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Coll 17/10(1) 'Internal: political situation; relations with HMG' [‎117v] (239/982)

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The record is made up of 1 volume (487 folios). It was created in 4 Nov 1932-14 Jan 1937. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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in discussing with some of his colleagues the situation created by the affa'
Princess Azzah, had argued that the Royal Family had been so disgraced
there was nothing for it but to depose King Ghazi and to set up a Council
Regency to govern the country until the infant Crown Prince came of age" y '
explained that, when this came to his knowledge, he had discussed the & matter 8
private with Rashid Ali, who had agreed with him that the course advocated bv
Nuri would be disastrous. They had, however, both thought that Nuri’s vie ' ^
might have had their origin in suggestions made to him either in your Deuart"
ment, during his recent visit to London, or by myself in Bagdad. Yasin recalled
that, within the last ten days or so, I had questioned him about King Ghazi’
position, and said that he had decided to ask me frankly whether Nuri’s idea
had been inspired by His Majesty’s Government.
7. He went on to explain that, in his opinion, any plot to set King Ghazi
aside would expose the country to the danger of general anarchy. In Iraq no
one trusted anyone else, each one was jealous of his neighbour, and it would be
impossible to find a group of men who commanded respect or authority enough
to be able to rule as Regents without exciting the envy and hostility of a number
of dangerous rivals. If King Ghazi were deposed, a struggle for power would
be sure to follow and the country would be brought to ruin. One had only to
think how such a state of things would be exploited by the Shiah and Kurdish
tribes in order to realise to what disasters the step which Nuri proposed would
lead. I replied that I felt bound to agree that he had rightly described the
situation which would be likely to arise, and I said that I shared his views
about Nuri’s plan.
8 . Yasin then said that he understood that Nuri had even gone so far as to
suggest that he (Yasin) himself should be Regent. Such an idea was as ill-
judged in itself as it was repugnant to him personally. He had no wish whatever
to become Regent. Indeed, if he were to, he would certainly be accused of having
engineered the disgrace of the princess in order to usurp supreme power.
9. I said that I had received no record of any conversation which Nuri
Pasha An Ottoman title used after the names of certain provincial governors, high-ranking officials and military commanders. might have had at the Foreign Office concerning the marriage of the
princess, and that I could confidently assure his Excellency that it was out of
the question that even a hint of such an idea as deposing King Ghazi could
have been given to Nuri without my having been informed.
10 . I then asked the Prime Minister to tell me to what extent, in his view,
King Ghazi’s position had been damaged by the marriage. Yasin replied that
public feeling was running so high that it might be difficult for King Ghazi to
hold his own unless his honour were speedily retrieved. It was His Majesty’s
first and obvious duty to kill his sister with his own hand. His lost honour
could not properly be regained by means of a hired assassin. If King Ghazi
killed the princess promptly, he could hold up his head again and look people
in the face. Otherwise, as time went on, his position might become so shaken
as to be beyond saving. The Prime Minister spoke without excitement, choosing
his words with deliberation.
11 . I replied that much of what he said, both about the gravity of the
shock to King Ghazi’s prestige and the pitiless method of restoring it, was
confirmed by what I had recently heard elsewhere. I thought it my urgent duty
to warn him that public opinion outside Iraq, which, I was sure he would agree,
could not be ignored, would look at the affair in a different light. Morganatic
marriages had become commonplace among some Royal families of Europe, and
nowadays little or no stigma attached to them. For a few days the “ romance”
of the story was given prominence in the press, and then it was quickly forgotten.
On the other hand, if His Majesty murdered his sister, no matter what justifi
cation there might be for such an act under Arab custom, he would so horrify
the civilised world that he would be disgraced for ever.
12. The Prime Minister listened attentively and then said that he had
been turning over in his mind the possible and, in his view, the inadequate
alternative of securing the annulment of the marriage and the return of the
princess to her own country. The Iraqi Minister at Rome had, in fact, already
made a special appeal in King Ghazi’s name to King Victor Emmanuel and
Signor Mussolini to have the marriage annulled, and had received a not
discouraging reply. I enquired what would be done with the princess if she
were brought back to Iraq. The Prime Minister replied that she would be
declared to be insane and shut up. When I asked if her life would be safe, he

About this item


The volume contains correspondence and memoranda regarding relations between HM Government ( HMG Her or His Majesty’s Government in London. ) and Iraq following independence, and private arrangements for the supply of information to HM Ambassador in Baghdad from British advisers to the Iraqi Government. The records also document the reaction of the India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. and Foreign Office to political developments within Iraq, and their concerns over the possible impact on British and Indian commercial interests in Iraq.

The following events are documented in the file:

  • 1932. Opening of the Iraqi parliament, formation (and change) of cabinets, arrangements for conservancy of the Shatt al-Arab.
  • 1933. The death of King Faisal [Fayṣal bin 'Alī al-Hāshimī], the accession and policy of King Ghazi [Ghāzī bin Fayṣal al-Hāshimī], cabinet crises, and protests against the continued relationship between HMG Her or His Majesty’s Government in London. and the Government of Iraq.
  • 1934. Political appointments and commercial development.
  • 1935. Opposition group activities in Iraq, tribal revolts in the Middle Euphrates area, cabinet crises, Yezidi disturbances in Mosul, and discussion of the Assyrian question.
  • 1936. The controversy surrounding the marriage of Princess Asa [Azza] to a Christian porter in Athens, and the proposals of the Iraqi cabinet that she be murdered, or the marriage annulled; suppression of tribal activity in the Rumaitha district; the coup d'état, and instigation of a new cabinet under Hikmat Suleiman.

The bulk of the volume consists of correspondence between the Foreign Secretary and HM Minister in Baghdad. A number of communications and official statements from the Government and King of Iraq are also present. The volume also contains the following items of particular interest:

  • Record of a conversation between Sir Francis Humphrys and Yasin Pasha An Ottoman title used after the names of certain provincial governors, high-ranking officials and military commanders. Al Hashimi, ff 426-427.
  • English translation of a letter of condolence from Amir Abdullah I bin al-Hussein, King of Jordan, to King Ghazi, ff 403-406.
  • Notes on the economic benefits accruing to Britain in Iraq, ff 357-359, 367-369.
  • Memorandum regarding the commercial interests of the British India in Iraq, with a list of commercial enterprises, ff 346-351.
  • Letter from Humphrys to King Ghazi regarding the continuation of private arrangements to ensure the transfer of information between the Government of Iraq and HMG Her or His Majesty’s Government in London. , f 312; with corresponding letter from King Ghazi to Humphrys, f 298.
  • Communication sent by Archibald Clark Kerr to the Foreign Secretary (Viscount Eden), on the coup and its aftermath, ff 26-30.

The volume includes dividers which give lists of correspondence references contained in the volume by year. These are placed at the end of the correspondence (folios 4-5).

Extent and format
1 volume (487 folios)

The papers are arranged in rough chronological order from the rear to the front of the volume.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the main foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the inside front cover with 1, and terminates at the inside back cover with 489; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. An additional foliation sequence is present in parallel between ff 4-486; these numbers are also written in pencil, but are not circled.

Written in
English in Latin script
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Coll 17/10(1) 'Internal: political situation; relations with HMG' [‎117v] (239/982), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/12/2860, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 24 March 2025]

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