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Faṣl fī intiqāl al-kawākib li-l-burūj فصل في انتقال الكواكب للبروج [‎94v] (2/33)

The record is made up of Ff. 94r-110r. It was created in 0867. It was written in Arabic. The original is part of the British Library: Oriental Manuscripts.

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Treatise on making astrological judgments based on the arrival of each of the seven planets in each of the twelve signs of the zodiac. A marginal note to the left of the title, perhaps by the hand of the main scribe, claims that the text is an extract 'from the judgments of Muḥyī al-Dīn al-Maghribī' (من أحكام محيي الدين المغربي). This author may be identified as Muḥyī al-Dīn Abū ʻAbd Allāh Yaḥyá ibn Muḥammad al-Maghribī al-Andalusī (محيي الدين أبو عبد الله يحيى بن محمد المغربي الأندلسي, d. 1283), known as Ibn Abī al-Shukr (ابن أبي الشكر), who wrote a number of works on astrological judgments (see Comes, 'Ibn Abī al-Shukr: Muḥyī al-Milla wa'l-Dīn Yaḥyá Abū ʻAbd Allāh ibn Muḥammad ibn Abī al-Shukr al-Maghribī al-Andalusī [al-Qurṭubī]', in The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, ed. by Thomas Hockey et al., pp. 548-49 and Rosenfeld and Ihsanoğlu, Mathematicians, Astronomers, and Other Scholars of Islamic Civilization and Their Works (7th-19th c.), no. 635, pp. 226-27).

This text is numbered 8 (ح) in the present collection.

Begins (f. 94r, lines 2-4):

فإن حل زحل في برج الحمل وصلت المضرة

إلى عظماء أهل العراق واتسع على أهل المشرق ورخص

الذهب والفضة ووقوع الموت في الروم ...

Ends (f. 110r, line 12 to edge margin):

وإن حل في برج الحوت يدل على كثرة الموت والوباء

بنواحي الجنوب وحسن مزاج الهواء وربما مال إلى اليبس

وفي الرجعة كثرة الغيوم وضعف أصحاب الملك والعظماء

Extent and format
Ff. 94r-110r
Written in
Arabic in Arabic script
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Faṣl fī intiqāl al-kawākib li-l-burūj فصل في انتقال الكواكب للبروج [‎94v] (2/33), British Library: Oriental Manuscripts, Or 5591, ff 94r-110r, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 4 October 2024]

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