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Diary and Consultation Book of Thomas Waters, Supravisor of the East India Company's Activities in Persia and the Persian Gulf at Gombroon [Bandar-e ʻAbbās] [‎5v] (17/94)

The record is made up of 1 volume (43 folios). It was created in 23 Nov 1726-14 Mar 1727. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .

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This volume is the Diary and Consultation Book of Thomas Waters, 'Supravisor' of the East India Company's activities in Persia and the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. . The volume contains diary entries and consultations held at Gombroon [Bandar-e ʻAbbās] including: a consultation with William Henry Draper and John Fothringham, following the arrival of the Fort St George Galley, about the ‘utmost disorder’ prevailing in the Company’s business; the arrival of a vessel supposedly belonging to the Imaum of Muscatt [Imam of Muscat, Muhammad bin Nasir al-Ghafiri], under the command of Noquedah Shaik Mahmud Ben Jessas [Nakhuda Shaikh Mahmud bin Jassas], the instructions provided to Captain Walley Echelin to keep the Fort St George in a ‘posture of Defence’, and a request from the Governor of Gombroon for the Galley to prevent a ‘Moor Ship' from being captured by Nakhuda bin Jassas; the ‘advices’ to be carried by the Futtacadarin [Futuh al-Qadirin] to the Presidency The name given to each of the three divisions of the territory of the East India Company, and later the British Raj, on the Indian subcontinent. of Bombay, and those to Owen Phillipps at Spahaun [Isfahan] on the remittance of the ‘whole Amo[un]t of their Arrears’; a proposal for William Cordeaux to be ‘call’d in to take his place at the [Gombroon] Board, the balance due to Kessourjee [the] Broker Often a local commercial agent in the Gulf who regularly performed duties of intelligence gathering and political representation. [Kisurji Dallal Hindi], ‘remains of goods in Warehouses belonging to the H[onourable] Comp[any]’, ‘Publick Papers & Registers being now dispos’d in good Order’, and the ‘Rogums [ Ruqum Royal grants confirming specific trading privileges from the Shah of Persia. or Raqams Royal grants confirming specific trading privileges from the Shah of Persia. : royal grants confirming specific trading privileges] found among the old Papers in the Office’; a List of ‘Rogums granted [to] the Hon[oura]ble East India Company by the Kings of Persia’ (1635-1714); The List of ‘Authentick Coppys’ of Ruqum Royal grants confirming specific trading privileges from the Shah of Persia. granted to the Company by the Kings of Persia (1677-1726); the Register of ‘Sundry Books and Papers remaining in the Factory An East India Company trading post. at Gombroon’, including the ‘Gombroon Journalls & Ledgers’ (1700-25), ‘Spahaun Journalls and Ledgers’ (1700-07/8, 1716-20, 1721-22), ‘Bussorah [Basra] Journalls & Legers’ (1723-25), ‘Gombroon Consultations & Diarys’ (1698-1726), ‘Spahaun Consultations & Diarys’ (1712-22), ‘Bussorah Consultations & Diarys’ (1723-24), ‘Letters Inwards & Outwards’ (1616-1726), ‘Invoice & Freight Books’ (1705-26), and ‘Broker’s Acco[un]ts with H[onourable] Company’ (1722-26); the perceived decline of Gombroon and diversion of its trade to Bassidore [Basa‘idu], ‘occasion’d through the Artifices and Crafty management of Shaik Rachide’ [Shaikh Rashid bin Matar al-Qasimi]; the Prince Sultan Mahmud Mirza [Sultan Muhammad Mirza Safavi’s] design of ‘raising forces against the Ophgoons’ [Afghans]; a request from the Supravisor to Shaikh Rashid to return the ‘Tranky’ hired by Cordeaux; the revolt of the Province of Jarroon [Jahrum] and closure of the trade routes to Shyrash [Shiraz]; a report from Lhor [Lar] that the Ophgoons had made ‘two attempts on the Turks lying before Spahaun’; the news that Shaw Achmat [Shah Ahmad Khan Mar‘ashi Safavi] has ‘got a few forces together’; the return of Mirza Zeid Alley [Mirza Zahid ‘Ali Lari] as Shawbunder [Shahbandar] of Gombroon; the delayed departure of the Galley for the ‘Mocha Service’; the request of William Brewer to the Supravisor for permission to return to Bombay with the Galley; the charges against