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File 4880/1913 Pt 2 'Turco-Persian Frontier Commission: protocol of 1913' [‎271v] (410/499)

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The record is made up of 1 item (248 folios). It was created in 1913. It was written in English and French. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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it seemed unlikely that Turkey would consent to this, and that, even if she did, it was
difficult to conceive of any arrangement more likely to lead to friction in the future, and
to weaken the company’s position in the event of difficulties being raised by the
Anatolian Railway or other persons holding concessions from Turkey, since in that case
it would be to Turkey’s interest to support the other concessionnaires in their attempt
to squeeze out the Anglo-Persian. Mr. Greenway seemed to appreciate this, and
finally said that he would be quite ready to accept the arrangement I have outlined
above—provided, of' course, that the company did not have to pay twice over. The
practical point arises under article 10, under which Persia gets 16 per cent, of the net
profits, and we agreed that this could be satisfactorily met by a provision that the
company should not have to pay anything to Persia under that article on profits derived
from wells in the ceded territory, such dues on profits being payable to Turkey, who
should for that purpose have a right to inspect the company’s books. Mr. Greenway
said that they were not making any profits irom these wells at present, but were merely
keeping them open in the hope of a local demand arising with the construction of the
Bagdad Railway. In that event it might be convenient to form a new company to
work these wells, and he would like a provision specifically empowering them to be so
Mr. Greenway said that it would have been impossible for them to lay a pipe-line
to the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. on the Persian side of the frontier, and if they had ever wanted one
they would have had to get permission from Turkey to lay it on that side. He wanted
it provided that the right conferred by article 2 should extend to laving pipe-lines
through Turkish territory not included in the cession by Persia. This point has been
raided by Sir G. Lowther (1 8111/13), and I think that such a provision should certainlv
be inserted. J
Enclosure 2 in No. 1.
Concession granted to Mr. D’Arcy.
[Enclosure in Sir A. Hardinge’s No. 16, Commercial, May 30, 1901.]
, J^ TRE J e Gouvernement de Sa Majeste Imperiale le Schah de Perse d’une part,
et William Knox D Arcy, rentier, demeurant a Londres, No. 42, Grosvenor Square
(u-apres designe par 1 expression “le concessionnaire”), d’autre part, il est par ces
presentes convenu et arrete ce qui suit, savoir :— ^
Article l er .
mr ^ d *-v l So! '*h octwie concessioner*
par oes presentes le privilege special et exclusif de rechercher, obtenir exploiter
iTTW 6 emporter et vendre le ga Z ’nathetle
petrole lasphalte et 1 ozokent, dans toute I’dtendue de 1’Empire persan pour une
duree de soixante annees it d^eouler de la date des presentes. P P
Article 2.
des Semente fi, TsTw ^ ex « lusi f d’instaUer les “ pipe-lines ” necessaires
Perslme ainsi one L I™ °j. P If' 6 ™ 8 desdits produits jusqu’au Golfe
le droit de constrnire , m p nc em ® llts de distribution ndcessaires. II comprendra aussi
d’accumulation et de d' ei . 1 , r ^. eulr t ? us P ult8 > reservoirs, stations et services de pompes,
jug“ess!dres! l ' SmeS et autres travaux et ^cements qui Waient
Article 3.
les Tlttf f at ] uite f nei ! t . au c< [ ncess 'onnaire tons
iuo-eront ^ P i P t a 1 Rtat que les mgemeurs du concessionnaire
mfntionLs OuTnt P ,Tt ■ COnst ™ < ; tl011 de ou partie des travaux ci-dessus
sionnaire devra les-leb t ellaln . s [ultives appartenant au Gouvernement, le conces-
ment imnXIaT leeorl f T Pr, f e q uitabl e et courant de la province. Le Gouverne-
tous autres te-rains ^ a ? men i l au , concessionnaire le droit de faire acquisition de
derproniStaires aL bpiments necessaires pour le m&ne objet, du consentement
p opuetaues, aux conditions qui pourront dtre arretees entre lui et eux sans qu’il

About this item


Correspondence, reports and maps relating to the 1913 Turco-Persian Frontier Commission, and the production of the Protocole relative à la Délimitation turco-persane, signé à Constantinople le 4 (17) Novembre, 1913 .

The primary correspondents are: HM Consul-General at Teheran (Sir Walter Beaupre Townley); HM Consul-General at Constantinople; HM Vice-Consul at Kashr-i Shirin (E B Soane); the India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Political Department; the Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs (Said Halim); the Russian Consul-General in Baghdad (M Orlof); the Russian Ambassador to the UK (Count Von Benckendorff); HM Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Sir Edward Grey); and Albert Charles Wratislaw, head of the British section of the Commission.

The file opens with correspondence regarding reported Turkish military build-up in Kasr-i Shirin [Qaṣr-e Shīrīn], disturbances on the Baghdad-Kermaāshāh route, local raids by Persian and Turkish tribesmen, possible concessions to Turkey in the Zohab [Zohāb] district, and the difficulty of reaching an agreement which would be acceptable to Sunni and Shia tribes in the Zohab region. A map of the Zohab region is included at folio 305.

The bulk of the file concerns arrangements for the Frontier Commission, discussing: the push for a settlement; the composition of the British, Russian, Turkish and Persian commissions; the need to use surveying and triangulation to improve on pre-existing, inaccurate maps; the wording of the internal rules [ Règlement Intérieur ] to govern the Commission; arrangements over work to be conducted by the northern and southern sections of the Commission; and arrangements to preserve the rights of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company in regions to be transferred to Turkey.

Key items:

Folios 224-29 Declaration regarding the frontier, signed by Sir Edward Grey and I Hakky Pasha An Ottoman title used after the names of certain provincial governors, high-ranking officials and military commanders. , with four accompanying maps:

  • Map No 1, Sketch Map showing Turco-Persian Frontier West and South of Hawizeh [Howeyzeh];
  • Map No 2, Sketch Map of Muhammareh [Khorramshar] to indicate the Turco-Persian Boundary;
  • Map No 3, Sheet No I, Map of Shatt-Al-'Arab & Bahmanshir [Rūdkhāneh-ye Bahmanshīr] including Muhammareh [Khorramshar] & 'Abbádán I [Ābādān];
  • Map No 4, Sheet No II, Map of Shatt-Al-'Arab & Bahmanshir, including Muhammareh & 'Abbádán I.

Folios 68-87 Copy of the Protocole relative à la Délimitation turco-persane, signé à Constantinople le 4 (17) Novembre, 1913, plus: additional copies of the four maps detailed above; Annex (A), Règlement intérieur de la Commission de Délimitation de la Frontière turco-persane ; Annex (B) Statement by the Ottoman Government pledging to maintain, within the territories granted by Persia to Turkey, the rights and obligations granted to the Anglo-Persian Oil Company Ltd by the Persian Imperial Government under the Convention of 28 May, 1901; also included are notes on the meetings of the frontier delegates at Constantinople, 4-9 November, written by the British Commissioner, Albert Charles Wratislaw.

Folio 67 is a collection header sheet, giving the subject heading and a list of correspondence references found within the part, listed by year.

Extent and format
1 item (248 folios)

The papers are arranged in rough chronological order from the rear to the front of the section

Written in
English and French in Latin script
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File 4880/1913 Pt 2 'Turco-Persian Frontier Commission: protocol of 1913' [‎271v] (410/499), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/10/430/2, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 21 September 2024]

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