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'Summary of the Hejaz Revolt' [‎85v] (22/30)

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The record is made up of 15 folios. It was created in 31 Aug 1918. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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The 'OovArment, however, were averse to the dispatch of troops to Koweit to enforce the Mockadc. 0-4
on Sir Percy Cox's arrival in Eng-land in the middh' of April the questioxi wail diseussed with him.
In May the Secn'tary of State informed the Viceroy that the War Office, after consultation with Sir*?
Tox. rerommended that exports from India to KoWeit should be stopped e-itcept- under special permit On
the 3rd tfrfne Baghdad telegraphed thar exports from India U) other (riilf Ports should also be limited, other
wise ihf traffic to Koweit would dimply )je diverted to Bahrain or elsewhere.
On 111.- -4tli June Baghdad telegraphed ihat on the 3rd Mav the fcjheikh had written to the po}i&*l
agedtat Kowcit asking the'tSov^rnnleUt to overhtok the past and promising his heart v <o-0)»eration in lfl»e
future. He agreed to lie prrsonalh responsive for cvcrytlnno- that happt nod in his country, undertook to
eject Hll enemies of t>ie ("; overniii.-nt, and to prevent goods reaching- the enemy, and asked forth.' blockade
officer to remain. The Sheikh was informed that his offer was receiving the friendly consideration of the
Government, ami local tension was thus temporarily relaxed,
On Ihf L>4(h .Tun.'the political n.uvnt at Koweit tele^raplied that otvupation was the only real solution
of the Koweit question, but if it was not feasible the Sheikhs offer of the 3rd Mav must, he accepted at once
Discontent was rife in the" town, rich merchant s were seriously considering leaving, and th'e poor wen-
fcoiu^laming hitierly of the hich prices. <'oiisequontly, oh the 5th -Tulv a mes^ace from His Maj^ty 'a
< over nment was delivered to the Sheikh to the effect that the Government had deeply resetted the
events ol the'last two years, but they welcomed his ofler of the 3rd Mav. If lie would" show the same
tnendly spirit towards the Oovernment as his predecessor had shown, the same protect ion and assistance
wo«dd be given hnn, and he, hims-lf. and his heirs would" be recouni/ed as the rightt"! owners of
Koweit and its territories On the other hand, he would be held personally responsible for am hostile
act committed by one of h,s subject*, and his prosper^ depended on the preservation of true friefidslnt.
with the (rovernment. I he blockade would not lie renewed provided the Sheikh took the necestsarv
measures o prevent .nppbes from reaching the enemy, but for the future no goods would be allowed
TV r,T? a ! 'W Koweit by dhow A term adopted by British officials to refer to local sailing vessels in the western Indian Ocean. or by steamer without the production of a permit .signed by the
' 1 " a - A ^ e . nt , at . Koweit, or his duly autliorlsed representative, and the former would also errant permits
fot goods which might be necessary for lawful trade with the subjects of Ibn Sand.
attiJe";'!^ •V- (;nt - a f " u ' l,a - vs ar,or th « delivery of the message, the Sheikh's
V ' " ■ t " r ' fir " ,iM "' , " s deisited tu take some r,-,l
rhe SMkh't pieattb^j low ih connection with the
S . m. I 5 recomaended a gilt to rl... Sheikh of 3 lakhs One lakh is equal to one hundred thousand rupees to conjpehsate him for the
loin f-omrait^ 1 i T ?? of appreciation. It was proposed to drop the question of the remission of the
Slu, ^ T r : thw gift «„„M only n.tewmat.. the Sheikh, bail
' T m T" '•»»'»"» the v.. of military occupation.
18th July wM^frwl "■ olu Mr - ftiilby, dated from the Sand's camp on the
■ ■ " J t > the i-lfoct that a mixed rang .if about 1(H) A jnian and Aslam ghamniar had
resentment in Nei'd TJi» PMifPTV""T Y'lT" 1 ' '.' 1 < ' on i nnct io n vv 'th other events, was causing widespread
.nST stomal ' such raiHi. ft . /T* , Co " sideied *>** strong ..-tiou by ourselvoe wa s ihe .,niv
JtSSdS SramlS tlia h^ a ^ of a mobile cohm.i, and tr-ops », Koweii.
forthwith. The General Offirer i 1 " l " " an a s iuadrou of cavalry should be dispatched to Kowefr,
suuges t i^ prov i (led 1 was 'not called u\Ztfpro\ ide'thirtroops ^ ^ f* ^
two questions "at issue^^nff'^h^Sh^th ( ^ riuin, ' r i!1 hand » and reported that there were
territory. As r^IXtll fi ^ of ^weit-the Blockade and Ajman raids through Koweit
and since His Majesty's GovemtnenVs i" rVT i ' tlie August was based on a misunderstanding,
had been workinjr satisfactorily The" TtT*' " ♦ v ^'kh of the 5th July, the blockade arrangements
Mesopotamia, on the 21st August, \vere !— P ' froaB ^Weitv according to the* V.P.O.,
/J v t . 0 i N ' e -\ d ' t "I 1 «gned by the blockade offia
J To &"fTtebCKriC 0f ^ r, ' 0m """Political oflieeTr.
mbdiiiuiii reqiiiremeiite. o* 6 "'"ouched for by the British agent strictly
officer, on voucher and demand by Ibu Sand's asfent.
on the basis of
friendly communication to th<;^Sheikh of the ^' ( ] > " lca ^ ' n f ace Majesty's Government's
since that date, it was decided to adopt the foil .wing' uu i " Ca8e 0 ex P or t or raiding having occurred
Occupation of the Safwan wells bv a RHtish q
Koweit), and other Koweit watering holes in v ^ 'f I 0011 1 ' fi C( ? 1 P a ^ on Jabarah (20 miles west of
'>u:upaiiou of the Hafar wells on the Koweit boimtl i" v n ^ Koweit's levies. Thirdly, the
As regards the Ajman raids Tho -T b f oundar y ^ Ibn Saud.
leading Shaikh of each of the Ajman six sertimTL^ 'I 7 ? Ir ' 1 ' hilb ' V occ "rred before the, Sth July. The
receiving further support they wonhl bo iMuimf . " f r<>r •»d informed thai a-- a condition of
nmvmgacros. the Anglo-Kowei, boumlarTaud to ^""'o fresl ' "ritten undertakings to r .-fiam from
under, ««l to g„e approved hostages for due observance of the
Iri»nfrf c 0f 1 Shainmar j' our sphere, their superior Sheikhs would
SStoTv ZS tr K '? ,efrain '•"=•• SstoiTiTLT . OWt ' it limitS ' '"-y »oald be r.-qniiod ,«
,/riin II ,he l " ad 01 the Ttu. n lo Zoi,..^ n T 0 ' 1 18 11,6 »e»tor n boundary of Koweit
subsidized chu f • f y s, ' c tion of the above two tribes rh 'f ea w ould also be required as in the case
treated as h^wT* ? ^ "**■ her ^. r with us 'directly o, through
H Wa, S^ b t n h ,^; J ^o..r a elv, s . 8 ' ^ denied and the section would be
conditions should ^ i^sed VltalCo^XI^ to ^

