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'A Collection of Treaties and Engagements relating to the Persian Gulf Shaikhdoms and the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman in force up to the End of 1953' [‎38r] (77/92)

The record is made up of 1 volume (44 folios). It was created in c 1954. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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ireEi' 1
liberie pendant I'hiver com me par le
passe, sans qu'aucun nouvel impot leur
soit impose.
III.— Bahreine.
A rticle 13.
Le Gouvernement Imperial ottoman
renonce a toutes ses reclamations con-
cernant les iles Bahreine, y compris les
deux lies Lubainat-el-Aliya et Lubainat-
es-Safliya, et reconnait Tindependance
de ce pays. De son cote, le Gouverne
ment de Sa Majeste britannique declare
qu'il n'a aucune intention d'annexer a
ses territoires les lies Bahreine.
A rticle 14.
Le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste
britannique s'engage vis-a-vis du Gou
vernement Imperial ottoman a veiller a
ce que le cheikh de Bahreine ne pergoive
pas des sujets ottomans de droits sur la
peche des huitres perlieres d'un taux
plus eleve que celui qui sera impose aux
autres interesses les plus favorises.
A rticle 15.
Les sujets du cheikh de Bahreine
seront consideres comme etrangers dans
les territoires ottomans et pourront etre
proteges par les consuls de Sa Majeste
britannique. Toutefois, cette protection
devra s'exercer en conformite des regies
generales du droit international euro-
peen, les sujets de Bahreine n'ayant pas
le droit de jouir des privileges accordes
par les Capitulations aux sujets de cer-
taines Puissances.
IV.— Golfe Persique.
A rticle 16.
Le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste
britannique ayant, aussi bien pour la
sauvegarde de ses interets speciaux que
dans un but eleve d'humanite, entrepris
de tout temps des mesures de police
maritime dans les eaux libres du Golfe
Persique aussi bien que sur le littoral
appartenant aux cheikhs independants
de la cote au sud d'El-Katr jusqu'a
TOcean Indien, le Gouvernement Im
perial ottoman apprecie I'importance de
ces efforts deja seculaires et declare ne
pas s'opposer a ce que le Gouvernement
de Sa Majeste britannique exerce comme
par le passe dans le Golfe Persique les
mesures suivantes:
(a.) Sondages, allumage des phares,
mise des bouees, pilotage.
ib.) Police maritime.
(c.) Mesures quarantenaires.
reside there in complete liberty during
the winter as heretofore, without any
new tax being imposed on them.
III.— Bahrein.
A rticle 13.
The Imperial Ottoman Government
renounce all their claims with regard to
the Bahrein islands, including the two
islets of Lubainat-el-Aliya and Lubainat-
es-Safliya, and recognise the indepen
dence of that country. His Britannic
Majesty's Government on their part
declare that they have no intention of
annexing the Bahrein islands to their
A rticle 14.
His Britannic Majesty's Government
give an undertaking to the Imperial
Ottoman Government that they will
guard against the Sheikh of Bahrein
levying from Ottoman subjects dues on
pearl-fishing at a higher rate than that
imposed on other interested and most
favoured parties.
A rticle 15.
The subjects of the Sheikh of Bahrein
shall be considered to be foreigners
within Ottoman territory, and shall be
under the protection of His Britannic
Majesty's consuls. Provided always that
this protection shall be exercised in pur
suance of the general rules of European
international law, the subjects of Bahrein
not having the right to enjoy the privi
leges granted by the Capitulations to the
subjects of certain Powers.
IV.— Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. .
A rticle 16.
His Britannic Majesty's Government
having, as well for the safeguarding of
their special interests as in a high spirit
of humanity, undertaken from all time
the policing of the free waters of the
Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. and of the littoral belong
ing to the independent Sheikhs of the
coast south of El-Katr down to the
Indian Ocean, the Imperial Ottoman
Government appreciate the importance
of these time-honoured efforts, and
undertake not to oppose His Britannic
Majesty's Government carrying on, as
heretofore, the following services in the
Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. : —
(a.) Soundings Measurements of the depth of a body of water. , lighting of light
houses, placing of buoys, pilotage.
(b.) Maritime police.
(c.) Quarantine measures.

About this item


The volume consists of the following Foreign Office document: 19127, marked 'For Official Use only'.

The volume is divided into sections containing transcripts of treaties and engagements relating to Bahrain; Kuwait; Qatar; Trucial States A name used by Britain from the nineteenth century to 1971 to refer to the present-day United Arab Emirates. ; Muscat; and miscellaneous. The earliest treaties recorded date from 1820.

Extent and format
1 volume (44 folios)

There is a list of contents at the front of the volume.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence commences at 1 on the front cover and terminates at 45 on the back cover. These numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and can be found in the top right hand corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. page of each folio. An original printed pagination sequence is also present in the volume. Foliation anomaly: ff. 10, 10A. The following folio needs to be folded out: f. 39.

Written in
English in Latin script
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'A Collection of Treaties and Engagements relating to the Persian Gulf Shaikhdoms and the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman in force up to the End of 1953' [‎38r] (77/92), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/1/738, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 13 January 2025]

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