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'Muscat Dhows Arbitration. In the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague. Grant of the French Flag to Muscat Dhows. The case on behalf of the Government of His Britannic Majesty.' [‎67r] (146/208)

The record is made up of 1 volume (102 folios). It was created in 1904?-1905?. It was written in English and French. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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(No. 1.)
M. Camhon to the Marquess of L/ansdowne.—{Reeeived February G.)
Amhassade de France, Londres,
le 6 Fdvrier, 1905.
M. 1c Marquis,
EN prenant connaissance du Memoire Britanuique relatif anx boutriers Mascatais, que, pour
se couformer aux stipulations du Compromis d'Arbitrage, votre Sei^ueurie a bien voulu faire
sens figure a la fin de la preface. Une pareille redaction aboutirait a faire
Jjritannique I'avocat et le tuteur legal du Sultan independant de Mascate : mor
frnnirAvni f 1 'i t~v~\ tyrxatui Vvi ^ ^ s-1 r\4- 1-1 /-v -A- ^ 11 A i ^ * x c*i ii t ■*
du Gouvernement
mon Gouvernement se
m-to, et il ne pent prendre aucune part, directe ou indirecte, aux debats institues devant le
Iribuna 1 dej.a IIaye, devant lequel sont seules Parties la France et la Grande-Bretagne, en vertu
de 1 Acte metne qui a coustitue ce Tribunal.
Je sins charge par mon Gouvernement de vous presenter une observation a ce sujet et de
declarer a votre Seigneune que nous ne saurions accepter I'introduction du Sultan de Mascate
dans la discussion qui doit se poursuivre devant le Tribunal Arbitral de La Haye.
Veuillez, &c.
(No. 2.)
The Marquess of Lansdowne to M. Camhon,
Your Excelienoy, , , 15. 1905.
i • + f ;r a T\ 0n ?- nr acknowledge the receipt ol your note of the 6th ultimo on the
dhows Arbitration now pending before The Hague Tribunal in regard to the Muscat
Your Excellency states that the French Government have observed with some surprise that
5 e T? ll ?f • ^ Stated t0 be P re8ented in name of the Sultan of Muscat as well as in that
ot iiis Majesty s Government; and you add that the French Government are unable to aeree to
the introduction of the name of His Highness as one of the parties to the discussion which is
about to take place before the Tribunal.
I would ask your Excellency to point out to the French Government that the terms of the
Compromis signed on the 13th October last distinctly indicate that the Sultan of Muscat is the
party primarily interested in the solution of the questions at issue.
• + H . 1S H^ness would therefore clearly appear to have a moral right to be heard on the sub-
^\ 0 - Wn ? aS0 to the Tribunal 01, intrusting his interests to the care
ot one of the Parties to the Arbitration.
A ( f + ove [ nme 1 nt be prepared to maintain and to prove by documentary
evidence that the Sultan has elected to commit his cause to their care, of his own free will, and
not, as is implied m the Case presented by the French Government, in consequence of any pressure
put upon him by the British authorities. H j
It was for these reasons that His Majesty's Government considered that the Case which thev
have put forward should be presented in the name of the Sultan as well as in their own 7
mip A • W T r ' r ^ ard J it Al as essential that the name of His Highness should appear as
one of the plaintiffs m the suit, and they will, in deference to the views of the French Govern
ment, omit it m the further documents to be presented to the Court at The Hague
reply to th^TrVb"^?^ 1 ' 111116111 pr0pOSe to forward C0 P ies ^ 7™* Excellency's note and of this
I have, &c,
(No. 3.)
M. Camhon to the Marquess of Lansdowne.—{Received March 30.)
^ , i . . Amhassade de France, Londres, le 27 Mars, 1905
o • • ^vernement, auquel j avais eu soin de donner connaissance de la note de votre
Sei^umen date du 13 de ce moi 3 , me charge de faire S a TO ir a votre SeigneurieqVne pe u t

About this item


This file consists of a number of printed reports relating to the arbitration over the granting of French flags to Muscat dhows:

  • A printed report in 1904 by the Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, relating to the arbitration on the issue of French flags to Omani dhows. An agreement between Britain and France in 1862 committed both governments to respect the independence of the Sultan of Muscat.
  • Reply on behalf of the Government of His Britannic Majesty to the Supplementary Conclusions, presented on behalf of the Government of the French Republic and admitted by the tribunal on July 25, 1905.
  • The verdict (in French) of the arbitration tribunal.
  • Treaty Series (No. 3, 1905) - Agreements between the United Kingdom and France referring to arbitration the question of the grant of the French flag to Muscat Dhows.
  • The section on the geography of Oman (ff 58-59A) discusses the French claim with reference to Kiepert's map of 1850. Includes a sketch map of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. and Arabian Coast (folio 91A).
Extent and format
1 volume (102 folios)
Physical characteristics

Description: The foliation sequence commences at the title page and terminates at the last folio; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. Foliation errors: 1, and 1A; 50, and 50A; 59, and 59A; 84, and 84A-C; 88, and 88A; 91, and 91A. Pagination: A number of original typed pagination sequences are also located in the file.

Written in
English and French in Latin script
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'Muscat Dhows Arbitration. In the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague. Grant of the French Flag to Muscat Dhows. The case on behalf of the Government of His Britannic Majesty.' [‎67r] (146/208), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/1/406, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 22 March 2025]

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