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File 1187/1914 Pt 2 ‘Persia – Policy. British Interests in the South. Russian Policy’ [‎258r] (263/300)

The record is made up of 1 item (149 folios). It was created in 2 Jul 1914-18 Jun 1915. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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0 tJ T., H F K
July 30. 1914
I have the honour to report that juet previous
to the receipt of your Despatch No. 184 (31055) of the
14th infctant I had received a despatch fro® His
laje^ty's Vice ron^ul at Ahwas now in ca&p at Isfahan
reporting on the extreiaely uneat is factory An East India Company trading post. state of
affairs on the Lynch road froa Ahwa* to Isfahan.
r opy of captain Banking’s despatch is
No. 1/46 enclosed herewith.
of July and
At ny request JOr. Chore hill ailed on the
r akhtiari Khans .Serdar Zafar and Lorteaa Hull irhan.on
the 28 th inetant to die cuss with thee; the various
questions raised by the Agent at Ahwaa of the Persian
Transport r ocipany and retain linking.
loth Khans agreed entirely as to the
necessity of taking measures te improve the condition
of the road and thought it most essential that Berdar
Jang ( Ilkhani The paramount chief of certain tribes in south west Iran. ) and Berdar ~ahadur (acting Ilbeggi)
should lay aside a certain sum annually to be expended
on urgent and necessary repairs.
The Khans could not agree with Captain
Banking that "the chief disintegrating factor is the
II (tribe)" nor did they consider it feasible to
"forbid the II from using the Lynch road". The snow
and rainfall are f In their opinion,the chief factors
^ ie T *ight Honourable
Bir S.Grey.i art. ,r .0. # L.P.,
etc etc etc
• f * •

About this item


This part contains papers, mostly correspondence and India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. minute papers, relating to British interests and Russian policy in the South of Persia [Iran]. It includes papers relating to the following:

  • the condition of the Lynch road from Ahwaz to Isfahan (the Bakhtiari Road)
  • the question of how far diplomatic action by HM Government in order to rehabilitate British interests in South Persia is desirable or practicable in existing circumstances
  • the Foreign Office recommendation that revised assurances should be given to the Sheikh of Mohammerah, in order to strengthen the British position in Arabistan
  • the Foreign Office view that the moment is not opportune for taking up the various questions of policy in South Persia
  • the collection of taxes by Russian consuls in Persia
  • the state of affairs in the districts of Urmia and Soujboulak
  • the appointment of a Governor-General at Ispahan
  • grievances of the Persian Government against the Russian Government
  • Russian ‘intrigues’ with the Bakhtiari khans
  • the proposed substitution of a Bakhtiari for Nizam-es-Sultaneh as Governor-General of Luristan

The correspondence is largely between the following:

Extent and format
1 item (149 folios)
Written in
English in Latin script
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File 1187/1914 Pt 2 ‘Persia – Policy. British Interests in the South. Russian Policy’ [‎258r] (263/300), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/10/451/1, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 17 July 2024]

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