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File 1187/1914 Pt 2 ‘Persia – Policy. British Interests in the South. Russian Policy’ [‎164r] (75/300)

The record is made up of 1 item (149 folios). It was created in 2 Jul 1914-18 Jun 1915. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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Whether Russia adopted course 1 or 2 it was for her
to decide, but it is unfortunate that the Russian officials
did not adopt either. They have now incurred the odium of
having used Shuja against the will of Persian Government,
the withdrawal of Russian troops has taken place but Russia
has got no credit for it at Teheran, on the contrary it ap
pears to. Persian Government as if they owed the withdrawal
to the advance of the Turks,
I would therefore earnestly ask Minister for Foreign
Affairs to believe that any suggestions I have made about
Persia during the war have been influenced by a feeling of
the solidarity of Russian and British interests in the war
and a belief that neither Russian nor British interests
were being served by the policy pursued by Russian official
in Persia,
For rne the sole consideration is whether policy pur
sued in Persia is likely' to help or hinder the progress of
t |l the war. During the war the Persian question does not
iij exist for me apart from its effect on the war.
I hope that Russian victories in the Caucasus will far
outweigh strategically any ground gained by Turkey in
Persia, but I fear that Turkey has gained a certain diplo
matic footing and goodwill in Persia that may be embarrass
ing in the I Mussulman world generally, which is a matter of
serious consequence to us.
What military steps can be taken to recover lost
'round it is for Russia to decide.
f Diplomatically I can see nothing except to attach
Persian Government to our side by meeting the pressing re-
quest that they are making for an advance of £100,000, !e
rould advance half of this if Russia agreed to advance the
■vblier. Does Minister for Foreign Affairs think this
desirable and if so on what conditions? It is no good
mking stiff or disagreeable conditions now, if we are to
mike the advance at all.
Repeated to Sir \U Townley, No. 16.

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This part contains papers, mostly correspondence and India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. minute papers, relating to British interests and Russian policy in the South of Persia [Iran]. It includes papers relating to the following:

  • the condition of the Lynch road from Ahwaz to Isfahan (the Bakhtiari Road)
  • the question of how far diplomatic action by HM Government in order to rehabilitate British interests in South Persia is desirable or practicable in existing circumstances
  • the Foreign Office recommendation that revised assurances should be given to the Sheikh of Mohammerah, in order to strengthen the British position in Arabistan
  • the Foreign Office view that the moment is not opportune for taking up the various questions of policy in South Persia
  • the collection of taxes by Russian consuls in Persia
  • the state of affairs in the districts of Urmia and Soujboulak
  • the appointment of a Governor-General at Ispahan
  • grievances of the Persian Government against the Russian Government
  • Russian ‘intrigues’ with the Bakhtiari khans
  • the proposed substitution of a Bakhtiari for Nizam-es-Sultaneh as Governor-General of Luristan

The correspondence is largely between the following:

Extent and format
1 item (149 folios)
Written in
English in Latin script
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File 1187/1914 Pt 2 ‘Persia – Policy. British Interests in the South. Russian Policy’ [‎164r] (75/300), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/10/451/1, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 17 July 2024]

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