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'Correspondence respecting the occupation of Merv by Russia and her proceedings on the Khorassan Frontier of Persia.' [‎119v] (20/26)

The record is made up of 1 file (13 folios). It was created in 15 Aug 1884. It was written in English and French. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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! 111
to emigrate to Merv or elsewhere in the Turkoman country in
case they prefer to do so.
“ I would likewise point out that unless timely steps are taken
to counteract the plans Russia evidently contemplates adopting
with regard to the Heri-Rud districts, she will soon have succeeded
in obtaining a footing on the left bank of the river, south of Pul-i-
Khatun, with a view to her further advance southward in the
direction of Seistan in the event of a definite delimitation of the
northern frontier of Afghanistan preventing her pushing southward
along the right bank.
“ It is of the greatest importance that the Turkoman element
should, if possible, be entirely eliminated from Afghanistan and
the Persian bank of the Heri-Rud, for, should portions of
Turkoman tribes remain in Persiait or Afghan territory, an
excuse would soon be found by Russia for interfering with them
in some way or another, and an inlet be thus afforded for
<{ In the event of the Salor Turkomans of Zoorabad showing
signs of tendering their submission to Russia, it would be most
desirable that they should at once be given to understand that
they cannot remain at Zoorabad or in Persian territory.”
Mr. Stephen also recommended that if Mr. Finn,
British Consul at Resht, who had been deputed to
the Perso-Afghan frontier during Colonel Stewart’s
absence on leave, was at Meshed he should he
ordered at once to Zoorabad to keep watch on the
intrigues and movements of Russian agents in that
On the 17th July, Malkom Khan had a con
versation with Lord Granville on the subject of
Russian proceedings at Sarakhs.
The Shah, had, he said, desired him to remind
Lord Granville that when His Majesty was in
England fin 1873) an assurance had been given
him that the integrity of Persia would be respected
by England and Russia, and that, as long as Persia
gave no cause of complaint, that engagement
between England and Russia would hold good.*
Now, however, although Persia had given no cause
of complaint, Russia, by force, was taking possession
of the greater.part of Sarakhs.
Maikom Khan said that the Shah had expressed
his surprise at the answer which had been sent to
Teheran on this matter, and he asked whether, if
Russia were to take possession by force of Asterahad
of all Khorassan, of the provinces on the shore of
the Caspian, and of Azerbijan, the same replv
would be given. What, in that case, would be the
value of the assurances which the Shah had received
m England, and which had been given on behalf
of a powerful country.
Lord Granville told Malkom Khan that he would
look at the papers, and resume the conversation on
a later day.
, ^ xciamu minister said that he observed 1
tne tone of the instructions he had received,
the Shah was much irritated at the proceeding
t ic Russians, and he expressed his hope that J
Granville s answer would be categorical t
letter (18th July) J having been received f
ye Foreign Office requesting the opinion of
Secretary of State for India as to the lawn,
which should be held to Malcom Khan when
conversation was resumed, and also as to the
pedwncy of acting upon Mr. Stephen’s suggest]
* bor a full account of this correspond
ence see Sir O. Burne’s Note on “ Persia ”
(1st December 1879), pp. 75 to 89. The
document particularly referred to by Malkom
Khan is believed to be the following letter
from Lord Granville to the Sadr Azim, dated
2nd July 1873, in reply to one requesting
to be informed what had passed between
England and Russia in regard to main
tenance of the integrity of Persia : —
exists by which the two countries mutually
agree to respect the integrity of Persia, yet
in the year 1834 an understanding was
anived at between the two Governments on
the occasion of the nomination of Mahomed
Mirza as successor to the throne of Persia.
JTlntt understanding was based on the sincere
desire of the two Governments to maintain
not only the internal tranquillity, but also
the independence and integrity of Persia
and in the year 1838 Count Nesselrode ad
verted to the agreement entered info by the
two Governments as still subsisting in full
force, as it was also acknowledged to do bv
Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for Foreign
“ Her Majesty’s Government, as they
recognize for themselves the principles which
guided the general policy of Great Britain
and Russia in favour of the independence
and integrity of Persia in the year 1834
have reason to believe, from information
which they have received from Lord Loftus
tier Majesty’s Ambassador at St. Peters
burg, that the Russian Government refer
with satisfaction to the mutual assurances
1838 WerG ma<3e ° n tliG sub J ect in 1834 and
“ Her Majesty’s Government consider that
the best mode of confirming both Powers
in those sentiments is that Persia, -while
steadily maintaining her rights as an in-
« open dent 1 ower, should studiously fulfil
in a respects her treaty engagement with
eacn and so ensure the continuance of the
friendship which both Powers, even for their
own interests, should desire to maintain with
i i ( -k ranville to Mr. Thomson 17th
July 1884, No. 88.
1 Home ; No. 678.

About this item


This file is a memorandum written by Adolphus Warburton Moore, Political and Secret Department, of historical events and correspondence relating to the occupation of Merv by Russia, and to Russian activity in Khorassan, on the Persian boundary.

The memorandum reproduces a despatch to the Russian Ambassador to London, in which Lord Granville, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, expresses the British Government's displeasure at hearing of the Russian annexation of Merv, against assurances previously given by the Government of the Russian Empire. The memorandum gives the Russian response, describing the annexation as merely an act of local administration without political pre-meditation on the part of Russia, who continue to seek co-operation and friendly relations with the British Government.

The memorandum goes on to describe British concerns and Russian denials that they next intended to annexe Sarakhs on the Persian border, and, upon the arrival of Russian troops at Sarakhs and in other parts of Khorassan, Persian protests to the Russian Government.

Extent and format
1 file (13 folios)
Physical characteristics

Foliation: the main foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the first folio with 110 and terminates at the last folio with 122, as it is part of a larger physical volume; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. An additional foliation sequence is present in parallel between ff 110-122; these numbers are also written in pencil, but are not circled.

Written in
English and French in Latin script
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'Correspondence respecting the occupation of Merv by Russia and her proceedings on the Khorassan Frontier of Persia.' [‎119v] (20/26), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/18/C41/5, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 8 July 2024]

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