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'Report of Khan Bahadur Maula Bakhsh, Attaché to the Agent to the Governor General of India and Her Britannic Majesty's Consul-General for Khurasan and Sistan, on His Journey from Meshed to Quetta via Turbat-i-Haidari, Kain, Sistan, Kuh-i-Malik Siah and Nushki (7th April to 28th July 1898)' [‎16v] (37/156)

The record is made up of 1 volume (74 folios). It was created in 1898. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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{ff) lalking about irrigation in Sistan the Haslimat-ul-]\[ulk told me that
Disputes about water between the local Afgh&n the canals taking off from the Band-i-
and Persian officials in sistan. Afghan between Deh Taus and Deh Idu
on the Afghan side and the Warshufti district of Persian Sistan had been a
soutce ot trouble to both the Afghans and the Persians during the year 1897,
and led to a misunderstanding between the local Afghan and”Persian officials*
but that the dispute had been amicably settled.
W Talking about the administerial affairs of Sistan the Hashmat-ul-
Administerial affairs of Sistan. MulkcOndded to 1116 that Ms JOlinger SOD,
. , , . , . , Sartip Mir Ma’sum Khdn (a youth of
eighteen), being completely under the influence of his mother (the daughter of
the late Sardar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Sharif Khan, Nahrui Baluch) the latter had been abusing her
power by allowing her brothers, Sardars Sa’id Khan and Muhammad Ali Khan
to commit thefts in Afghdn territory, and by interfering in executive matters.*
maH I 4 I 1 i;Tl" t0 pl n ? f 0p this state of affairs he llad had Sardar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Huham.
raad Ah khan expelled from Sistan towards Sarhad, whence he had s one to
kabul, and had summoned bardar Sa’id Khan to Meshed and detained him
there under surveillance. ucu mui
He had also decided to recall his son, Mir Ma’sum Khau from Sistan
together with his mother and to appoint his elder son, Muhammad Raza Khan
v a a ed twenty-one years, by a concubine) to succeed him (Mir Ma’sum Khan!
as Deputy Governor of Sistan. Jlllan )
0n * ds reinstatement as Governor of Tabas, the Hashmat-ul-Mullc nronosed
to leave lus younger son, Mir Ma’sum Khan, in charge of the administration of
that dishict, and to visit Sistan himself in order to put the affairs there on a
satisfactory footing and then to return to Tabas himself and send back Mir
Sistdn " 1 khaU m/Aoui hls mother to resume tlie duties of Deputy Governor of
an influenhafNarut BaMch f Chief^SaZr ihfrif^hdnWho^to f h 0m
ooZZ tP ZlT l 0 lf r l 16 deemed ik essential to remote lier^from thlt
with her, he i ? nvited° the “latte"'^"^^, Mir Ma’sum Khan
however, suspected the Hashmat-ul-Mu lk of "s’ mont . ls a =°; Tl ! e lady,
son to excuse himself from ohpvino -\ lnis ^ er mo ^ lve s and advised her
This did not me. t with the mfat ul.M ^ ' SU “ m °r 0n p,ea of illnesa -
non-compliance with Ins order^ bv hi« " U ^ « approval, as he felt that the
the people of Sistan and thus weaken hi^authoritvTl & dem 1 ° r ralizin = effect on
b. .id, * , mp .„ a Mi, K,,,. ,„r,b„„t," 5 ,?:z '3
See paragraphs so. 64,75 and 7c. had already sent his eldest son, Sarhano-
Abdul Wahab Beg (brother of one of theffT 1 ll f aK ^ an . wi tl> an Assistant,
relieve him (Mir Ma’sum Khan). Hashmat-ul-Mulk’s concubines), to
(t) 1 took the opportunity to remind the Hashmat-ul-Mulk of tl„. „ •
r.™n S, si“l‘hrr. 0 7«rie™l; ,h ^i„ K . t hS L’.Y W ^ !r h - ad S ' Ven me in February ^Tto
Webb-Ware .nd s„, ge „ n . M ‘ jor Cufc^i'r d,s ™ aa Allahydr Khan, Pishkar who had
Hashmat^l' muT assured'^11^“e h^PaT"‘d^r 'creagh”^
1,8 ^ hi “ ; b “‘ tbat ^ slsSn, S and A th a at y he S
See paragrapi. 62 . take immediate steps to remove him from
— aaarwa t
«bd bbt .bo b, bnt „ „, bl6 foT',"” SZoHi 1 “™ a “

About this item


Report by Khan Bahadur Maula Bakhsh on his journey from Meshed to Quetta in 1898. The report starts with a description of the circumstances that gave rise to the journey and the preparations before departure (folios 12-17). The main body of the report consists of his account of the journey, written in diary form (folios 17-66). The last part of the report is formed of tables of data gathered during the journey (folios 67-72). The report contains information on distances, water, supplies, trade, human and physical geography, road conditions, and revenues.

Extent and format
1 volume (74 folios)

At the beginning of the volume is a table of contents arranged by subject with reference to the paragraph number.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the front cover with 1, and terminates at the inside back cover with 76; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.

Pagination: the file also contains an original printed pagination sequence.

Written in
English in Latin script
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'Report of Khan Bahadur Maula Bakhsh, Attaché to the Agent to the Governor General of India and Her Britannic Majesty's Consul-General for Khurasan and Sistan, on His Journey from Meshed to Quetta via Turbat-i-Haidari, Kain, Sistan, Kuh-i-Malik Siah and Nushki (7th April to 28th July 1898)' [‎16v] (37/156), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, Mss Eur F111/363, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 6 October 2024]

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