of the
British Government, and in consideration to the law of God, the only results of these exhorta
tions have been the murder of Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Futteh Mahomed Khan and his son, and the misfortune
of Herat, still I am going to write a reassuring letter to him ( Sirdar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Mahomed Yacoob Khan),
in accordance with the instructions of His Excellency the Viceroy and Governor General of
India. Should he, desisting from his misconduct, wait on me, I shall undoubtedly pardon all
his faults.”
The letter was as follows :
“ The letter which you had sent me, by hand of your agent, Shere Mahomed, had reached
me. I have given you verbal and written instruc-
Letter from British Agent, dated 17th June 18 1. ^{ ons an ^ exhortations repeatedly for a long time,
but, through negligence and wrong judgment, you have not given ear to them, until disaffec
tion has spread to the present extent. Should you have now m a measure regained your senses,
and should the Almighty God have become your guide in the way of rectitude, you should
without feeling anxiety wait on me in all confidence.
688. The Ameer’s wrath was presently much stirred by the receipt of letters
from TJslum and Feramoz, dated 4th June, and saying that on receipt of Yacoob’s
message they had sent Mahommed Alum to Oorskun; that he had there met

About this item


Letter and Enclosures to HM Secretary of State for India, dated 17 October 1871, concerning the Rebellion of Mahomed Yacoob Khan [Mohammad Yaqub Khan] in Afghanistan.

The papers cover: telegram from Charles Alison, HBM's Minister at Teheran [Tehran], concerning Persian policy in Afghanistan (folio 157); 'Narrative of Recent Events in Afghanistan, from the Recovery of Candahar to the Conclusion of the Rebellion of Yacoob Khan', by Henry LePoer Wynne, Under-Secretary to the Government of India, 28 August 1871, including references to the policy of the Persian Government on Yaqub Khan's presence in Persian territory (folios 222-225); and translated intelligence reports from the Agent at Meshed, June 1871.

The Enclosures are dated 9 June to 28 August 1871.

Extent and format
1 item (87 folios)
Written in
English in Latin script
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Rebellion of Mohammad Yaqub Khan [‎229r] (147/174), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/5/268, ff 156-242, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 28 October 2024]

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