'File 13/10 I Arms and ammunition for H E the Shaikh of Kuwait' [225r] (449/1173)
The record is made up of 1 file (586 folios). It was created in 22 Aug 1928-12 Jun 1930. It was written in English and Arabic. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .
This transcription is created automatically. It may contain errors.
3-' b
All the terms, provisions and conditions of the Indian Carriage of Gootls oy
Bill of Lading
A document confirming the goods which a ship has received.
, and the Company are to be entitled to the benefit of ail p
the same were herein specifically set out. If anything herein contained be in
and no further be null and void. It is hereby expressly further agreed
carriers’ liability, prior to the loading on, and subsequent to the discharge f
!&tcam navigation tiompanv, TLimlteD.
(Incorporated in England.)
»• “ »»“ ‘K V&S" ^ “
iV.B.-The Goods are shipped and this
Bill of Lading
A document confirming the goods which a ship has received.
granted subject to the following exprees
oJtionTt « of Sar d gT or° a«, ^cSnKr ‘othfr
^ claim for
respect to the within mentioned goods will be entertained unless mane in wr.v »
.>rom the date of arrival of the vessel.
** —‘
Leading Mark*-
N umber*.
Number of Packages
or pieces
Quantity or weight
zf% SoTons
The Political 1 Case
1 •
2 Chests
0-0-0-l$ 1
i n.R-o-li
• 075 Ciinsh #
• 025 Conipoi
£ j ( / 7 1 f | f' / * O
W. M. 140-
AU the terms, provisioas atul eonditions of tlie Indian Carriage of Goo<ls by Sea Act, 1026, and the Schedule-thereto aio to tf) the contract cenUtineii in this
Bill of Lading
A document confirming the goods which a ship has received.
, and the Company are to bo entitled to the benefit of all privileges, rights and immunities contained m such Kit. the Schedule thereto as if
the same were herein specifically set out. If anything herein contained be inconsistent with the said provisions it shall to the extent of such inconsistency
and no further be null and void. It is hereby expressly farther agreed in pursuance of the provisions of Article 7 of the Schedule to the]said Act, that the
corners’ liability, prior to the loading on, and snbse«oucnt to the discharge from the ship, shall he governed by the conditions and rvcepf onset Wits
Bill of Lading
A document confirming the goods which a ship has received.
, ln ofder and oopditigo^ by
> ’£LL
ai).( ;>&S)Keaiiarf 1
Board the
lying ia the Port of
for carriage to
Wittier JuiLarter proceeding towards -tltJillSJrQt'i iroceed to, and stay akjafty-!T&r{f or
whatsoever (although in a contrary direction to, or ou* of, or beyond, the ordinary or nenal routeio the
saTd Port of Discharge) once or oftener, in any order, backwards or forwards, for loading or discharging cargo
a, nniiaAmrura or for anv purpose whatsoever, and all such ports, places, and sailings, shall be deemed included
within the intended voyage : also with liberty to tow and ,ssist Vessels in all situations and to deviate for
the purpose of saving life or property; also to sail with or vithont pilots:
being marked and numbered as per margin. The said goods to be carried and delivCTWT srfTfMr* the term*
and conditions ot this
Bill of Lading
A document confirming the goods which a ship has received.
in the like good order and condition, at the Port of
steam navigation Company Ximiteo.
or his or their assigns.
(Incorporated in England.)
8 tvioners o-ne reoaested to note particularly the terms aod conditions of this
Bill of Lading
A document confirming the goods which a ship has received.
with reference to
the validity of their Insurance npoo the Goods.
tf.B—The Goods are shipped and this
Bill of Lading
A document confirming the goods which a ship has received.
granted subject to the following express
'“™Any°claim for short delivery of or damage done to Goods, a ft n f d r ^}‘ >nf ° t t ] ie ^ T C Bmnbay W amTarno^ther
presented at Company’s option at Port of Discharge, or at lorts of Calcutta or Bomba>
/? ° rt No claim for damage will be admitted unless notified in writing before ^, e hrn ar ® h ut.^vor‘ in
No claim for short delivery, short landing, non-delivery, total l03 V° r ; an y ‘"^ fhin on^ month
respect to the within mentioned goods will be enterlained nnless madt in writing aithi
rom the date of arrival of the vessel.
Number of Packages
or pieces
Quantity or weight
Th* (’nmnanv shalPdW tJif liable for loss, damage or delwy directly or indirectly resulting from any
A# fhA foilOwin* Canges or perils, howsoever occasioned: viz.. Act of God: King’s enemies: piracy: robbery.
or nilferaue with or without violence on board or elsewhere, and whether by persons in the service ef the
Company orno*: arrests and restraints of princes, rulers, or people: riots and civil commotions: strikes,
wkmitc or other labour disturbances: barratry: jettison: collision: fire: Petroleum vapour: breakage or
leakage • °vcnnin • sweat - mat: temperature of holds : climate: rain: injurious effect of other goods, whether
bv- contact or otherwise howsoever: perils, dangers and accidents of the sea, rivers or navigation: nnaeu-
worthinnss unfitness or defect of any kind m null, macbh.ery, tackle, equipment. Lngines or appurtenances
at° the commencement or any stage of the voyage (provided :, t asonable means have been taken by the Company
at the port of shfpment to prevent same) : any act, neglecl or default whatsoever of pilot, master, officers,
manners engineers stevedores or other servants or agents whatsoever of the Company on board or elsewhere,
in the management navigation or otherwise of the vessel or of any other vessel belonging to the Company.
or in t^ loading: stowing, carriage, unloading or delivery of the cargo.
