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‘WAR DIARY. ARMY HEADQUARTERS, INDIA. […] I.E.F. “D”. Volume 37. PART II. (From 16th to 31st August 1917).’ [‎108r] (220/546)

The record is made up of 1 volume (260 folios). It was created in 22 Mar 1917-31 Aug 1917. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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Nine vessels named aboye could, allowing 26 days for trip, lift 28,000 tons
a month and they will remain permanently on coal service direct to Basrah.
Record copy to Q. M. Gr.
Copy to M. S. C., M. B.
Telegram P., Ko. X.-:332+, dated 23rd August 1917. APPENDIX 393
(Despatched 10-55 a.m , received 3-5 p m., 23rd August 1917.) (Dy. No. 57227)
Irom—The General Officer Commanding, Force u Baghdad,
T 0 The Chief of the Imperial General Staff, London.
(Repeated to India.)
Clear line.
Your 39943-Cipher- M. 0.-2 (Dy No. 57041).
It seems that the prospect of Russian co-operation is increasingly remote.
It is hoped, however, that some information may be elicited from Prejvalski
by my X.-b27o {Dy. No. 56479), and my X -3321 (Dy. No. 57305), to
Caucasus Military Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. as to how much Baratoff and Valbolski are prepared
to do, if anything. In the meantime I am continuing the work which has been
in hand during the summer in making my positions as secure as possible on the
Dialha, Tigris and Euphrates.
Working copy to G. S (M. O. 1).
Copy to M. S. C.
Memorandum No, A. G.-l-1627-26d, dated Ith August 1917. APPENDIX 399
(Heceived in War Section on 23rd August 1917.) (fty- No. 57221)
From—The Deputy Adjutant General, 3rd Echelon, General Headquarters, Basrah,
To—The War Section, Army Headquarters, Simla.
[Copy (without annexures) to :—The Director of Railways.]
The attached letter No. E.-118-7331, dated 3rd August 1917, together
with annexures, is forwarded on behalf of the Director of Railways for favour
of disposal, please.
Letter No. E.-118-7331, dated 8rd August 1917.
From—The Director of Railways, Basrah,
To—The Deputy Adjutant General, 3rd Echelon, Basrah,
I forward herewith for transmission to the "War Section, Simla, the usual
monthly statements of personnel received and expected for the several Depart
ments—Engineering, Loco., Stores and Traffic.
These statements give credit for all arrivals at Basrah up to and including
the men ex the following three transports:—
H. T. “ Edavana,” which arrived on 22nd July 1917.
H. T. $c Aronda,” which arrived on 25th July 1917.
H. T. “ Shuja,” winch arrived on 26th July 1917.
Engineering Department. —The failure to supply any bridging or stevedore
khalassis during the month has caused considerable difficulty in carrying On the
work ; but a telegram has just arrived announcing the despatch oh 7 6 khalassis
from India. This will ease the situation for the time being.
The other items in arrears are not likely to cause serious delays, if made
good during the current month.
The 700 gangmen and labourers and Mr. Bagley’s bridging unit due this
month are urgently required. It is hoped that they will arrive early.
Loco- Department. —The arrears of personnel in the Loco. Department
are becoming serious, but do not immediately threaten the efficient working of
the line.
Stores Department. —I understand that practically the whole of the staff
•Forwarded under 3rd Echelon, telegram No. R.- Un ^ er demand IS in Bombay awaiting
S580, of 1st August 1917 (%. No. 52486). passage and you have (at my request vide
No E.-362-7341,* dated 31st July 19] 7)
wired for it to be expedited. It is most urgently required for works on the
Basrah-Qurna and Baghdad-Musseyib line.
Traffic Department.- I wish however to draw your particular attention
to the shortage of personnel in Traffic Department.

About this item


The volume contains a chronological list of brief summaries of papers relating to the activities of the Indian Expeditionary Force D (also known as the Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force) between 16 and 31 August 1917. This is accompanied by appendices containing copies and extracts of these papers, which include: letters, telegrams, notes, reports, tables, and memoranda.

An index to the contents of this volume and a summary of the contents can be found at IOR/L/MIL/17/5/3282. The volume concerns:

  • Appreciations [reports] and intelligence summaries from the Directorate of Military Operations dated 19 August 1917 (ff 53-55), 26 August 1917 (ff 162-164)
  • One diary of information dated 28 July 1917 (ff 84-86) covering climate, floods, and the Christians of Mesopotamia
  • Reinforcements for Force D
  • Movements of Turkish [Ottoman], Russian, and German troops and German officials, including General Erich von Falkenhayn
  • Reports from the Royal Flying Corps of machines in service and pilots available
  • Provision and movements of river craft
  • Progress of railway constructions and future railway policy, including Turkish [Ottoman] railway construction
  • The composition of the committee of enquiry into port congestion at Basrah [Basra]
  • A scheme to stimulate cultivation by clearing the canals of the Euphrates area and providing advances of seed and cash
  • Investigation of postal arrangements
  • A fodder production scheme using local labourers
  • A discussion of whether the French Consul at Basrah, Monsieur Roux, should be permitted to use a cipher and locked bag, and proceed beyond Basrah
  • Trade between Basrah and Baghdad
  • The appointment of Sir Percy Cox as Civil Commissioner, Mesopotamia
  • A proposal to terminate the agreement between HM Government and the Newspapers Proprietors’ Association employing Edmund Candler as Official Eyewitness
  • A new Indian General Hospital
  • The appointment of R G Garrow as recognised irrigation expert for Mesopotamia.
  • Proposed co-operation with the Russians.

The following tables appear:

  • Distribution of troops 29 July 1917 Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force (ff 8-12)
  • Weekly return sick and wounded w/e 28 July 1917 (ff 23-24), 4 August 1917 (f 72)
  • Ration strength of MEF 14 July 1917 (ff 26-29), 21 July 1917 (ff 102-105), 4 August (ff 136-138), 28 July 1917 (ff 181-184), 11 August (ff 199-201)
  • State of supplies 18 August 1917 (ff 69-71 and 88-89), 25 August (ff 188-190 and 210-211)
  • Distribution of the Turkish Army 21 August 1917 (ff 75-77), 28 August 1917 (ff 194-195)
  • Strength return for IEF D 30 June 1917 (ff 118-135)
  • Monthly distribution report of motor vehicles 1 July 1917 (ff 202-207).

The file also contains a ‘Report on the conservancy of the Shatt-el-Arab [Shatt al-Arab] River from the Port of Basra to the Persian Gulf’ by Brigadier-General George Buchanan, Director of Port Administration and Conservancy, dated 22 March 1917, including nine maps of the Shatt-el-Arab River, the port of Basra, Mohammerah [Khorramshahr] bar, and the channel from Fao [Al-Faw] down the river.

Extent and format
1 volume (260 folios)

The papers are arranged in approximate chronological order from the front to the rear of the volume.

Physical characteristics

The foliation sequence commences at the front cover with 1 and terminates at the inside back cover with 262; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. Multiple additional mixed foliation/pagination sequences are also present in parallel; these numbers are printed.

Dimensions: 21 x 33cm

Written in
English in Latin script
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‘WAR DIARY. ARMY HEADQUARTERS, INDIA. […] I.E.F. “D”. Volume 37. PART II. (From 16th to 31st August 1917).’ [‎108r] (220/546), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/MIL/17/5/3283, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 6 October 2024]

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