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The record is made up of 1 volume (267 folios). It was created in 1940s-1955. It was written in English and Arabic. The original is part of the British Library: Printed Collections.


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ANNEX B, No. 3
Moollah Hussein, Agent at Sharjah to Major Wilson, Political Resident A senior ranking political representative (equivalent to a Consul General) from the diplomatic corps of the Government of India or one of its subordinate provincial governments, in charge of a Political Residency. , Persian
Gulf, June 17, 1829.
[Bahrain Archives, Book 58, pp. 159-65]
,cqi Translation of a Letter from Moollah Hussein the Agent at Shargah to Major
[P l59] Wilson dated 17’ June 1829.
A.C. I beg to acquaint you that Shaik Abdoolla bin Ahmad on his way up
returning to Bahrein anchored off Shinas Lingah, and having learnt that one of
Shaik Sooltan bin Suggur’s Birghas’ under the command of Abraham bin Rahmah
was at Lingah 111 he sent for that person and had a conversation with him respecting
the engagement which had been entered into with Shaik Sooltan bin Suggur to
visit him in Ras el Khymah which the Bahrein chief excused himself from ful
filling saying that God willing he would so after his arrival at Bahrein—Abraham
bin Rahmah says that Shaik Abdullah has taken a Bugla Large trading vessel. belonging to Sued
Mahomed the chief of Sofar, on her way from Bombay with a cargo for Bussorah
and Bushire—Shaik Abdoolla seized this vessel by violence and force after killing
Sued Mahomed. On his way up to Bahrein he fell in with the Imams ships of
Koh Mabaruk, which followed him firing their guns.—Shaik Abdoolla finding
himself pressed by their fire, transhipped the cargo of the captured 1 " 1 Bugla Large trading vessel. such
as guns sails & &. and then sunk her by knocking a hole thro’ her bottom: About
11 days ago Shaik Tahnoon sent a Man of the Beni Jittel tribe to Shargah to
enquire and spy what was doing there. On his return he reported that Shaik
Sooltan was collecting a very large force of Bedwins and Citizens and was
preparing his vessels for an expedition against Aboothabee. In consequence of
this information Shaik Tahnoon left a man named Sooltan bin Majed with 100
Men in Debaye and sending for Salmin bin Nasir the chief of Deruh gave him
[n 160] orders to rebuild his Towers and put the place in a state of defence he then took
his departure for Aboothabee for the purpose of gathering and preparing the
Benyas Tribe for War. In my former letter I mentioned that the Imam had
written to Shaik Mah d bin Fazul requesting him to make up matters between
Sooltan and Tahnoon and that Shaik Sooltan had sent over Abraham bin
Rahmah to Lingah to by[sic] the chief of that place to assist him against the
Beniyas, Shaik Mahomed accordingly embarked 300 Men on board his 3 Buglas
and proceeded over in person to Shargah. On his arrival there Shaikhs Sooltan
felt his pride and consequence greatly increased and immediately sent to [illegible]
Ras al Khymah, Jazirat al Humra. Amulgavin and Ajman. Heer and Fusht with
orders for his subjects in those places to collect at Shargah with the people ol
which place they formed altogether a body of about'4500 Men. Shaik Sooltan
rendered confident by such numbers proposed marching on Aboothabee an
assaulting it at once. To this however Mahomed bin Fazul would not agr^„
telling him that he had come over for the purpose of making peace and that he
was about to despatch a letter by boat to Shaik Tahnoon and would see what
answer was returned in order that they might know whether the Beniyas ai
was inclined for peace or war. The Bugarah was accordingly sent 6 days ago w!
a letter for Shaik Tahnoon—In the meantime Shaik Sooltan arranged with Shaik
Mahomed bin Fazul that they should endeavour to entice Salmm bin Nasir the
Chief of Deruh together with his tribe to forsake Tahnoon and cement himselt
with Bin Suggur and that in the event of his refusing to do so that they should
proceed against him with their army and expel him from Deru. y
Accordingly on the 12’ June the Shaik of Lingah embarked on boar is 11 7
and anchoring off Deruh sent word to Salmin bin Nasir that b e iy ls ® t n
The answer to this message was brought by a man named Jubbur bm ajo
whom Shaik Mahomed stated his wish that Salmm bin Nasir should give up h s
connexion with Shaik Tahnoon and his followers and join Shaik Soo ^ n - , . f
bin Majid accordingly returned on shore after promising to bring bac -
reply to this proposition—Salmin bin Nasir however on hearing w ,
refused to consent and the Lingah Shaik after waiting m vam for u
sailed the next day for Shargah. Shaik Sooltan finding that he a chiefs of
hoisted the Standards of War on the 15 h and accompanied y
(1) was at Lingah interlined.
(2) captured interlined.

