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The record is made up of 1 volume (436 folios). It was created in 1879. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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As regards civil litigation, tlie returns sliow a sligtt
decrease in the number of suits for disposal and in cases
decided. The arrears, however, were also reduced. Last
year, out of 46,658 on the files, 86,583 were disposed of
and 10,070 left undecided at the end of the year. This
year the number disposed of was 85,810 out of 45,733,
leaving 9,923 in arrears.
Survevs are being made of the larger States, in some
instances by means of independent agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. , but generally
by parties detached from one of the divisions of the
Government department as opportunities arise. The
municipal system has been introduced into nearly twenty
of the larger towns. Yaccination is performed in every
State by operators under the supervision of the Sanitary
Commissioner of this Government, and the returns for the
year under review show the number of primary operations
performed to have been 192,944, and re-vaccinations
6,795, as compared with 251,754 and 7,284 respectively
in 1877-78.
Education has already made considerable progress in
Kathiawar and some other of the Gujarat States, and
shows signs of revival in the Deccan, where its progress
was temporarily checked as in the adjacent British terri
tory by the late famine. The total expenditure on this
object for the year was £49,536, of which £17,684 were
fromfundsadministeredby Government, and the remainder
on institutions merely under inspection. The number of
primary schools supported is 1,050, and of High Schools
or others teaching up to the Matriculation standard of
the Bombay University 6. There were 52,689 pupils on
the rolls at the end of the year, or 3,588 less than at the
corresponding period of 1877-78.
The system of land tenure in this Presidency The name given to each of the three divisions of the territory of the East India Company, and later the British Raj, on the Indian subcontinent. , according
to which the settlement of the rent-charge is made
directly with the cultivator, draws Government into very
close relations with the agricultural classes, and necessi
tates, on both fiscal and political grounds, a more minute
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About this item


Annual administration report of the Bombay Presidency The name given to each of the three divisions of the territory of the East India Company, and later the British Raj, on the Indian subcontinent. , providing a summary record of the main events and developments in each department of the Government of Bombay From c. 1668-1858, the East India Company’s administration in the city of Bombay [Mumbai] and western India. From 1858-1947, a subdivision of the British Raj. It was responsible for British relations with the Gulf and Red Sea regions. during the financial year 1878-79. The report was printed at the Government Central Press, Bombay [Mumbai] in 1879.

The report is divided into three parts. Part I comprises a report ‘SUMMARY’ (ff 9-53). Part II (ff 54-265) comprises chapters I-IX. Part III comprises ‘Statistical Returns’ pertaining to chapters I-VII and IX (ff 266-435).

Part II comprises the following:

  • ‘CHAPTER I. POLITICAL. Tributary States’ (ff 55-83), consisting of: Gujarát [Gujarat] States; Southern Gujarát; Marátha [Maratha] States; Southern Marátha States; Sind [Sindh] State; Aden
  • ‘CHAPTER II. ADMINISTRATION OF THE LAND’ (ff 84-114), consisting of: Civil Divisions; Surveys; and Settlements; Waste Lands; and Government Estates, Wards’ Estates
  • ‘CHAPTER III. PROTECTION’ (ff 115-145), consisting of: Course of Legislation; Police; Criminal Justice; Prisons; Civil Justice; Registration; Municipal Administration; Military; Marine
  • ‘CHAPTER IV. PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION’ (ff 145-198), consisting of: Agriculture; Weather and Crops; Horticulture; Forest; Mines and Quarries; Manufactures; Trade; Public Works; Irrigation. Folio 151 comprises a table of graphs showing ‘Abnormal variations of the meteorological elements in 1878’
  • ‘CHAPTER V. REVENUE AND FINANCE’ (ff 199-236), consisting of: Imperial Revenue and Finance; Land Revenue; Canal Revenue; Sources of Imperial Revenue other than Land; Revenue and Finance other than Imperial
  • ‘CHAPTER VI. VITAL STATISTICS AND MEDICAL SERVICES’ (ff 236-246), consisting of: Births and Deaths; Emigration; Medical Relief; Sanitation; Vaccination
  • ‘CHAPTER VII. INSTRUCTION’ (ff 247-261), consisting of: Education; Literature and the Press; Arts and Sciences
  • ‘CHAPTER IX. MISCELLANEOUS’ (ff 263-265), consisting of: Ecclesiastical; Stationery; General Miscellaneous.

A table of contents listing the headings and sub-headings of the report is on folios 5-8. In a small number of instances, there are discrepancies in the spelling, phrasing or inclusion of sub-headings between the table of contents and the body of the report. In these cases, the sub-heading as it appears in the body of the report is included above.

Extent and format
1 volume (436 folios)

The report contains a table of contents listing headings and sub-headings.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the main foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the inside front cover with 1 and terminates at the inside back cover with 438; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.

Pagination: A printed pagination sequence is also present in parallel between ff 5-435.

Written in
English in Latin script
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'REPORT ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE BOMBAY PRESIDENCY FOR THE YEAR 1878-79’ [‎18v] (41/759), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/V/10/290, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 4 October 2024]

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