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'File 8/16 Bahrain Intelligence Summaries' [‎96r] (191/330)

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The record is made up of 1 file (163 folios). It was created in 1 Jan 1943-31 Dec 1944. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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(lx) On the 12th AMullah Mn 2ar ; ’. T lsh ona of the principal raer-
oliants of Qatar arrivoa In orOiorv to‘.obtnl| tholsatirAcroB 16f &' 1
dofitlst .^s..flhatl:h Hamafi Mn Abdullah al Thanl tho nost Important
son of tho Shaihh of Qatar was suffer in;;, from a sovore tooth-ache.
The Political A; ent tor,: the opport'mity to fiscourso on the advan
tages of a reconciliation between the two States esoecir.lly when
people had toothache;. Later arranfenents v?ero mad
\-v- -f-'
tho orinci-
pal dentist in Lalirain to o to Lhwoir on the ^cst coast of Qatar
on the loth where ho woul<:. bo net by Shaibh Jlam-* who ro-ila be
brought by car from fohar.
i nst a lla tion of >t.^,_fQQo^fon_lliAf XAl'is
'ii •''n'
On the 13th Group Captains May an* 3rotrn fron nir
Ilabbantyah had conversations with Mr, Lloyd If Manllton Chairman
and Mr. V/ard ?. ..nd-arson general Haru'r-.or of the Bahrain Petroleum
Coapany Limited with re, ar i to t.'ie installation of refuel'in;; ta:f:s
at Maharrav • It is understood that the conversati )As '^ero incon
clusive and the Group Can tains return:-! to babban:
in;; the situation with the Political A;;ent.
aw a r
Aeforenca oar
raoh 30 of Intelligence Summary
o. .. o.
1 r *
On the Oth March Group Caotain Alexander 3.A.3.C. accompanied
by Colonel Clements ft. 3. •> Chief 3n;;ineor h.A.F, Iraa , •. is cuss ed
the pro toss of the build in. construction at Bahrain an; Sharjah.
It seems that they- are lamentably behind their pro; rammo and that
there is not the slightest chance of either Bahrain or Sharjah
bein' ready by the tarpet date which 'as the 13th of March. Avery
assistance is bein "i v en to tne ;t. i i.f. and it is satisfactory to
note that the delays are not due to causes which could have been
overcome locally.
The,. Bahrain X^ildibffl. Company JQimiApd.
Reference oar a r non ITo.lG o.l Into Hi 'once Sunnary do.
of Id Id
There arc now some 330 to 370 American and. Canadian employees
of the Berchtel-McCone-Parsons Corporation in Bahrain. Tho major it;
<?3 the men are reason-do ly law ah id in;, but there is ’ unfortunately an
Piicoedinyly rour.h elenont and; several ‘mpleasant incidents have
already tahen place at the Oil Camp. It is eupectod t.’iat American
Army Provost Parsonnol will shortly be oos tad to Bahrain to help
11 tabe care 11 of the more intractable ner.ibers of the Corporation.
I.:Qte_orolo;:;i caX
Ma;:im*vn temperature
Mxnimujn temper a t'-U-e
Marhmnm humi d i ty
Minimum huni- i ty
/ -M - N m r-jr*' -> J / • • V- > K-
V O' • j i i - X -.1 . ..J -i iill
v-ircd 1 l r --d'
March 10,1
March 1'wf
March IB VI
ent ,Bahrai. : i.

About this item


The file contains fortnightly intelligence summaries produced by the Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. at Bahrain for the years 1943-44. The reports, marked as secret, were sent to the Government of India, the India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. , and numerous diplomatic, political, and military offices in the Middle East. Each report covers a two week period.

The reports are divided into short sections that relate to a particular subject, often closely connected to the Second World War. Contained within the file is intelligence on the following:

Appended to most reports is a table containing shipping data.

Written by hand on the cover of the file is: 'Destroy, but retain '44 summaries'.

Extent and format
1 file (163 folios)

The file is arranged chronologically.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the main foliation sequence (used for referencing) commences at the front cover with 1, and terminates at the inside back cover with 165; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. An additional foliation sequence is present in parallel between ff 2-73; these numbers are also written in pencil, but are not circled, and are located in the same position as the main sequence.

Written in
English in Latin script
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'File 8/16 Bahrain Intelligence Summaries' [‎96r] (191/330), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/2/315, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 18 October 2024]

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