A Clear Explanation of Averroes’ Introduction to the Commentary on Aristotle’s “Analytica Posterior” [F-1-37] (37/49)
The record is made up of 49 items. It was created in 1551. It was written in Latin. The original is part of the Qatar National Library.
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This work is a commentary on Ibn Rushd’s prologue to his commentary on Aristotles’s Analytica Posterior (Posterior analytics) by the Italian philosopher and physician Giovanni Bernardino Longo (1528–99), published in Naples in 1551. Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn Rushd (1126–98), known in the West by the Latinized version of his name, Averroes, was an intellectual luminary of the Islamic world. Although he wrote extensively on the religious sciences, natural sciences, medicine, and philosophy, his reputation in the West rests primarily on his commentaries on Aristotle. He belonged to an important Andalusian family, and served as a qāḍī (judge) in Seville in 1169. It was around this period in Seville that he undertook the first of his many commentaries on Aristotle, perhaps at the behest of his patron, the Almohad ruler Abū Ya‘qūb Yūsuf (ruled 1163–84), who had complained about the obscurity of the Aristotelian texts. Few of Ibn Rushd’s compositions are extant in the original Arabic. That many of his works survive instead as Greek or Latin translations is a testament to the importance of Ibn Rushd to the development of Western philosophy during the Middle Ages. Ibn Rushd’s commentaries on Aristotle include short, mid-length, and long versions. He completed the short and the mid-length versions of his commentaries in the years 1169–78 before turning to his long commentaries, which are generally considered his finest work.
- Extent and format
- 49 items
- Written in
- Latin in Latin script View the complete information for this record
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A Clear Explanation of Averroes’ Introduction to the Commentary on Aristotle’s “Analytica Posterior” [F-1-37] (37/49), Qatar National Library, 10684, in Qatar Digital Library <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/qnlhc/10684.37> [accessed 10 November 2024]
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Copyright: How to use this content
- Reference
- 10684
- Title
- A Clear Explanation of Averroes’ Introduction to the Commentary on Aristotle’s “Analytica Posterior”
- Pages
- F-1-1 - F-1-49
- Author
- Giovanni Bernardino Longo
- Usage terms
- Public Domain