'A Collection of Treaties and Engagements relating to the Persian Gulf Shaikhdoms and the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman in force up to the End of 1953' [37v] (76/92)
The record is made up of 1 volume (44 folios). It was created in c 1954. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .
This transcription is created automatically. It may contain errors.
A rticle 9.
Le cheikh de Koueit jouira en pleine
securite des droits de propriete privee
qu'ii possede dans le territoire du vilayet
de Basra. Ces droits de propriete privee
devront s'exercer en conformite de la loi
ottomane et les biens immobiliers qu'ils
concernent seront soumis aux impots et
charges, au mode de conservation et de
transmission et a la juridiction etablis
par les lois ottomanes.
A rticle 10.
Les criminels des provinces voisines
ne seront pas re^us dans le territoire de
Koueit et seront repousses si on les y
trouve; egalement les criminels de
Koueit ne seront pas regus dans les
provinces voisines et seront repousses si
on les y trouve.
II est entendu que cette disposition ne
servira pas aux autorites ottomanes de
pretexte d'immixtion dans les affaires de
Koueit; elle ne servira pas non plus au
cheikh de Koueit de pretexte d'immix
tion dans les affaires des provinces
A rticle 9.
The Sheikh of Koweit shall enjoy in
full security the private proprietary
rights which he possesses in the territory
of the Basra vilayet. These private pro
prietary rights must be exercised in
accordance with Ottoman law, and the
real estate concerned shall be subject to
such taxes and charges, method of regis
tration and of transfer, and to such juris
diction as are imposed by Ottoman law.
A rticle 10.
Criminals of the neighbouring pro
vinces shall not be allowed to enter the
territory of Koweit, and shall be ex
pelled if found there; similarly criminals
of Koweit shall not be allowed to enter
the neighbouring provinces and shall be
expelled if found there.
It is understood that this stipulation
shall not afford a pretext to the Ottoman
authorities to interfere in the affairs of
Koweit; nor, on the other hand, shall
it afford a pretext to the Sheikh of
Koweit to interfere in the affairs of the
neighbouring provinces.
A rticle 11.
Le sandjak ottoman de Nedjd, dont
la limite septentrionale est indiquee par
la ligne de demarcation definie a
I'article 7 de cette convention, se termine
vers le sud au golfe faisant face a I'ile
de Zahnounie, qui appartient audit
sandjak. Une ligne partant du fond
extreme dudit golfe ira directement au
sud jusqu'au Ruba'-al-Khali et separera
le Nedjd de la presqu'ile d'El-Katr.
Les limites du Nedjd sont indiquees par
une ligne bleue sur la carte annexee a
la presente convention (annexe V a M 1 )
Le Gouvernement Imperial ottoman
ayant renonce a toutes ses reclamations
concernant la presqu'ile d'El-Katr, il est
entendu entre les deux Gouvernements
que ladite presqu'ile sera, comme par le
passe, gouvernee par le cheikh Djassim-
bin-Sani et par ses successeurs. Le
Gouvernement de Sa Majeste britanni-
que declare qu'il ne permettra pas au
cheikh de Bahreine de s'immiscer dans
les affaires interieures d'el-Katr, de
porter atteinte a I'autonomie de ce 'pays
ou de I'annexer.
A rticle 11.
The Ottoman sanjak of Nejd, the
northern boundary of which is marked
by a line of demarcation defined in
article 7 of this Convention, ends on the
south at the gulf opposite the island of
Zakhnuniyah, which belongs to the said
sanjak. A line starting from the extreme
end of the said gulf shall run due south
to Ruba-al-Khali, and shall separate
Nejd from the El-Katr peninsula. The
boundaries of Nejd are marked by a
blue line on the map annexed to this
Convention (Annex V a M 1 ) The Im
perial Ottoman Government having
renounced all their claims with regard to
the El-Katr peninsula, it is agreed
between the two Governments that the
said peninsula shall be governed, as
heretofore, by Sheikh Jassim-bin-Sani
and his successors. His Britannic
Majesty's Government declare that they
will not permit the Sheikh of Bahrein to
interfere in the internal affairs of El-
Katr, to infringe the autonomy of the
country, or to annex it.
A rticle 12.
II sera permis aux habitants de
Bahreine de visiter File de Zahnounie
pour la peche et d'y demeurer en pleine
O Non imprime.
A rticle 12.
The inhabitants of Bahrein shall be
permitted to visit the island of Zakh-
nuniya for purposes of fishing, and to
O Not reproduced.
About this item
- Content
The volume consists of the following Foreign Office document: 19127, marked 'For Official Use only'.
The volume is divided into sections containing transcripts of treaties and engagements relating to Bahrain; Kuwait; Qatar; Trucial States A name used by Britain from the nineteenth century to 1971 to refer to the present-day United Arab Emirates. ; Muscat; and miscellaneous. The earliest treaties recorded date from 1820.
- Extent and format
- 1 volume (44 folios)
- Arrangement
There is a list of contents at the front of the volume.
- Physical characteristics
Foliation: the foliation sequence commences at 1 on the front cover and terminates at 45 on the back cover. These numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and can be found in the top right hand corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. page of each folio. An original printed pagination sequence is also present in the volume. Foliation anomaly: ff. 10, 10A. The following folio needs to be folded out: f. 39.
- Written in
- English in Latin script View the complete information for this record
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'A Collection of Treaties and Engagements relating to the Persian Gulf Shaikhdoms and the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman in force up to the End of 1953' [37v] (76/92), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/1/738, in Qatar Digital Library <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100023550810.0x00004d> [accessed 13 January 2025]
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Copyright: How to use this content
- Reference
- IOR/R/15/1/738
- Title
- 'A Collection of Treaties and Engagements relating to the Persian Gulf Shaikhdoms and the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman in force up to the End of 1953'
- Pages
- 2r:9v, 10r, 10ar, 10av, 10v, 11r:38v, 40r:44v
- Author
- Unknown
- Usage terms
- The copyright status is unknown. Please contact [email protected] with any information you have regarding this item.