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The record is made up of 1 file (687 folios). It was created in 1915-1918. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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" 1
|fjReport see
List of
.4 Ciltinoxi Hi
18th February 1916. I may mention here that I h&ve^at last
succeeded in convincing the miltary authori
ties that the medical arrangements up the -igris
are as bad as can be. I have seen letters **om
wounded officers coitiplaining of the absence of *itw
most of the ordinary necessaries, such as bandages,
while we know for a fact that there are simply tons
of bandages waiting at Basrah which have been sent
from India, in addition to every sort of comfort
required for the troops. Cf course, the answer ot
the military authorities is that ^ ran 3 ? 0 f^,,
facilities are wanting; that is true, but the
transport of such thirds as bandages is just as
important as the transport of shells and food.
0 <5 1 — .v «j , b„ , J, _. . 1 _', ■ y "^1- .L
I - • f WKitte?' * k • —
Telegram from Secretary0 StateAojViccroy,'&ated 22nd February 191G.
PriviVte. Rem/ts re&cli bie of gfllvest (kficiencies in medkal
arrangelnents hwfiesopotfti^ia. I bear o^^youijft onmonce dressed during .>
whole river t^hsport, of serious ^hortag&of Mnda^, and absence of all ,
medical comforts, whether for sick or wounded., I fear theif: is Jreat dis- J
organisation, and though I recognise inherent diflBcultie^ ot transport, I ieei
that enquiry undertaken by Commander-in-@hief dlas
officer appointed by him to inspect yet reached MesopotariBi
you receive report from him, please telegiaph summary.
Telegram from Secretary of State to Viceroy, dated 23rd February 1910. ^
Private. Your private telegram t)f IGth February. Joint A\ ar C ommittee
would ’contemplate devoting their .resources 'on a large scale to proposed
work in Mesopotamia: Sir A. Lawley would go himself to organise work aeT
representative of Joint War Co.piMttee, but wo Jd be wnllmg to work under
Lnkis as ropl-es^fatlye-mf JnVliaiv CouncjJ. I think that m would be an
advantage to secure LawTev's services, and the whole-hearted-dp-operatfpn or
ihe home organisation f bid! that would involve, and that the arrangdmw
which he suo-gests smoothly. He could collect a hospital unit
here with a.first-class surgeon, whom he knows, dentist and nursing stall,
&c., 'complete. He ask^ie to .send through you the fofowihg message to
Lukis:— •’ > * # •.
“I have been Commissioner of the British R^ed Ci-oss .Society and
-OrdnxjJ Sr. Jaiim. in France for over a year, v/urkng ui!(fer*Su: Artbuy m
Sloggett. If you will accept my services the Joint War Committee will
depute me as their representative in Mesopotamia to establish a Supply
Depot, one or more Hospital units, and organise service of motor boats. I
would like to work under you and undertake to fit in with your existing
arrangements without any friction. The Joint Committee can command ail
necessary funds and material, but would like me to represent them.”
Please let me know by telegraph whether his proposal is accepted.
Telegram from Secretary of State.lo Governor of Bombay, dated
2,4th February 1910.
Private. Your private letter of 30th January deepens my anxiety about
hospital arrangements in Mesopotamia. Please communicate privately to
Viceroy all information in your possession. Mention also your desire for
of Commander-in-Chief or other high military official
Green J.
£ /
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Warrant Off^Cr R.IJL
jr r’
(fxmfj/v ]QXJv^'ir Art*.
H. /*
f /
2 .
t Discha**
f ij.; !
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About this item


This file contains working drafts of confidential prints, correspondence and telegrams from the room of Sir Edmund Barrow, Military Secretary in the India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. , collected for the Mesopotamian Commission which was convened to examine the causes of the besieging and surrender of the Indian Expeditionary Force in Kut-el-Amara [Al Kūt].

The papers cover a range of topics and include the following: General Townshend's assessment of the situation after the Battle of Kut-el-Amara; a précis of correspondence relating to the origins and development of the Mesopotamia expedition; and a collection (ff 396-399) of private telegrams between the Secretary of State for India and the Viceroy, prior to the outbreak of war with Turkey.

The file also includes some tables showing the strength of General Townshend's force at Ctesiphon (folio 111) as well as the Indian Expeditionary Force 'D' (In Mesopotamia) Troops of the 6th Poona Division (folio 114).

Correspondents include: General Sir John Nixon; Major-General Charles Vere Ferrers Townshend; the Viceroy of India; officials of the Admiralty; officials of the War Office.

Extent and format
1 file (687 folios)

The entries are recorded in chronological order from the front to the rear of the volume.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the inside front cover with 1 and terminates at the last folio with 686; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. Multiple additional mixed foliation/pagination sequences are present in parallel; these numbers are written in crayon and pencil; where they are written in pencil and circled, they are crossed through.

The file has one foliation anomaly, f 374A.

Written in
English in Latin script
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'PAPERS RELATING TO THE MESOPOTAMIAN COMMISSION from SIR E. BARROW'S ROOM' [‎585r] (1181/1386), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/MIL/5/768, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 31 January 2025]

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