The Company is to be at liberty to carry the goods tq their Port of Destination by the above, or any
other steamer or steamers, ship or Ships Motor vessel or ve-sels either belonging to the Company or to other
persons and to tranship or land and store the goods either oh shore or afloat and to re-ship and forward same
at the’Company’s expense but at shipper’s or consigneeg risk: and at tho like risk, to deviate as above-
in nil eases and under all circumstances the Company’s liability si absolutely cease when the goods are
free of the vessel’s tackle, and thereupon the goods shall be at the r- - ali purposes and in every rer-pect
of the Shipper or Consignee.
freight at the rate of
margin vessel lost or not lost.
payable in
by the Shipper* as per
The Political 1 Case
2 Chest
2 GA
0-1-0-1 3
O-O-O-l? 1
whereof the Commander or Agentt of the
Bills of Lading, all of this tenor and date; one of which Bills of
stand void.
General average to be adjusted according to York-Autwerv 1.
Dat'd at t
u-una^i-iS:china* yiaWMisw-aimolkiW 1,™..
.025 Ooi
0-5-2-U 24 .600 —
; 3rtifi S d that
are the
0-6-S-3 28
The Company reserves the right of charging freight by weight, n
re-weighing the Goods and charging freight accordingly befor
fruit and perishable goods is to bo paid on the weight snipped
shrinkage, or dryage on the voyage.
*» Ilflo QQmpMjs*# 04 .guarantee room at ports of transhipment a.
ifi- delay there or at any other stage of tho voyage howsoever ,
Packages weighing more than 2 cwts. (excepting bales and box^
at advanced rates of freight and by special agreement.
The Company shall have a lien for freight unpaid on these Good*
by the (shipping Order or Advice Note granted in respect ihereo:
any charges herein stipulated to be borne, or customarily oorne,
Should all or any part of tho within Goods not be found, or if .
cannot be landed during the Vessel’s stay at Port of Deetmatio
same to any Port before the final or to the final Port of the vo,
expense, but at the Shipper’s or Consignee's risn : and Bhoulo
Goods, it shall also be done at the Company s expense and the
panv shall net be answerable for the result of any delay or ns,
el have affirmed to
;ing accomplished, the oth£$l©
day of
to be responsible for any loss,
mey of the address, or packing,
’ed Goods.
value, and of re-measuring or
;ht on salt, saltpetre, dates,
;e will be made for wastage.
a responsible for any detention
urod Goods) are only carried'
portion of the Goods covered
it have been shipped, and for
. or Consignee of the Goods.
her or other cause the Goods
reserves the right to convey
ned thence at the Company’s
it detaining and storing the
nsiguee’s risk : and the Com
er for loss of Market.
the rates of frefjcJh ■
ruling Gov e rn,
0 V"WVcm /7 fill,
Number of Packages (in words)
Six only
y. Precious Stones, Precious
is or valuable articles, in any
^ than one thousand
Indian silver coin also widely used in the Persian Gulf.
for any one package, unless the
pecial written Shipping Order or
. time of shipment and ibe Bill of
The Company will not be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion,
Metals, Plated Ware, Documents, Works of Art, Watches, bilks or >
respect, or for Goods of any description whatever the value of whi
freight ton, nor for goods of which the value exceeds five hundred
value thereof shall have been declared in writing prior to shipment.
Advice Note granted for same which must be presented to the Comma. . ume oi snipraenii auu me j>iu
Lading signed with the nature and value of the goods appearing thereo.. and extra freight in respect of same
agreed upon and paid. A wrong description of Contents or fmso declaration of value shall release the Com-
panv from all responsibility in case of loss, seizure, or detention, and the Goods shall be charged double
freight on the real value, which freight shall be paid previous to delivery. The only condition on which Glass.
China Earthenware, Iron castings, or other fragile Goods of a like character will be carried is that the
Company is free from liability for breakage however caused. If medicinal fluids or any other Goods of an
exnmsive inflammable, damaging or dangerons nature are shipped without being previously declared and
arranged' for they are liable upon discovery to be thrown overboard, and the Joss will fall upon the bhipper
or Consignee oi such fluids or Goods. The bhipper or Consignee wii) not only be liable to the penalties
imposed by statute but also for ail damages sustained in consequence of the shipment oi such fluids or Goods.
The Goods are to be distinctly marked with the marks, numbers and Port of Destination, or the Company is
not to be responsible for detention or wrong delivery.
Bills of Lading mast be presented and delivered up cancelled before delivery of Goods will be granted.
