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Coll 28/67 ‘Persia. Annual Reports, 1932–’ [‎106v] (212/644)

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The record is made up of 1 file (320 folios). It was created in 6 Dec 1933-27 Mar 1947. It was written in English and French. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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only mean either that the Persian Government desired to create a fictitious value
for their claim in future treaty negotiations, or that they were attempting to
attain their end by methods incompatible with their position as members of the
League of Nations. The total cessation of such tactics was an essential
preliminary to the resumption of negotiations.
134. At the same time, His Majesty’s Minister was instructed to read to
the Prime Minister the text of a note which was not being sent in in writing on
the present occasion, but which His Majesty’s Government in the United
Kingdom would reluctantly have to address officially to the Persian Government
in the event of another such visit. Nevertheless, they felt it necessary to leave
the Persian Government in no doubt as to the position that would arise in such
an event.
135. The second note contained the instructions sent to the senior naval
officer as to the steps which he should take if a Persian gunboat were again
discovered by a British sloop at Tamb or Abu Musa. The instructions were to
the following effect: If the Persian vessel had already landed a party which
endeavoured to perform any act of territorial jurisdiction, or subsequently landed
a party without permission from the British vessel, or attempted to perform any
act of jurisdiction in territorial waters, the officer commanding His Majesty’s
ship was to demand the withdrawal of the landing party and/br insist on the
Persian vessel leaving within a reasonable period. If the Persian officer
commanding declined to comply with this request his action would be regarded
as an act of aggression against the sheikh. In that event, and if no other
measures sufficed, the officer commanding His Majesty’s ship would in the last
resort be obliged to use force.
136. The first note was presented and the gist of the second note duly read
to the Prime Minister by His Majesty’s Minister. As was only to be expected.
Jberoughi protested his ignorance of the matter and endeavoured to persuade His
Majesty s Minister that action was often taken at a distance from Tehran
without the knowledge of the Central Government, a suggestion which
oil It. Hoaie was able to treat with polite incredulity. His Majesty’s Minister
went on to add that he was unable to understand why the Persian Government
could not adopt the same procedure as regards Tamb and Abu Musa as we did in
regard to Sirri, and concluded by reading the second note, which resulted in a
rather painful silence.
137 - . Meanwhile, a similar communication was being made to the Persian
Minister in London. Some days later the latter called again at the Foreign Office
and stated, on instructions from his Government, that the Persian Government
regarded Tamb and Abu Musa as Persian territory, and therefore could not but
regard His Majesty s Government’s communication as an unfriendly gesture
JNo reply was made to this verbal statement.
at • 1 c 011116 ^ 0 . 11 it is of interest to note that Feroughi informed His
Majesty s Minister at the interview recorded above that he was virtually certain
that, H His Majesty s Government had agreed to surrender Tamb and Abu Musa
when Teymourtache had first suggested it, the treaty negotiations would have
been crowned with success^ The Persian idea of success may, however be
asswat G ”“— »< *•
Government on the subject of Tamb and that'there was no need to reiterate them
marivHrMa^vG Po MaJeSty ’ S t MiniSter WOuld admit that the assumptions
made by His Majesty s Government were not in accordance with the facts No
reply was returned to this nebulous communication.
140. No further visits of Persian vessels to Tamb took place during- the vear
but a curious incident occurred at the end of December wiLn ii wn a-
that the Sheikh of Ras-al-Kha.mah had had hTs flagstaffTm the island l”d
At the close of the year no further information was available Vmt if > n
possible that he had been negotiating secretly with the Persian Government^As
‘ r ™ eed ““

About this item


Annual reports for Persia [Iran] produced by staff at the British Legation in Tehran. The reports were sent to the Foreign Office by HM’s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary A diplomatic representative who ranks below an ambassador. The term can be shortened to 'envoy'. at Tehran (from 1943, Ambassador to Iran). The reports cover the following years: 1932 (ff 2-50); 1933 (ff 51-98); 1934 (ff 99-128); 1935 (ff 129-165); 1936 (ff 166-195); 1937 (ff 196-227); 1938 (ff 228-249); 1939 (ff 250-251); 1940 (ff 252-257); 1941 (ff 258-266); 1942 (ff 267-277); 1943 (ff 278-289); 1944 (ff 290-306); 1945 (ff 307-317); 1946 (ff 318-320).

The reports for 1932 to 1938 are comprehensive in nature (each containing their own table of contents), and cover: an introductory statement on affairs in Persia, with a focus on the Shah’s programme of modernisation across the country; an overview of foreign relations between Persia and other nations, including with the United Kingdom, British India, and Iraq; Persia’s involvement in international conventions and agreements, for example the League of Nations and the Slave Traffic Convention; British interests in or associated with Persia, including Bahrain and Bahrainis resident in Persia, the Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. at Bushire, the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, Imperial Bank of Persia, and the Imperial and International Communications Company; political affairs in Persia, including court and officials, majlis, tribes and security; economic affairs in Persia (government finances and budgets, trade, industry, agriculture, opium production); communications (aviation, railways, roads); consular matters; military matters (army, navy, air force).

Reports from 1939 to 1946 are briefer in nature, Reports from 1941 onwards focusing on the Anglo-Soviet occupation of Persia, and the role of United States advisors in the Persian Government’s administration.

The file includes a divider, which gives a list of correspondence references contained in the file by year. This is placed at the back of the correspondence.

Extent and format
1 file (320 folios)

The file’s reports are arranged in chronological order from the front to the rear of the file. Each report for the years 1932-1938 begins with a table of contents referring to that report’s own printed pagination sequence.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the front cover with 1, and terminates at the inside back cover with 321; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.

The file contains one foliation anomaly, f 308A

Pagination: Each of the reports included in the file has its own printed pagination system, commencing at 1 on the first page of the report.

Written in
English and French in Latin script
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Coll 28/67 ‘Persia. Annual Reports, 1932–’ [‎106v] (212/644), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/12/3472A, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 19 November 2024]

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