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The record is made up of 1 volume (267 folios). It was created in 1940s-1955. It was written in English and Arabic. The original is part of the British Library: Printed Collections.


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said I had seen Hamed bin Sunoor just before I started from Byreemee and he
said that he wished to go to Sohar with me but as he had not come supposed
he did not intend doing so and that I would not stop an instant we then rode
on until sunset when we left the track and went into the hills to a we called bn
el Hameza where we halted for the night, the road all the way was very good
and water in several places, the direction east by north halt north.
29th January at sunrise we left the bi el Hameza and getting into the rack we left
yesterday evening and proceeded until about 10 A.M. when^ we entered the bed
of a mountain torrent called the Wadi A seasonal or intermittent watercourse, or the valley in which it flows. al Yizzoe near a fine Gate grove called the
Nachl al Heil where there is a fine stream of water. At noon we reached another
large date grove the Nachl beni Gallab where there is also a stream of good water.
At 3 P.M. we came to a pass between two high peaks in the wadi A seasonal or intermittent watercourse, or the valley in which it flows. al Yizzee called
Shigaree, here there is a round tower called the Beeri al Shigaree. It was built by
the Imam of Muscat but now belongs to Hamed bin Saif/Al Bokhrebanee/ There
were several match lock men in the tower, they fired a gun as we approached and
demanded two dollars a head from us but we refused to pay anything and after
some altercation we passed on — There is a spring of good water here, and I saw
a gun an eighteen pounder/iron/in good condition lying near the tower which
the people told me was sent by the Imam of Muscat for the fort of Byreemee but
that they were unable to drag it further from Sohar they had no carriage for it and
it was brought to where it then was by being dragged by men along the ground—
they tired of the job and left it at Shiguree—at 4 P.M. we came to an aqueduct
upon arches crossing a ravine called el Malana belonging to the Kunude arabs
and at sunset we arrived at a small town/Saleet with large date groves and a fine
stream of water here we halted for the night. Plenty of water all the way to day no
forage except for camels. The road very good, winding through high mountains,
direction from Bir al Hameza to Saleet N.E. distance about eleven hours.
30th January started about an hour after sunrise and shortly afterwards saw the
sea towards the north east, when we commenced descending the hills—and entered
the plain at the Kenauts called fellegh el gubau which extend from the hills to the
date groves of Sohar about noon we arrived at the town of Al Shir where I heard
that the chief of Sohar was absent at Ristok but that his vakeel Saed Salleh was at
el wah a town about three hours distant I wrote him a letter and about three P.M.
started for Sohar where we arrived about an hour after sunset—and where my
arrival excited the astonishment of the people had I been a wild beast such as never
before was heard of I could not have excited greater curiosity everyone came to
see the English man who had been to Byreemee I found that the most extraordinary
reports were in circulation regarding the object of my going to the interior which
were so absurd as not to be worth mentioning. 1 found a boat just starting for
Muscat and as I heard many letters were written giving an account of all I did at
Byreemee I wrote to the Imam to prevent his being deceived by the false reports
which 1 was aware were written to him.
m j^ n ^ht Saed Salleh arrived and called on me requesting to know if he
could render me any service saying that Saed Hamood bin Ay an the chief of Sohar
would come in from Ristock if I wanted any thing done or wanted assistance to go
anywhere—that I should have camels horses men or anything he could command I
Ah! i OT i y Tl" ^ fr 6 t0 , put up n ] untl11 could Procure a boat to go to Bunder
tni/iL Sal eh told me there would be a batill which was coming from Muscat
to take two horses to the Resident going to Khurgh in a few days in which I could
iZ/ P fi! age Y™ 64 m th ? evening and on the 3rd of February I embarked for
from ar T ed ° n dle 9th February—and procured the statements
Futfe I Rflhn^n t m e u T 1 ]' my Ructions regarding the wreck of the bugalon
are no R safe?hle af rYi 1 ° n my arrival in Khorgh—bills of exchange
mercantile mn^pHnn^ ^ 61 ' Y? i YV'V 6 no wealth Y merchants there the
Merchants who told ( f te fn by hlndo ° brok ers belonging to the Muscat
be disoosed of there in thr^P S t 0 i he a i^^ unt ten thousand rupees Indian silver coin also widely used in the Persian Gulf. could not
stuff and sums from Yizd anH mY- 8 ^ exports from Bunder Abass are dye
stun ana gums trom Yizd and the imports piece goods and sugar —
AeTtotheauaStv T Sid A im the s “ b - issi »» °f the Naime
when we rnmi!w ih:,, l,, Sultan b,„ Suggur of Ras el Khyma which would
br!s r s u«

