'Additions to Gazetteer of Persia, Volumes II to IV.' [64r] (127/370)
The record is made up of 1 file (185 folios). It was created in 1896. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .
This transcription is created automatically. It may contain errors.
The climate, as in all places situated at hi^h altitudes, has the effect
of quickening the breathing and circulation, and
(Sanitary.) 0 £ ma fci n cr the people more nervous and excitable
than those living in tbe lower plains. Beyond this the male population do
not seem to suffer in any serious way. The females, on the contrary, suffer
much from nervous disorders, are soon exhausted, and become old and worn
out. The climate is generally dry, rigorous and healthy. Fever is rare,
except in some few low and swampy valleys, such, for instance, as Khoi, but
those who survive the early years of their existence grow up strong and
healthy. The mortality amongst the children is very high, 60 to 70 per cent,
being the ordinary loss. The carelessness and ignorance of the people rather
than^effect of climate is probably responsible for this excessive death-rate.
The following notes on specific forms of
(Diseases.) disease were obtained from Dr. Adcock of
All forms of zymotic diseases are common, and diseases of the eyes
(onthalmia and its consequences) perhaps occur more^ frequently than any
other especially among the voung of both sexes. Stone in the bladder is
also frequent at all ages, especially among the males. In the towns the men
suffer most from indigestion, and the results of sexual abuses and excesses.
Heart-disease is common, and among a large.proportion of the popula
tion the heart is displaced downwards and inwards, probably due to the
Persian habit of tying in the waist, eating at long intervals and in immense
quantities, and their mode of sitting down during meals Lung-diseases
are not particularly common, except during winter, tuberculosis is certainly
less common than in Lurope.
The women suffer greatly from the accidents of child-birth, and the
mal-practices of the mammas or mid-wives; all are almost universally
hysterical Hysteria in one or other of its Protean forms can nearly always
be discovered Headache is the most general malady complained of, and is
most probably due to their sedentary existence, and the abuse of the Kalian.
They also suffer greatly from constipation and its attendant evils. 4 he
custom of early marriage has also a most detrimental effect, and numbers
of poor girls are completely ruined during the first year of marriage.
(The village .)—The men are decidedly more healthy and robust, their-
principal ailment being rheumatism, due to exposure and damp houses. In
feverish districts they naturally suffer from ague, but this is not common,
except in the Kara Dagh. The women, as a rule, are strong and healthy ;
they work very hard and suffer much in the same way and of the same com
plaints as the men, with the exception of the diseases consequent upon child
birth and lactation. Diseases of the eye are frightfully common among all
classes, and skin diseases (Pityriasis and Favus) of the scalp are nearly
Very large proportions of the children die under five years of age,
probably the greater number under one year. In a family of 10, probably
6 will die under five years' old.
Vaccination and inoculation are commonly practised; inoculation being
most usual, especially outside the towns.
(Picot, 1894)
About this item
- Content
This file consists of additions and corrections to the Gazetteer of Persia. Additions and corrections are organised in alphabetical order. Each addition or correction is accompanied by the source of the information.
The corrections are accompanied by a memorandum from the Quarter Master General in India, Intelligence Branch, to the Honourable George Curzon, MP, Carlton Club, London. The subject of the memorandum is given as 'Additions to Gazetteer of Persia, Volumes II to IV.' A note states that they are 'Forwarded for information in continuation of this office No. 3146.I. dated 24th October 1896 by F. G. Cardew, Captain, for Quarter Master General, India.'
Also included (folio 41) are tables of routes within Persia with hours riding time by horse and costs of carriage. In addition there are a number of tables of data. For example, weather observations (ff 53-63), bazar prices (f 109), imports and exports (ff 119-120). Mostly the additions contain supplementary information on the settlements.
Individuals submitting additions include Butcher and Stotherd, Picot and Preece.
- Extent and format
- 1 file (185 folios)
- Arrangement
The papers in the file are arranged in order of the various submitted contributions and in approximate chronological order.
- Physical characteristics
Foliation: the foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the front cover with 1, and terminates at the inside back cover with 185, these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.
- Written in
- English in Latin script View the complete information for this record
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'Additions to Gazetteer of Persia, Volumes II to IV.' [64r] (127/370), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, Mss Eur F111/644, in Qatar Digital Library <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100087690975.0x000080> [accessed 1 November 2024]
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Copyright: How to use this content
- Reference
- Mss Eur F111/644
- Title
- 'Additions to Gazetteer of Persia, Volumes II to IV.'
- Pages
- 1r:185v
- Author
- East India Company, the Board of Control, the India Office, or other British Government Department
- Usage terms
- Open Government Licence