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Diaries, Consultations, and Accounts of John Geekie, Esq, and Nathaniel Whitwell, Esq, Agents of the East India Company at Gambroon [Bandar-e ʿAbbās] in the Persian Gulf, commencing 1 August 1737 and ending 31 August 1746 [‎98r] (202/698)

The record is made up of 1 volume (346 folios). It was created in 1 Aug 1737-31 Aug 1746. It was written in English and Arabic. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .

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Diaries, consultations, and accounts of the East India Company merchants in Persia [Iran], specifically factories at Gambroon [Bandar-e ʿAbbās, Laristan, Iran], written and signed by John Geekie (Agent and Council) and Nathaniel Whitwell (succeeding Agent and Council) respectively, countersigned by various officials, St George Pack (Steward), Walter Ray, John Peirson (Secretary), Henry Savage, John Sewell, William Blandy (Examining Secretary), Hugh Bidwell, John Sherman, and Thomas Grendon. Comprised of multiple dispatches spanning the period 1 August 1737-31 August 1746, with two lacunae covering accounts between August 1738-July 1739 and September 1744-July 1745:

  • Folios 3r-49r. Dispatch copying the Gambroon diary, consultations, and accounts, written and signed by John Geekie (Agent and Council), countersigned by Nathaniel Whitwell, St George Pack, and Walter Ray, covering period 1 August 1737-31 July 1738. Received 29 June 1739, by ship Onslow . Title page lost
  • Folios 50r-103r. Dispatch copying the Gambroon diary, consultations, and accounts, written and signed by Nathaniel Whitwell (Agent and Council), countersigned by St George Pack and John Peirson, covering period 4 August 1739-31 July 1740. Received 2 August 1742, by ship Fort St George . Title page lost
  • Folios 104r-165r. Dispatch copying the Gambroon diary, consultations, and accounts, written and signed by Nathaniel Whitwell (Agent and Council), later replaced temporarily by John Geekie (former Agent and Council), countersigned by St George Pack, John Peirson, Henry Savage, and William Blandy, covering period 3 August 1740-31 July 1741. Received 5 August 1743, by ship Porto Bello , also mentioning Sallamander Bombketch [bomb ketch]. Title page, ‘Gambroon Diary’ (f 104r)
  • Folios 166r-222r. Dispatch copying the Gambroon diary, consultations, and accounts, written and signed by Nathaniel Whitwell (Agent and Council), countersigned by St George Pack, John Peirson, and John Sewell, covering period 5 August 1741-29 July 1742. Received 13 September 1744, by ship Salisbury . Title page, ‘Gambroon Diary & Consultations’ (f 165r)
  • Folios 223r-255r. Dispatch copying the Gambroon diary, consultations, and accounts, written and signed by Nathaniel Whitwell (Agent and Council), countersigned by St George Pack and John Peirson, covering period 2 August 1742-27 July 1743. Received 30 December 1745, by ship King William . Title page, ‘Gambroon Diary, & Consultations’ (f 223r)
  • Folios 256r-307v. Dispatch copying the Gambroon diary, consultations, and accounts, written and signed by Nathaniel Whitwell (Agent and Council), countersigned by St George Pack, John Sherman, and Thomas Grendon, covering period 3 August 1743-31 July 1744. Original dispatch received at Bombay [Mumbai], 9 November 1744, by ship Nancy Grab Shallow vessel with a projecting bow. . Present copy received 30 December 1745, by ship King William . Title page, ‘Gambroon Diary & Consultations Book’ (f 256r, see fragment on f 265a)
  • Folios 308r-342v. Dispatch copying the Gambroon diary, consultations, and accounts, written and signed by Nathaniel Whitwell (Agent and Council), countersigned by St George Pack and John Hope, covering period 10 August 1745-31 July 1746. Received 22 August 1748, by ship Portfield . Title page lost.

Accounts cover the movements and changes between EIC officials at Gambroon; movements and changes between EIC officials at Schiraz [Shiraz], Carmenia or Carmania [Kerman], Bagdat [Baghdad], and Lhor [Lahore]; relations and news from EIC ports, presidencies, council and directors (India); English, French, Dutch, Arab and Indian shipping; salaries, financial compensation, banking through financiers (especially Bania Merchant of Indian extraction. communities); copies and translations of letters, treaties, and official documents; monthly and annual accounts; officers’ debts and estates of the deceased; assessments of market trading conditions; trade, valuations, and details on commodities (copper, sulphur, lumber) and processed or manufactured products (English, French, Dutch, Russian, Indian, and Chinese), especially gunpowder, wool, plain and fine textiles, as well as livestock, horses, food and drink (such as rice, China sugar, Java sugar, sugar candy, coffee, and alcohol); dearth of food; illness; swarming insects; weather and sea conditions; observations on festivities and ceremonies (‘Id and Nowruz); gifts; the import of enslaved persons from Africa.

Substantial portions of accounts contain reports on the emerging conflict between Persian authorities and troops at Julfar [Ra's al-Khaymah, Asia, UAE], local Arabs, and the new Imaum of Muscatt [Imam of Muscat]; reports from Persia of the extermination of the last Safavid rulers and the military consolidation of Nadir Shaw [Nadir Shah Afshar], his relations with the Ottomans, the invasion of Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Timurid (Mogul [Mughal]) India, returning with looted wealth, impacts on the economy of Persia; Nadir Shah’s intention to establish a diplomatic alliance with England, aborted due to inadequate use of titles in English King’s letter. Several lacunae interrupt these accounts.

Extent and format
1 volume (346 folios)

The entries are recorded in chronological order from the front to the rear of the volume, except for the second dispatch comprising a supplementary account.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the first folio with 1 and terminates at the last folio with 346; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.

Pagination: the volume also contains an original pagination sequence.

Written in
English and Arabic in Latin and Arabic script
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Diaries, Consultations, and Accounts of John Geekie, Esq, and Nathaniel Whitwell, Esq, Agents of the East India Company at Gambroon [Bandar-e ʿAbbās] in the Persian Gulf, commencing 1 August 1737 and ending 31 August 1746 [‎98r] (202/698), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/G/29/6, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 4 October 2024]

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