Captain Forbes and the ‘withdrawal’ of the English Factory An East India Company trading post. from Bussorah as related in the 'Bussorah Diary'; the delivery by Isaac Houssaye of the ‘Books of Acco[un]ts [and] Papers of Publick Registers’ and the ‘Invoice of Treasure’ on board the Victoria ; the presentation by the Dutch East India Company of the ‘Bills drawn by the Gentlemen at Spahaun’; a letter from Dr Arthur Forbes to the Supravisor on the ‘Chest of Physick’ that came by the Galley; the demand of Governor Mirza Mahmud Salley Beg [Mirza Muhammad Zal Beg] from the Supravisor, on behalf of Sultan Mahmud Mirza, of goods belonging to Mirza Zeid Alley; the charges brought by Isaac Houssaye and William May against Captain Martin French; the departure of the Good Neighbour under the command of Master James Ford for Bombay, and the present sent to 'Cojee Salim [Haji Salim] Governor of a Village in ye Road to Carmania’; the arrival of the Brigantine Prince commanded by Master John Garland from Bengall [Bengal]; the reports that Shaw Ashoph(e) [Shah Ashraf Ghilza’i] had ‘intirely routed’ the Turks outside Isfahan; the answer of Martin French to the charges of Houssaye and May; the march of Shaw Thomas [Shah Tahmasb II Safavi] against Shaw Achmat with 30,000 men; the order for the suspension of Martin French and his removal as ‘one of ye Councill in the Gulph’; a report from the Noquedah of a ‘Small Dingee’ about an English ship cast away off Muscatt Harbour; the arrival of the Tellicherry Grab Shallow vessel with a projecting bow. with a ‘Gruff Cargoe & a few Bengall Peice Goods’; the dispatch of letters to Mr Williamson, Mr Veitch and Captain West with the Frigate Deane; a letter from the Governor of Lhor conveying ‘ye regard he has for the English Nation’, and enclosing a letter by ‘Shah Ashophe from Spahaun relating to the Engagement he had with the Turks’; the permission for French to travel to Bussorah to signal resentment at the ‘ill usage’ of the Company; the arrival of the boatswain An officer responsible for the equipment on a ship and overseeing the work of the ship's crew. of the Marygold , confirming the news about the English ship cast away at Muscatt; the ‘Gen[era]l advices’ passed on to the Balls by the Britannia at a meeting near Bombay; the arrival of the Britannia under Captain John Benson, after having captured a Grab Shallow vessel with a projecting bow. from Muscatt, making it necessary to induce ‘ye Imaum to believe We are not Aggressors & prevent any ill Consequences’; a remonstrance with ‘Abde Rahman Bashaw An Ottoman title used after the names of certain provincial governors, high-ranking officials and military commanders. [Abd al-Rahman Pasha An Ottoman title used after the names of certain provincial governors, high-ranking officials and military commanders. ] of Bussorah’; the withdrawal of protection from Cossum the Wool Merchant [Qasim Beg Tajir Kermani]; the remonstrance with Mahomet Eman Caun, Athamdoulet [Muhammad Amin Khan, I’timad al-Dawlah]; a resolution requiring Houssaye’s compliance with an order for the repayment of 150,100 Shahis; a letter from the Supravisor to the Imaum of Muscatt, ‘concerning his Vessels [ Futtehoy and Sabahoy Cayree , i.e. Fattahi and Sabah al-Khayri ]’, and the arrival of the James under command of Captain Bizell [Charles Bissell] en route to Bussorah.

Extent and format
1 volume (43 folios)

The entries are recorded in chronological order from the front to the rear of the volume.

Physical characteristics

The foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the first folio with 1 and terminates at the last folio with 43; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. The foliation sequence does not include the front and back covers.

Written in
English in Latin script
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Diary and Consultation Book of Thomas Waters, Supravisor of the East India Company's Activities in Persia and the Persian Gulf at Gombroon [Bandar-e ʻAbbās] [‎5v] (17/94), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/G/29/3, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 4 October 2024]

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