About this item


This printed memorandum is a report prepared by the General Staff, War Office, dated 31 Aug 1918. It is a summary of the Hejaz [al-Ḥijāz] Revolt (commonly referred to as the Arabic Revolt) in the context of the First World War, covering the period June 1916 to December 1918. The memorandum is marked 'Secret' and 'This Document is the Property of H.B.M. Government' (folio 75).

The summary contains an index (folio 76) with the following chronological sections: 'Narrative of events from June 1916 to December 1916'; ''Narrative of events from January 1917 to November 1917'; 'Narrative of events of December 1917 and summary of the situation at the end of 1917'; 'Narrative of events during January and February 1918'; 'Narrative of events during March and April 1918'; 'Narrative of events during April and May 1918'; 'Narrative of events during June 1918'; 'Narrative of events during July 1918'; and 'Narrative of events during August 1918 and summary of the situation up till the end of August 1918'.

There is also a list of appendices on the same folio which includes: 'A: King Hussein' [Ḥusayn bin ‘Alī al-Hāshimī]; 'B: Ibn Saud' [Ābd al-‘Azīz bin ‘Abd al-Raḥmān bin Fayṣal Āl Sa‘ūd]; 'C: Ibn Rashid' [Sa‘ūd bin ‘Abd al-‘Azīz Āl Rashīd]; 'D: The Jemal Pasha An Ottoman title used after the names of certain provincial governors, high-ranking officials and military commanders. ' [Aḥmad Jamāl Bāshā]; 'E: Maurice's Report'; 'F: Enemy political activity'; 'G: Zionist movement'; 'H: Turkish interposition between main British and Arab forces'; 'K: Koweit [Kuwait] blocked'; 'L: Attitude of Norther Arabian tribes towards Hejaz revolt'; 'M: Fakhri Pasha An Ottoman title used after the names of certain provincial governors, high-ranking officials and military commanders. [Fakhrī Bāshā or Fakhr al-Dīn Bāshā] at Medina'; 'N and O: Enemy casualties and Turkish troops'. A map is noted below the list of appendices but is not present.

Extent and format
15 folios
Physical characteristics

Foliation: The foliation for this description commences at f.75. and terminates at f.89, as it is part of a larger physical volume; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. An additional foliation sequence is also present in parallel between ff.11-158; these numbers are also written in pencil, but are not circled, and can be found in the same position as the main sequence.

Written in
English in Latin script
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'Summary of the Hejaz Revolt' [‎85v] (22/30), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/18/B287, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 23 March 2025]

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