The Company is to have the option of delivering these Goods, or any part thereof, into receiving Ship, or boat
or craii or landiug them at the risk and expense of the Shipper or Consignee as per scale of charges to b®
seen at the Agents’ Offices, r.nd is also to be at liberty uitil delivery to store the Goods or any part thereof
in receiving Snip, godown, or upon any wharf, the usual charges thereof being payable by the Shipper or
Consignee. The Company shall have a lien on all or any part of the G dsjigamst expenses incurred on the
whole or any part of the shipment. Eire Insurance will He covered by
Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewellery, Precious Stones. Precious Metal
Ar{, Watches. Silks or other Precious or valuable articles mil not be *,
be delivered on presentation of Bills of Lading on beam, and will
expense of Shipper or Consignee, if delivery is not taLn Junng t).
\i,S UROIUO. L.t |..IVUWVVV. ** v,
e Company’s Agents on application.
•Mated Ware, Documents. Works of
( by the Company. They will only
carried on, or stored, at risk and
easel’s stay in Port.
rc«*XithTtBnriin W Tnvthinff herein contained to the contrary in the ev- of restrictions of Quarantine. Proliibi-
^ tfon^Banftarj* ©^Customs or Lalw^Beiu'aLons, Lockouts or Ktnk Blockade or Interdict at the Port of
Discharge waror disturbance or other like cause preventing or ihrcatcDing to prevent the ordinary discharge
of the Sooc^ or anv portion thereof, at the Port of Destination, such Goods or any Portion thereof may at
Pheveeiwd^ option either be put into other vessels or be retained on i and lauded and warehoused or
me vessel 9 Ut>biun cimci ^hniw.TevAr rno*‘ ' .lent, to the vessel anrl re-shinned
me vessel s option eunor oa put mtu umei
otherwise disposed of aa circnmetanceB may admit wneietqcver mo
jhence to destination as soon as conveniently may beefier such
or be returned to Port of Shipment, and ail expenses whatsoe
transhipment, over carriage or return carriage or otherwise shall o
Company having a lien on the Goods therefor.
cxuix mizevi an Vi rr ax uuc/ii 0 v.u vs*
dent to the vessel, and re-shipped
s as aforesaid have been removed
nd in such landing, warehousing,
the Shipper or Consignee, the
company naviug » non o.. v.
,,, ,-v.,er,er.v sh*u not be responsible for loss or damage of any kind which may result directly or indirectly
1 ^rom°Uio above causes or any of them, and the Goods shall throughout be at the Shipper’s or Consignee’s risk.
.. , h th comoany of packages externally in good condition as received shall be conclusive evidence oi
delivery of full weight and contents.
Freight @ •$>*}/+• t" ^ n - c rt ■ To,fl ' Bn I 7/8/-
■=« 9
Captain t
' Captain.
tor Agents,
a>ss11; iiimbark: tion Supply 0fTicur, (S&3 •
Delivery Letter issued
ta holier on --
About this item
- Content
The file contains correspondence, orders, invoices, and receipts for articles - mainly machine guns, other arms, accessories and ammunition - received by the Political Agent A mid-ranking political representative (equivalent to a Consul) from the diplomatic corps of the Government of India or one of its subordinate provincial governments, in charge of a Political Agency. at Kuwait and supplied to the Ruler of Kuwait.
The principal correspondents are: British India Steam Navigation Company; Embarkation S & S, Karachi; the Ruler of Kuwait, Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah; the Political Residency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, established in the provinces and regions considered part of, or under the influence of, British India. in the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. ; and the Political Agent A mid-ranking political representative (equivalent to a Consul) from the diplomatic corps of the Government of India or one of its subordinate provincial governments, in charge of a Political Agency. at Kuwait.
There are numerous letters and statements in Arabic within the file, mostly correspondence with the Ruler of Kuwait, often with English translation.
- Extent and format
- 1 file (586 folios)
- Arrangement
The papers are arranged in approximate chronological order from the front to the rear of the volume.
- Physical characteristics
Foliation: the main foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the front cover with 1, and terminates at the inside back cover with 588; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. An additional foliation sequence is present in parallel between ff 4-587; these numbers are also written in pencil, but are not circled.
- Written in
- English and Arabic in Latin and Arabic script View the complete information for this record
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'File 13/10 I Arms and ammunition for H E the Shaikh of Kuwait' [225r] (449/1173), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/5/50, in Qatar Digital Library <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100032418693.0x000032> [accessed 28 March 2025]
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Copyright: How to use this content
- Reference
- IOR/R/15/5/50
- Title
- 'File 13/10 I Arms and ammunition for H E the Shaikh of Kuwait'
- Pages
- 13r:13v, 17r:17v, 80r:82v, 115r:116v, 223r:225v, 282r:282v, 319r:320v, 352r:353v, 372r:372v, 482r:482v, 515r:515v, 540r:540v, 542r:543v, 548r:548v
- Author
- British India Steam Navigation Company Limited
- Copyright
- ©P&O Heritage
- Usage terms
- Creative Commons Non-Commercial Licence