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The record is made up of 1 file (11 folios). It was created in 20 Jan 1903-1 Apr 1903. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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From Sir A. Hardinge to Marquess of Lansdowne,
\Qth March 1903 .
(No. 37.)
M. de Witte has granted advance on the Caspian fisheries, ownership of
which thus passes for 22 years, and probably for ever, from Shah to Russian
Government. Being as yet unauthorized to make a counter-offer I could
not prevent this, hut I still beg to urge that we should have a proposal
ready, as I expect relief to Persian treasury will be only temporary. I have
little faith in the financial reform now under discussion. Only condition of
fisheries advance, so far as I know at present, is repayment of 40,000/.
lately borrowed from Imperial Bank of Persia. M. Naus will, however, I
suspect, re-borrow it shortly.
(Sent to India.)
Sir A. Mar ding e to the Marquis of Lansdowne,
20th March 1903.
(No. 38.) My immediately preceding telegram.
M. Naus, who stated yesterday that fisheries Agreement was concluded,
informed me confidentially to-day that Russian Bank has not yet received
authorization to pay advance, and there is evidently tresh hitch about
Application to Indo-European Company has failed, latter asking excessive
(Sent to India.)
From Marquess of Lansdowue to Sir A. Mar ding e,
20th March 1903.
(No 29 ) If method suggested in your telegram No. 36 is open to us we
are quite ready, instead of the scheme suggested in telegram to Viceroy ot
13th March, "to consider an advance of 500,000/. through the Imperial
Bank, provided that we get a sufficient quid pro quo. What we want is to
prevent Russian influence penetrating to south and south-east Persia by
means of roads, railways, telegraphs, control of customs &c How much
of this, in vour judgment, can we buy lor the money ? It 500,0 )0/. s not
enough, we are prepared to consider a larger sum. lor reasons already
telegraphed, we are, as at present advised, not prepared to buy the Bank
shares'; but can you suggest any efficient means for preventing our security
from passing into foreign hands ? , . ,
It has been suggested that this object might perhaps he achieved if
securities given to' Bank by Persian Government were deposited in the
L pCse reply to this without delay as fully as possible, as there is to he a
meet ins of the Committee to discuss it early on Saturday.
From Marquess of Lansdoume to Sir A. Sardiitge,
28th March 1903.
/No 30 1 Your plan for a loan of 200,000/. or 300,000/. through Bank
r I> to nn drafts navable from customs of southern ports is not as elective
ot 1 era a onjja P J ^ b(j tQ Russians t o pay off drafts as they
faU°due! S the result that Persia will he more than ever under Russian
financial tutelage. ^
5>. 19

About this item


This file reproduces telegrams written between the Secretary of State for India, the Viceroy of India, the First Minister at Teheran (Sir Arthur Hardinge), and the Foreign Secretary (Marquess of Lansdowne), in which the authors assess the merits and logistics of a proposed loan to the Persian Government.

The chief considerations concern the British and Indian Governments' desire to neutralize the Russian monopoly on loans to Persia, and to prevent Russia from gaining influence in southern Persia. Proposals include using revenues from customs houses in southern Persia as security against the loan, eliciting political agreement not to allow foreign road or railway construction projects in southern Persia, and a plan for the Indian Government to purchase a large stake in the Imperial Bank of Persia in order to facilitate similar loans in the future.

Extent and format
1 file (11 folios)
Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation sequence for this description commences at f 150, and terminates at f 160, as it is part of a larger physical volume; these numbers are written in pencil and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.

Written in
English in Latin script
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'PERSIAN LOAN. TELEGRAMS, 20TH JANUARY - 1ST APRIL.' [‎156r] (13/22), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/18/C108A, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 8 July 2024]

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