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File 3939/1926 Pt 5 'Revision of Aitchison's Treaties: Persia, Seistan, Kerman and Persian Baluchistan' [‎24r] (41/558)

The record is made up of 1 item (288 folios). It was created in 7 Jul 1927-18 Dec 1931. It was written in English and French. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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y ' i
Treaties and Engagements
relating to
T’HE first European power to enter into relations with Persia was
1 the Republic of Venice, which sent a successful mission in 1464.
[n 1507 the Portuguese under Albuquerque seized the Island of Ormaz.
Ln 1561 Turkey concluded a treaty with Persia: and in the same year
Sir Anthony Jenkinson visited the court of Shah Tamasp I as the Envoy,
of Queen Elizabeth, but met with a cold reception.
About forty years later an adventurous Englishman, Sir Anthony
Sherley visited'Persia. Shah Abbas the Great appointed him as his
Envoy'to establish an alliance with the Christian monarchs of Europe
for the destruction of the Turks: and gave him a grant permitting all
Christian merchants to trade freely with Persia. Eng is , re
Dutch factories were established at Gamrun, the name of which was
changed by the Shah to Bandar Abbas. In 1622 the Portuguese were
expelled from Ormaz with the help of the English, then at war with
•iinutafc translation oj the ^toM^nedVy^JMko^heHey lro^ SK^
Abbas for all Christians to trade in t'ersia.
Our absolute commauiidement, Q^rlstia? people ^ndTo their religion;
dominions shall be trom this day open to a ^ • n il n resume to aiue them
and in such sort that none of ^“Sow "oVned w'ilh the prmees that
any euil word. And, because °f the am r i ir ; s tian marchants to rapaire and
professe Christ, I do giue this pattent ‘ jig+urbances or molestations of any
trafique in and through our dominions without ^sturbanc^o^^ qualltie? 0 f
duke, prince, gouernor. or c . apt JJ"®> shall bring shall be so pnuileged that
ours; but that all merchandiee that they shall bri^g^ unto itj ne yther to
=^ “Ire- hta^ra^nZ
Xeakf in' irat^^; t^fsh^any ^ our indices hane power
ouer their persons or goodes for any cause or^act whatsoeuer. belongeth
If by chaunce a marchant shall die, none shall power to take
unto him but if the marchant haue a companion^he ^haU h^^ his
possession of those goodes. But if (bj- a y reau i r ed by him in his sickness,
seruants, the gouernor or whomsoeuershani^ required which ghall conie
shall be answerable for all such goodes unt « , nevther companion nor
to require them. But if he die ^^^^t woulde^aue done, then the
seruant, nor time to recommende to any what he viouiue « s . .

About this item


This part relates to the Government of India's decision to issue a revised edition of Aitchison's Treaties (full title: A Collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads Relating to India and Neighbouring Countries ), with revised narratives for each geographical area covered, incorporating the principal events that have occurred since the publication of the previous edition in 1909.

The part concerns the revised narrative for the section regarding Persia [Iran], Seistan [Sistan], Kerman and Persian Baluchistan, and includes extensive interdepartmental correspondence (most of which is dated 1929-1931) discussing the contents of the revised narrative, as well as the question of which treaties and agreements to include alongside it.

The correspondence goes on to cover the requirement for a fresh proof of the revised narrative, following the Government of India's decision (made in consultation with His Majesty's Government) to defer its publication, in order to include references not only to recent events but also to further developments that are expected in the near future.

Most of the part is made up of a copy of the second proof of the revised narrative (ff 24-41) together with copies of numerous related treaties, agreements and correspondence covering the period 1763-1928 (ff 42-216), of which a significant amount is written in French.

The main correspondents are the following: the Foreign Secretary to the Government of India; the British Legation, Tehran; officials of the India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. , Foreign Office, Colonial Office, and the Government of India's Foreign and Political Department.

Extent and format
1 item (288 folios)
Written in
English and French in Latin script
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File 3939/1926 Pt 5 'Revision of Aitchison's Treaties: Persia, Seistan, Kerman and Persian Baluchistan' [‎24r] (41/558), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/10/1194/1, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 9 January 2025]

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