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'A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English; with a Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of Eastern Nations' [‎837v] (1679/1826)

The record is made up of 1 volume (908 folios). It was created in 1829. It was written in English, Arabic and Persian. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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to figlit. Forcing or exciting (one to do any thing). Repelling,
removing, diverting from (any thing),
p ^3 nazu* A mound, an enclosure.
A \j) naza, Prone (to evil).
a s\jj naza-a or nizu-a, (from ), Leaping, mounting (as the
male on the female). Niza-a (from •j>) i Making an attack or
attempt. A disease incident to sheep, and which causes them to
leap and blissom until they die.
a nuziib (from <—-^')j Calling to the female, rattling (as
a goat at rutting-time).
p tLj nizaf) Thin, slender, subtile. Lean, flesh without fat.
j!/ kilk-i nizar, A slender reed or pen.
a Nizar, Name of the father of an Arabian tribe. Niza-
rites descended from him.
A nazarat (from jjj), Being small, mean, vile.
AjUj nazciz) Addicted (to evil).
a nuzuzat, A libidinous stallion.
a m£«^(from ^/i), Hastening (homeward or to any ac
customed place). Retiring, desisting (from any thing), (in of
^Ji), Disputing, contending, litigating. A dispute, contention,
altercation, controversy, litigation, law’-suit.
kati-i niza^ liar dan, To decide a law-suit or other controversy.
a Nazza^ (fem.ilc^p nazzuutt) Attractive. Nuzza^ (pi. of cjli
nazi^) Foreigners.
a naza^at (from £jj), Hastening (homeward or to any
accustomed place). Retiring, desisting (from any thing). A
dispute, a controversy, a law-suit.
a cjy nuzzugh) A malevolent slanderer.
A ij]/ nizak, (in of JfJi), Reproaching, railing at, reviling
one another. Approaching. Very swift (she-camel).
a nazzakj A defamer, a slanderer, a calumniator.
a nazakal, (a word coined from p CjVd nuzulc). Ele
gance, softness, tenderness, politeness, p bt nazakat,
Inelegant, ill-bred; ill-dressed.
A nizal, (in of Jy), Alighting from horseback, descend
ing into the arena to fight (with another). A combat, a fight.
I^izali, Come down into the arena to fight. Nuzzul^ (pi. of
cJjk nuzil) 'l hose who descend or dismount. Valiant heroes.
a iL!jj nazalut (from ^jy), (Ground) being overflowed by a
slight rain (from the hardness of the soil). Nizalat, A journey.
Nuzalat, Sperma genitale quod emittitur.
a nizuh, (pi. of xj\j nuzih)^ Pure, chaste, temperate.
nazahat (or nazahtyut)^ (from ^3), Lying at a
distance from water, being remote from the sea, and free from
miasmata (land). Being removed from all evil. Being cheerful
and pleasant (a country). Pleasantness (of a place). Solace,
recreation. Spotlessness, purity of life.
A (pi. ofiU-^i nazl^fil) (Women) married into
a foreign family. (Horses or camels) brought from another
country and pining to return, having the maladie de pais.
AL-^i nazb (from <-r^3), Bleating (as deer, especially the
stag or buck). Nazab, A surname, a nickname.
a sjj nazzat (fern. ofj3 nazz), Swift, brisk (she-camel). JV7>
zat. Desire, lust.
p — Nuzj, Name of a city called Armaniyah.
A nazh (from ^y3), Exhausting nearly (a well) of water.
Nazah) A well emptied of the greatest part of the water. Mud
dy water. Nuzuh, (pi. of £»J3 nazuh) Wellshaving little water.
nazkhqffj The incubus or night-mare,
p Jji Hflzr/, Near, about, with. Aside, nazd-i man^
My side, at my side, near or with me. ^ uz nazd-i man,
From near me, at my side, with me, in my possession. <—>!
nazd-i db umadun, To draw near to water.
p nazdik, Near, neighbouring, hard by, close to. Vi
cinity. uioJj3 nazdikdmadan, To come near, to approach,
to advance towards. nazdlk uzaardun, To bring
near, to apply, to put together, to lead towards, to bring or pre
sent before. clx>Jj3 nazdlk rastdan, To arrive, to reach.
nazdik raft an, To go near. CSjdj) nazdik
shudan, To approach. To be near. clXoji nuzcfik kar-
dan, To lead towards, to cause to approach.
nazdtk-i tap, The fit of an ague or fever. jJ dar naz
dlk, Near, in the neighbourhood.
p naz( fikl, Nearness, neighbourhood, approach.
\jj nazr (from jf), Being importunate, impertinently ur
gent. Little, small, moderate, low-priced, cheap. A swelling
in a camel’s udder. (SeeC^bc^l ihtis(ls,j\js^\ ihtikdr,
istijjdl, istikliil, and amr). Nazran, Late, slowly.
A azar (from jj ), Being little, small; cheap, low-priced ; mean,
vile. Nuzur, A phantom, a ghost, a spectre.
a £^3 wa«^(from ^3), Removing, carrying off, pulling up,
tearing out. Taking (the hand) out of the bosom. Drawing
up (a bucket). Drawing water. Resembling (a father). Be
ing in the agonies of death. The agonies of death. ^ j
naz t -irdh, The last breath. (from ^Jj), Being bald
round the temples. Baldness. Nuzza^, (A ewe) wanting the mule.
a U^3 (fem. of ^Jj\ anzaf) Bald about the temples.
huzUffi, (pi. of £jj3 nazl^) Foreigners.
a Hcjj naz t at or naza t at, A bald place. A kind of herb. Na-
za i^t, A path through mountains. A convenient place for any
thing,especially for an arrow, (pi. qf^jl3 Archersdraw-
ing their bows. I hose who can redress themselves at law.
a ncugh (from ^3), Sowing dissensions (amongst people).
Reproaching, stabbing (with bitter words) ; slandering, reviling
(the absent) ; suggesting any thing bad.
p .XzJ) na^ghadah or nuzaghaduh, A pain in the joints which

About this item


The volume is A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English; with a Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of Eastern Nations , by John Richardson, of the Middle Temple and Wadham College, Oxford. Revised and improved by Charles Wilkins. This new edition has been enlarged by Francis Johnson. The volume was printed by J. L. Cox, London, 1829.

The volume begins with a preface (folios 7-8), followed by the dissertation (folios 9-40), proofs and illustrations (folios 41-49), and an advertisement on pronunciation and verb forms (folios 50-51). The dictionary is Arabic and Persian to English, arranged alphabetically according to the Arabic and Persian alphabets. At the back of the volume are corrections and additions (folio 908).

Extent and format
1 volume (908 folios)

The dictionary is arranged alphabetically, according to the Arabic and Persian alphabets.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence for this description commences at the inside front cover with 1, and terminates at the inside back cover with 910; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.

Pagination: the volume also contains an original printed pagination sequence.

Written in
English, Arabic and Persian in Latin and Arabic script
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'A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English; with a Dissertation on the Languages, Literature, and Manners of Eastern Nations' [‎837v] (1679/1826), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/5/397, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 7 March 2025]

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