About this item


This volume relates to the arbitration concerning Buraimi [Al Buraymī] and the common frontier between Abu Dhabi and Sa'ūdi Arabia. The main body of text is a publication, which is introduced as being a '[M]emorial submitted by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'. The memorial, which was submitted to the arbitration tribunal, begins with an introduction and a copy of the Arbitration Agreement, concluded at Jedda [Jeddah] on 30 July 1954 and titled as follows: 'Arbitration Agreement Between the Government of the United Kingdom (Acting on Behalf of the Ruler of Abu Dhabi and His Highness Sultan Said bin Taimur) and the Government of Saudi Arabia' (ff 8-10). The memorial itself is divided into two halves: vol I and vol II. Vol I (ff 10-83) provides an overview of the dispute, which is structured as follows:

  • 'Part I: The Nature of the Dispute Submitted to the Tribunal' (ff 10-14)
  • 'Part II: Topographical Description of the Two Areas in Dispute' (ff 14-17)
  • 'Part III: Historical Bases of the Claims of the Rulers of Abu Dhabi and the Sultan of Muscat to the Areas in Dispute' (ff 18-30)
  • 'Part IV: The Economy of the Disputed Areas' (ff 30-32)
  • 'Part V: The Tribes' (ff 33-39)
  • 'Part VI: The Exercise of Jurisdiction' (ff 40-44)
  • 'Part VII: Sa'ūdi Pretensions to an Ancestral Claim to Territories in Eastern Arabia' (ff 44-46)
  • 'Part VIII: Revival of the Sa'ūdi Dynasty After 1900, and the Subsequent Development of the Dispute' (ff 47-62)
  • 'Part IX: The Contentions of the Government of the United Kingdom in Regard to the Burden of Proof…' (ff 62-64)
  • 'Part X: The Contentions of the Government of the United Kingdom in Regard to the Factors Mentioned in Article IV of the Arbitration Agreement' (ff 65-83)
  • 'Part XI: Final Submissions of the Government of the United Kingdom Acting on Behalf of the Ruler of Abu Dhabi and His Highness the Sultān Sa‘īd bin Taymūr' (f 83v).

Vol II of the memorial (ff 84-254) is formed of thirteen annexes, which include the following: copies of texts of relevant treaties and engagements; copies of British documents relating to the history of Abu Dhabi and of the Buraimi Zone; copies of correspondence and documents relating to the development of the dispute; information about Līwa and the Buraimi Oasis; evidence concerning the exercise of jurisdiction by the Ruler of Abu Dhabi over the coast of the disputed area and the adjacent islands; notes on various tribes based in the disputed area; genealogical tables of the Rulers of Abu Dhabi, Muscat and 'Omān, and Najd.

The volume concludes with a series of maps (some of which are photocopies and are reduced in size), relating to the disputed area (ff 256-264). It should be noted that Map B is not present. However, included with the other maps is a gazetteer of place names (ff 265-268), in which each place name is given map co-ordinates, presumably referring to positions on the missing Map B. Written in pencil on the first page is the following note: 'Evaluates Map B'.

In addition, a small sketch map of Arabia appears at the beginning of the volume (f 4).

The Arabic material consists of some text in a couple of the maps found at the rear of the volume.

Extent and format
1 volume (267 folios)

The main body of text is formed of two halves. The first half (vol I) consists of nine parts, most of which are divided into sections. The second half (vol II) is composed of thirteen annexes. Both halves are preceded by a table of contents.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the inside front cover with 1, and terminates at the last folio, which is contained within a pouch attached to the inside back cover, with 268; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.

Pagination: the volume also contains an original printed pagination sequence.

Written in
English and Arabic in Latin and Arabic script
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'ARBITRATION CONCERNING BURAIMI AND THE COMMON FRONTIER BETWEEN ABU DHABI AND SA'ŪDI ARABIA' [With maps] [‎104r] (212/541), British Library: Printed Collections, B.S. 14/371, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 2 October 2024]

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