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‘WAR DIARY. ARMY HEADQUARTERS, INDIA. […] I.E.F. “D”. VOLUME 51 Part II (From 16th to 31st October 1918.)’ [‎108r] (224/642)

The record is made up of 1 volume (317 folios). It was created in 28 Mar 1918-31 Oct 1918. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .

About this item


The volume contains a chronological list of brief summaries of papers relating to the activities of the Indian Expeditionary Force D (also known as the Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force) between 16 and 31 October 1918. This is accompanied by appendices containing copies and extracts of these papers, which include: telegrams, memoranda, tables, and letters, containing instructions and reports.

An index to the contents of this volume can be found at IOR/L/MIL/17/5/3309. The volume covers many topics and events, but mostly relates to:

  • Matters relating to railway traffic and construction
  • Operation reports concerning north western Persia [Iran], as well as correspondence with the General Officer Commanding, Bushire [Bushehr]
  • Intelligence about the situation in Azerbaijan, the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea regions
  • Discussions about Armenian troops, including: updates on status and activities; intelligence provided by them; and their relationship with Allied troops
  • Status of affairs in southern Kurdistan
  • Matters relating to personnel, including: appointments, temporary promotions, pay, leave, training, and demand across departments
  • Matters relating to the General Wilfrid Malleson Mission in Transcaspia [historic region in Central Asia, also rendered in text as Trans-caspia]
  • Formation of the Urmia Brigade [also rendered in text as Urumiyah Brigade], including details of pay and training
  • Lists of sick and wounded soldiers
  • Turkish [Ottoman] forces: locations; movements; estimated strengths; commanders; evacuations from Persia; and distributions for week ending 22 October (ff 181-183) and week ending 29 October (ff 271-274)
  • Shipping statements
  • Matters relating to the North Persian Force
  • Intelligence regarding German attitudes to proposed peace terms, as well as the movements of German officers and detachments
  • Data on supplies used by Force D, collected with a view to reducing demand on India
  • Discussions about proposed peace and armistice terms
  • Plans relating to demobilisation and administration in Mesopotamia, including development and management of: cultivation and agriculture; banking facilities; post offices; judicial matters; post-war garrisons; Basrah [Basra] port; and commercial policies
  • Currency provision in Persia
  • Royal Air Force reports
  • Operation reports from General Officer Commanding, Force D, on: Taq [also rendered in text as Tauq]; South Persia; advances up the Tigris; Turkish forces on Jebel Hamrin [Jabal Hamrin]; raids on Turkish communications on the Shergat-Mosul road [Ash Sharqat-Mosul]; and the British capture of Kerkouk [Kirkuk]
  • Reinforcements and labour requirements for Force D
  • Responses to points raised by the Mesopotamia Commission report
  • Matters relating to the Dunsterforce, including relations with Colonel Lazar Bicharakov [Bicherakov, also rendered in text as Bicharakoff]
  • Kasvin [Qazvin] Mission
  • British occupations of Ahram and Tazah Khurmatlu [Tazah Khurmatu]
  • Discussions about the remits of and relationship between the Civil Commissioner, Baghdad, and the General Officer Commanding, Force D
  • Supplies provided by the Red Cross
  • Proposals to create an independent ‘Armenian State Khurdish Confederate’ free from Turkish influence
  • Discussions of policy regarding ‘outlaw’ Khans [Khāns] of the Bushire hinterland
  • Allegations against ‘Anglo-Indian troops’ in Turkestan [historic region in Central Asia, also rendered in text as Turkistan] and subsequent action of the Turkestan Union
  • Instructions provided to Lieutenant-Colonel Molesworth, Assistant Director-General of Military Works, in his role as Liaison Officer between Army Headquarters, India, and the forces in Persia and Mesopotamia (ff 190-192).

The volume also contains:

  • Distribution of troops on 21 September (ff 8-30), 5 October (ff 259-267), and 28 September (ff 287-297)
  • Statements showing strength of the different contingents serving with Force D as of 21 September (ff 95-98) and 7 September (ff 98-112)
  • Monthly distribution report of motor vehicles in service with Force D on 1 September (ff 113-134)
  • Appreciations [reports] from the Directorate of Military Operations summarising the situation in Mesopotamia, Persia, and Turkestan on 20 October (ff 135-138) and 27 October (ff 235-237)
  • ‘Detailed statement of ration strength of Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force on 14th September 1918’ (ff 151-157)
  • Appreciation on the situation in Trans-Caspia by Frederic Thesiger, Viceroy (ff 207-208)
  • ‘Report by the Financial Adviser on the Persian Currency question’ (ff 219-221).

Whilst the volume contains copies of earlier material dating from March 1918 onwards, the bulk of the material dates from October 1918.

Extent and format
1 volume (317 folios)

The papers are arranged in approximate chronological order from the front to the rear of the volume.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the first folio with 1 and terminates at the last folio with 315; these numbers are printed, and are located in the bottom centre of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. The foliation sequence does not include the front and back covers, nor does it include the leading and ending flyleaves.

Dimensions: 21 x 33cm

Written in
English in Latin script
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‘WAR DIARY. ARMY HEADQUARTERS, INDIA. […] I.E.F. “D”. VOLUME 51 Part II (From 16th to 31st October 1918.)’ [‎108r] (224/642), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/MIL/17/5/3310, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 4 October 2024]

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