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Coll 28/8 ‘Persia; Diaries; Sistan & Kain, April 1927 – 1933’ [‎181r] (372/434)

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The record is made up of 1 volume (213 folios). It was created in 25 Jul 1927-25 Oct 1933. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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Diary oi His Majesty’s Consul, Sistan and Kain, for the month of January 1928.
^yement or His Majesty’s Consular
1. Reference paragraph 106.
His Majesty’s Vice-Conusl, Duzdap,
returned to his headquarters on 2nd
January 1928, with Captains Bruce and
Aird Smith. The two latter officers took
the train for Quetta on 4th January.
Persian Officials. '
2. Shahzada Amanulla Mirza, Amir-i-
Lashkar (General Officer Commanding,
Eastern Army) and Amir Mohd. Ibiahim
Khan Alem (Shaukat-ul-Mulk) arrived
from Birjand on 31st January. The
usual difficulty about calls was foreseen
and successfully evaded ; the Prince,
whose acquaintance His Majesty’s Consul
had fortunately made at Meshed in Sep
tember, dined quietly at the Consulate
the night after his arrival, and His
Majesty’s Consul returned this “ call ”
the following day. The ice thus broken
(largely, it may be guessed, through the
good offices of the Shaukat-ul-Mulk) a
series of hurriedly-arranged gaieties fol
lowed, the Amir-i-Lashkar and his staff
mixing daily with the British colony on
the most friendly terms. The festivities
concluded on 6th Pebinary with a polo
match between a team led by the Amir-
i-Lashkar and one representing the
British Consulate; a hotly-contested game
ended in a draw 7 , three all, and interna
tional complications were successfully
avoided. Aecompaiied by the Brigade
Commandant and the Pinancial Agent,
the Amir-i-Lashkar left for Band-i-
Kohak on 7th Pebruary, but he is ex
pected back almost at once and will
proceed to Duzdap and Khwash at the
end of the w r eek.
Amanulla Mirza is extremely vain,
both of his personal appearance and of
his prowess at games and field sports,
but he is saved from fatuousness by a
distinct sense of honour, and is undoubt
edly both intelligent and energetic.
3. Shaukat-ul-Mulk returned to Bir
jand on 5th Ptbruary. He is still offi
ciating as Governor of the Qainat, as
the substantive Governor , his nephew
Hisam-ud-Daula, has unexpectedly pro
longed his stay in Europe.
4. Adlieh .—Reference paragraph 108.
M. Abdul Hussain Khan Kasravi
arrived on 24th January 1928 to take
up the post of Sulhiyeh Judge, Sistan
Circle. His powers are limited to cases
involving not more than Tomans 10,000 Persian dinars, or a gold coin of that value. 400,
with appeal to the Bedayet Judge at
M. Kasravi is the brother of Dr. Mah
mud Khan, the Shaukat-ul-Mulk’s family
physician, and w r as Sulhiyeh Judge at
Birjand w hen the courts w T ere closed last
Russian Affairs.
5 Reference paragraph 111.
The lady w ho came with M. Platte on
his return from Meshed was the (Arme
nian) wife of his attache Jagarbekian.
The Consul’s ow T n wdfe together with
Mme. Puks, wdfe of the Vice-Consul,
arrived to-day (8th Pebruary).
6. The Soviet Consul is keeping very
quiet, and is not indulging in anti-British
propaganda or other objectionable ac
tivity. Neither the Brigade Command
ant nor the Governor are on more than
formal calling terms wuth him, but M.
Abdul Hussain Khan Rahi, the Pinan
cial Agent, an intriguer and busybody
of the first water, visits the Soviet Con
sulate frequently, and is giving M. Platte
lessons in Prench.
7. Seth Taiyib Ali, head of the firm of
Mohammed Ali Brothers, of unsavoury
reputation and first cousin of Ghulam
Abbas accused in the “ Karachi Coining
Case ”, arrived in Sistan on a short visit
on 28th January. The following evening
after dark he went to the Soviet Con
sulate and had an interview with the
Consul, as a result of wffiich he took an
oath on the Qur’an to serve the Soviet
faithfully by every means in bis power.
He has already returned to Karachi, but
stated before leaving that as soon as his
cousin w r as acquitted he would return
with him to Persia and help to organize
a motor courier and passenger service
between the Soviet Consulates at Sistan,
Meshed and Kerman.
It was Taiyib Ali w ho went to Tehran
last summer to enlist the aid of the Per
sian Gove
cousin a
the defence of his
coining cdstyrupde ; cor

About this item


Printed copies of monthly reports submitted by the British Consul at Sistan and Kain [Ka’īn] (Clarmont Percival Skrine; Major Clive Kirkpatrick Daly).

The reports provide information on: the region’s trade; locust observations and movements (occasionally appearing as an appendix to the main report); affairs of the Persian Government and Persian military ; the movements of British consular officials; local affairs at the region’s towns, including Sistan, Birjand, Sarhad (in Persian Baluchistan) and Duzdap [Zahedan]; roads and railways; Afghan affairs; the activities of Soviet Russian Government representatives in the region, including the dissemination of Soviet propaganda; and the movements of foreigners, in particular Europeans and Russians.

Minute papers are enclosed with each report, which frequently contain handwritten notes made by India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. staff, making reference to numbered paragraphs from the report.

Extent and format
1 volume (213 folios)

The papers are arranged in approximate chronological order from the rear to the front of the volume. The monthly reports are arranged into subjects and paragraphs, with each new subject given a number. For the years 1928 to 1931 the subjects begin at 1 for the first subject in the first report for January, and run until the end of the December report. From 1932, the subject numbers restart at 1 in each monthly report.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence commences at the first folio with 1, and terminates at the last folio with 209; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.

The foliation sequence does not include the front and back covers; nor does it include the four leading and ending flyleaves.

An additional foliation sequence is present in parallel between ff 35-209; these numbers are also written in pencil and circled, but are crossed through.

Written in
English in Latin script
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Coll 28/8 ‘Persia; Diaries; Sistan & Kain, April 1927 – 1933’ [‎181r] (372/434), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/12/3403, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 12 March 2025]

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