al-Aqwāl al-kāfiyah wa-l-fuṣūl al-shāfiyah الأقوال الكافية والفصول الشافية [54v] (117/270)
The record is made up of Codex A collection of pages, usually gathered into quires, and bound between covers. ; ff. i+128+ii. It was created in Early 17th century. It was written in Arabic. The original is part of the British Library: Oriental Manuscripts.
About this item
- Content
A treatise on the selection, management, and training of horses, and on horse physiology and the treatment of diseases. The present copy is incomplete, ending abruptly at a section on elephants from the final chapter on other beasts of burden.
The text was originally written ca. 1330 by al-Malik al-Mujāhid ʻAlī ibn Dāwūd (الملك المجاهد علي بن داوود), Rasulid Sultan of Yemen (reg. 1321-62). The title appears at the end of the author's introduction (f. 5r, lines 16-17), while the author is named in an added title on f. 2r. The author states that the work is based on his personal knowledge and experience with horses and not only on written sources, as other treatises were.
The work is divided into an introduction and six chapters (أقوال):
- Introduction (ff. 2v-5r);
- Chapter one, on what is said about the virtues of horses in the Qur'an (القول الأول فيما جاء في فضائل الخيل في الكتاب العزيز; ff. 5r-12r);
- Chapter two, on the characteristics, constitution, colours, marks and names [of horses] القول الثاني في صفاتها وخلقها وألوانها وشياتها وأسمائها; ff. 12r-48r);
- Chapter three, on pregnancy, breeding and raising of [horses] (القول [الثالث] في ذكر حملها ونتاجها وتربيتها; ff. 48r-71r);
- Chapter four, on illnesses, their causes and treatments and on the disease which affected them in 727[/1326-7] in Yemen (القول الرابع في ذكر أمراضها وأسبابها ومداواتها وذكر العلة التي حدثت بها في سنة سبع وعشرين وسبعمائة بإقليم اليمن; ff. 71r-91v);
- Chapter five, on the names of famous horses from the Jāhilīyah and the Islamic era ( القول الخامس في ذكر أسماء الخيل المشهورة في الجاهلية والإسلام; ff. 91v-112r);
- Chapter six, on foreign breeds of horses, draught horses and mules (في ذكر خيول العجم والبراذين والبغال; ff. 112r-128r).
The front and back folios of this volume (ff. 1r-2r and 128v) are annotated with numerous ownership notes, magic squares with Solomonic symbols, and poetry.
Begins (f. 2v, lines 2-4):
الحمد لله اللطيف بخلقه المتكفل لهم قبل السؤال بسابغ رزقه أحمده
على نعمه وهو خير في أنعم واستمره في فضله وهو القادر الأعظم
المحكم لمخلوقاته ومصنوعاته وهو أجل في صنع وأحكم...
Ends (f. 128r, lines 14-17):
إن الفيل جوهر يموت في السنة التي يموت فيها السلطان الملك
المطهر (!) قبل أن يمرض الفيل بزمان طويل فمات الفيل في تلك السنة
ولم تطل مدة الخليفة بعد ذلك وقيل إن عمر الفيل ثلثمائة سنة
وقالوا ظهر فيل في أيام المتوكل فعاش أربعمائة سنة والله أعلم
- Extent and format
- Codex A collection of pages, usually gathered into quires, and bound between covers. ; ff. i+128+ii
- Physical characteristics
Material: Eastern laid paper (ff. 1-90), Western laid paper (ff. 91-128)
Dimensions: 230 x 146 mm leaf [146 x 96 mm written], trimmed from larger dimensions
Foliation: British Museum foliation in pencil
Ruling: Misṭarah ; 19 lines per page (ff. 1-90), 21 lines per page (ff. 91-128); vertical spacing 13 lines per 10 cm (ff. 1-90), 14 lines per 10 cm (ff. 91-128)
Script: Naskh
Ink: Black ink, with rubricated headings and overlinings in red
Decoration: None
Binding: British Museum half-leather binding in red
Condition: Some smudging and water damage, tear to corner of f. 25, extensive deliberate smudging to f. 27r
Marginalia: Few, some mutilated by trimming. Extensive marginal additions on ff. 75v and 85r
Seals: British Museum stamp, ff. 1v and 128v
- Written in
- Arabic in Arabic script View the complete information for this record
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al-Aqwāl al-kāfiyah wa-l-fuṣūl al-shāfiyah الأقوال الكافية والفصول الشافية [54v] (117/270), British Library: Oriental Manuscripts, Or 3830, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 14 March 2025]
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- Reference
- Or 3830
- Title
- al-Aqwāl al-kāfiyah wa-l-fuṣūl al-shāfiyah الأقوال الكافية والفصول الشافية
- Pages
- front, back, spine, edge, head, tail, front-i, i-r:i-v, 1r:128v, ii-r:iii-v, back-i
- Author
- Please see item description
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- Public Domain