About this item


This volume relates to the arbitration concerning Buraimi [Al Buraymī] and the common frontier between Abu Dhabi and Sa'ūdi Arabia. The main body of text is a publication, which is introduced as being a '[M]emorial submitted by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'. The memorial, which was submitted to the arbitration tribunal, begins with an introduction and a copy of the Arbitration Agreement, concluded at Jedda [Jeddah] on 30 July 1954 and titled as follows: 'Arbitration Agreement Between the Government of the United Kingdom (Acting on Behalf of the Ruler of Abu Dhabi and His Highness Sultan Said bin Taimur) and the Government of Saudi Arabia' (ff 8-10). The memorial itself is divided into two halves: vol I and vol II. Vol I (ff 10-83) provides an overview of the dispute, which is structured as follows:

  • 'Part I: The Nature of the Dispute Submitted to the Tribunal' (ff 10-14)
  • 'Part II: Topographical Description of the Two Areas in Dispute' (ff 14-17)
  • 'Part III: Historical Bases of the Claims of the Rulers of Abu Dhabi and the Sultan of Muscat to the Areas in Dispute' (ff 18-30)
  • 'Part IV: The Economy of the Disputed Areas' (ff 30-32)
  • 'Part V: The Tribes' (ff 33-39)
  • 'Part VI: The Exercise of Jurisdiction' (ff 40-44)
  • 'Part VII: Sa'ūdi Pretensions to an Ancestral Claim to Territories in Eastern Arabia' (ff 44-46)
  • 'Part VIII: Revival of the Sa'ūdi Dynasty After 1900, and the Subsequent Development of the Dispute' (ff 47-62)
  • 'Part IX: The Contentions of the Government of the United Kingdom in Regard to the Burden of Proof…' (ff 62-64)
  • 'Part X: The Contentions of the Government of the United Kingdom in Regard to the Factors Mentioned in Article IV of the Arbitration Agreement' (ff 65-83)
  • 'Part XI: Final Submissions of the Government of the United Kingdom Acting on Behalf of the Ruler of Abu Dhabi and His Highness the Sultān Sa‘īd bin Taymūr' (f 83v).

Vol II of the memorial (ff 84-254) is formed of thirteen annexes, which include the following: copies of texts of relevant treaties and engagements; copies of British documents relating to the history of Abu Dhabi and of the Buraimi Zone; copies of correspondence and documents relating to the development of the dispute; information about Līwa and the Buraimi Oasis; evidence concerning the exercise of jurisdiction by the Ruler of Abu Dhabi over the coast of the disputed area and the adjacent islands; notes on various tribes based in the disputed area; genealogical tables of the Rulers of Abu Dhabi, Muscat and 'Omān, and Najd.

The volume concludes with a series of maps (some of which are photocopies and are reduced in size), relating to the disputed area (ff 256-264). It should be noted that Map B is not present. However, included with the other maps is a gazetteer of place names (ff 265-268), in which each place name is given map co-ordinates, presumably referring to positions on the missing Map B. Written in pencil on the first page is the following note: 'Evaluates Map B'.

In addition, a small sketch map of Arabia appears at the beginning of the volume (f 4).

The Arabic material consists of some text in a couple of the maps found at the rear of the volume.

Extent and format
1 volume (267 folios)

The main body of text is formed of two halves. The first half (vol I) consists of nine parts, most of which are divided into sections. The second half (vol II) is composed of thirteen annexes. Both halves are preceded by a table of contents.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the inside front cover with 1, and terminates at the last folio, which is contained within a pouch attached to the inside back cover, with 268; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.

Pagination: the volume also contains an original printed pagination sequence.

Written in
English and Arabic in Latin and Arabic script
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'ARBITRATION CONCERNING BURAIMI AND THE COMMON FRONTIER BETWEEN ABU DHABI AND SA'ŪDI ARABIA' [With maps] [‎131v] (267/541), British Library: Printed Collections, B.S. 14/371, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 5 July 2024]

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