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The record is made up of 1 file (687 folios). It was created in 1915-1918. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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i t
->o ) [ ™r ]nle ^ Tenera l Delamain’s armada arrived at
_.>i. October and anchored oh that island awaiting
0)t i October, in consequence of ihe liostile action taken by the Turks
against the hnssians in the Black Sea, the flotilla at Bahrein was ordered
-o sad at once to the Shatt-el-Arab, but did not get away till the 2nd
^ member. l ids order was supplemented wi —1 Im iwne iliiv* TTv i ho
^ Viceroy; ^ nn v nt :
" F,, ° ni Seci * etH, T of State for In'lhi, to Viceroy, dated 31st October 1914.
• f 1 Ref I e > r< : ,,ce . lu >’ tele b ri ' ai « of 30th October, Xo. 1303. Expedition “ I).'’ Please
V T ,, Mahrein t0 Proceed at once to Shatt-el-Arab and to concert measures with
-Naval iuithontics .for immediate attack on Fao.
“ korce wdl tlien clear Tm-ks out of the Shaft and its vicinity as far as Shumsuniva if
p.^s.blc After which it wdl await arrival of reinforcements from India.
AdmiraHy advise that reinforcements may be sent without escort from Bombay unless
nVl' d ),M " 1,u ‘ PI ’ m M , ,ias !lr d' reason s to contrary. Klniysb^rg located on African coast
south O equator. l ake steps to inform Arab Chiefs in Gulf anil on Aden side. Please
< huaph pmPible date of despatch of reinforcements and composition.”
1399. Expeditionary Force “ '* » mu '
Ordei 1 another Bn'o'ade of dth Division to be
r?ot i eady at once for despatch. Have you
transports ready for this force irrespective of
1 hose already detailed for next convoy to Europe
or Egypt.
“I will arrange with Admiralty for escort.”
Sir E. Harrow,
“ Sir E. Grey
ayroex that this warniny is
30th October I'Jl-k”
(Signed) Ckkwk. - ’
, 1110 Novembot- war with Turkey was declared, and on the same
<ia\ the expedition under General Delamain crossed the bar of the Shart and
I UQ : n f Hlg ; Wa i d ® layed bad weather, but on the morning
oi the 6th If.M.b. Odin bombarded Fao Fort after which a small force was
landed v Inch occupied the y l^ort without opposition. On the 7th the
expedition reached Abadan.
On the 8th November, General Delmnain began disembarking his force
on iiikish sod above Abadan, d’here was an affair of outposts on the 1 1th.
i . i •’ G ? neml 1 Barrett arrived at the mouth of the Shatt-el-Arab with
the 1 Mb Brigade and some Artillery and Cavalry. On the I !th he reached
haniyan, and on the loth Delamam’s Brigade attacked and drove back the
enemy from haihan. On the Kith the Secretary of State despatched the
following telegram to the \ iceroy :—
ti-nni .Secretary of State for India to Viceroy, dated 16th November 1914.
initial l succes! Un ’ 0ttS PleaSe COnve >' ,u * * v congratulations to Force “D” on its
” Consequent on this if politioal situation as regards Arabs is favourable, and if militarv
Barrett's V ° n ' leV * ^ medvdU ' advance both practicable and advisable with the force now at
• uetts disposal I presume you will instruct him to continue movement, Cabinet bavins
arrivai e nf Cai>tUre f Tn ** nuni f liate ob j ect ive of Force. Otherwise Barrett should await
amval of remainder of Divis.on before attacking Basra. How far can ships co-operate in
movement considering obstructions in river ? '
“ Impress on Barrett necessity of conciliating Arabs in every possible way Basra if
* f, ' iend ' y -•"I- »•«» every eXrt Z& to
On the 17th Sir A. Barrett advanced on Zain with two Brigades and
ounjl 1 he enemy strongly entrenched at that point. The position was held
b> about 4,o00 men with 12 guns. The Turks made a resolute defence but
UCMV (ln vmi Irom their enl renclimenrs with the loss of two .<>-im^ T 1 *^
>uc((*ss was decisive, as is shown by the following telegrams :
• J-’rom Sir Percy Cox to Secretary of State for India, dated 31st November 1914.
“4/ U. Steam launcli arrived Muhammerab bringing two Englishmen and deput-ition
from notables of Basra to report that Walisuf Basra and Baghdad'ami remnant of Turk sh
troops have fled up Tigris. All British prisoners safe.”
“ From (leneral Barrett to Secretary of Stale for India, dated 23rd November 1914.
No. 54 G. Basra, 22nd November.
Na\y ships reached Basra last night and our river detachment at 9 am to-dav •
remainder of force at noon. •> •
“All quiet, and inhabitants well disposed and friendly. Little apparent dimace done by
under^uard * (? buni0<1) ' Gei ' ,naa C,msul five German subjects Jo

About this item


This file contains working drafts of confidential prints, correspondence and telegrams from the room of Sir Edmund Barrow, Military Secretary in the India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. , collected for the Mesopotamian Commission which was convened to examine the causes of the besieging and surrender of the Indian Expeditionary Force in Kut-el-Amara [Al Kūt].

The papers cover a range of topics and include the following: General Townshend's assessment of the situation after the Battle of Kut-el-Amara; a précis of correspondence relating to the origins and development of the Mesopotamia expedition; and a collection (ff 396-399) of private telegrams between the Secretary of State for India and the Viceroy, prior to the outbreak of war with Turkey.

The file also includes some tables showing the strength of General Townshend's force at Ctesiphon (folio 111) as well as the Indian Expeditionary Force 'D' (In Mesopotamia) Troops of the 6th Poona Division (folio 114).

Correspondents include: General Sir John Nixon; Major-General Charles Vere Ferrers Townshend; the Viceroy of India; officials of the Admiralty; officials of the War Office.

Extent and format
1 file (687 folios)

The entries are recorded in chronological order from the front to the rear of the volume.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the inside front cover with 1 and terminates at the last folio with 686; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. Multiple additional mixed foliation/pagination sequences are present in parallel; these numbers are written in crayon and pencil; where they are written in pencil and circled, they are crossed through.

The file has one foliation anomaly, f 374A.

Written in
English in Latin script
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'PAPERS RELATING TO THE MESOPOTAMIAN COMMISSION from SIR E. BARROW'S ROOM' [‎59r] (117/1386), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/MIL/5/768, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 3 January 2025]

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