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'Muscat Dhows Arbitration. In the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague. Grant of the French Flag to Muscat Dhows. The case on behalf of the Government of His Britannic Majesty.' [‎76r] (164/208)

The record is made up of 1 volume (102 folios). It was created in 1904?-1905?. It was written in English and French. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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(No. 2.)
Extract from the "Journal Officiel" of March 7, 1899.
LE Gouvernement de la Republique se trouvait done en presence d'nne double question: une
question de fond, une question de forme.
Au fond, quel grief pouvait-on invoquer centre nous ? Par le Traite de 1862, la France et
I'Angleterre out pris I'engagement reciproque de respecter I'mdependance de I'lmam de Mascate.
A cette independance, pas plus aujourd'hui que dans le passe, la France n'a aucune envie de
porter la moindre atteinte. Kile I'a toujours dit; elle ne fait aucune difficult^ a le redire; et, pas
plus sans doute que I'Angleterre, elle ne vise, par des moyens d6tournes, par des pactes separes,
a se cr^er a Mascate une situation privilegiee et a afiaiblir a son profit la portee de la Convention
de 1862.
Serait-ce que la Concession d'un depot de charbon puisse justifier la moindre alarme ? Mais,
depuis longtemps deja FAngleterre possede a Mascate un depot de charbon ; et comment ce que
I'Angleterre a pu faire sans dommage pour la Convention de 1862, le seul projet de le faire a son
tour pourrait-il constituer, de la part de la France, un manquement, une infraction a la memo
Sur ce point, la discussion ne pouvait etre longue; aussi le Gouvernement de da Heine,
renseigne sur les faits, sur nos intentions, n'a pas tarde a reconnaitre que, les droits de la France
et de TAngleterre a Mascate etant identiques, comme identiques leurs obligations, la France pent
tres legitimement y avoir a son tour un depot de charbon, exactement dans les conditions
ou rAngleterre y a installe le sien.
(No. 3.)
The Marquess of Salisbury to Sir K Monsoru
Foreign Office, March 21, 1900.
THE French Ambassador spoke to me to-day again with respect to the coaling-station which
the French Government were anxious to acquire in the neighbourhood of Muscat.
I replied that I had been in communication with the Indian Government on the subject, and
that I was now prepared to make to him the following proposal:—
The ground available at present for coal stores in Makalla Cove should be^ divided as far as
possible evenly between England and France, and two coal stores as nearly similar as possible
established, one for the use of English vessels and the other for the use of French vessels.
His Excellency said he doubted if this arrangement would be acceptable to his Government,
but he undertook to lay it before them.
I am, &c.
(No. 4.)
Memorandum communicated to French Embassy, May 11, 1900.
THE ground available in Makalla Cove admits of division into two parcels by means of a
wall built from the sea to the high giound at the back- On one side of the wall would be the
large shed No. 1 and a smaller one on the north side of it No. 2 ; on the other side of the wall
would be shed No. 3 with any land that may lie to the south of the wall, and which can be more
precisely defined when the division is made.
Her Majesty's Government offer to the French Government their choice between the two
sites, and the dividing wall will be erected by Her Majesty's Government on receipt of an
intimation that the solution is accepted by the French Government.
If the Ffench Government chooses the northern site with sheds Nos. 1 and 2, time should be
allowed for the removal of the coal belonging to Her Majesty's Government in those sheds to the
other site, and for the construction of the necessary shed. The French Government would
probably in that case wish to pay for the sheds Nos. 1 and 2 at a fair valuation.
Should the French Government be disposed to accept the southern site with its shed No. 3,
Her Majesty's Government would propose to give that shed without making any claim lor
(No. 5.)
Pro-memorid comummicated by French Embassy, May 12, 1900.
L'AMBASSADEUR de France s'empresse d'accuser reception au Secretaire d'etat pour les
Affaires Jtrang^res du pro-memorid relatif a la question de I'etablissement d'un depot de charbon a
Mascate, que sa Seigneurie lui a fait parvenir, et qui constitue I'offre par le Gouvernement de la

About this item


This file consists of a number of printed reports relating to the arbitration over the granting of French flags to Muscat dhows:

  • A printed report in 1904 by the Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, relating to the arbitration on the issue of French flags to Omani dhows. An agreement between Britain and France in 1862 committed both governments to respect the independence of the Sultan of Muscat.
  • Reply on behalf of the Government of His Britannic Majesty to the Supplementary Conclusions, presented on behalf of the Government of the French Republic and admitted by the tribunal on July 25, 1905.
  • The verdict (in French) of the arbitration tribunal.
  • Treaty Series (No. 3, 1905) - Agreements between the United Kingdom and France referring to arbitration the question of the grant of the French flag to Muscat Dhows.
  • The section on the geography of Oman (ff 58-59A) discusses the French claim with reference to Kiepert's map of 1850. Includes a sketch map of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. and Arabian Coast (folio 91A).
Extent and format
1 volume (102 folios)
Physical characteristics

Description: The foliation sequence commences at the title page and terminates at the last folio; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. Foliation errors: 1, and 1A; 50, and 50A; 59, and 59A; 84, and 84A-C; 88, and 88A; 91, and 91A. Pagination: A number of original typed pagination sequences are also located in the file.

Written in
English and French in Latin script
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'Muscat Dhows Arbitration. In the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague. Grant of the French Flag to Muscat Dhows. The case on behalf of the Government of His Britannic Majesty.' [‎76r] (164/208), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/1/406, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 23 March 2025]

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