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'Government of Bahrain Annual Report for Year 1357 (March 1938 - February 1939)' [‎119r] (75/80)

The record is made up of 1 volume (39 folios). It was created in 1939. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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In this Budget approximately Rs. 4,00,000 is allocated to Public Health out
of this amount about Rs. 2,75,000 is to be spent on building and equiping the
hospital and the remainder is the annual expenditure on staff and drugs etc.
Under the heading " Medical Services " are included the two British doctors,
the staff of the town and rural dispensaries and clinics and the staff of the women's
hospitals foi six months but no provision has been made for the nursing staff of the
men's hospital which is not likely to be completed during the year.
Quarantine staff includes a special retaining fee which is paid to the
Quarantine Medical Officer.
Anti-malaria measures include provision for the special staff suggested bv
Dr. Afridi in his report.
Cost of drugs, diets and other expenses have been estimated on the basis of
existing figures which are available but they cannot be regarded as a verv accurate
1V Publie Protection Rs. 2,52,000,
In last years Budget Rs. 2,00,000 was provided for public protection and the
allocation was exceeded by Rs. 92,000. Last year's estimates were based on the
assumption that the force would not exceed 2^6 N.C.Os and men but during the year
it was increased to 300. In the last Budget provision had also been made for buvin-
150 new rifles and 200,000 rounds of ammunition, actually 500 rifles were bought
and 500,000 rounds of ammunition.
The new Budget provides for a force of 850 men with complete equipment,
^ • Education, Rs, 1 ,00,500.
The amount allocated is Rs. 8,000 less than last year when provision was
made for Shaikh Abdulla bin Hamad's education in England.
This year Rs. 64,000 is to be spent on the existing schools and on three new
rural schools which are to be opened in the course of the vear.
Expansion of the technical school is allowed for, an additional teacher is to
be employed and 20 pupils are provided for.
Special education includes the tuition fees of two sons of Shaikh Mohamed
bin Isa who are at the Beyrout University, three girls at the British Syrian Training
College in Beyrout, one young man at a religious college in India and 13 Shia
students who stuiy Shia Shera law under Shaikh Abdul Hussein, as they are from
the country villages they are paid a travelling allowance to enable them to come to
Manama, and cost of sending three young men to India to take a course with the
Government of India Survey Department.
VI Municipalities. Rs. 63,400.
Each Municipality receives a monthly grant of Rs. 2,000 and half the
proceeds of the vehicle tax, which is collected by the Government, is divided among
the two municipalities. This has not previously been shown in details in the
An additional Rs, 2,400 per annum is paid to the Muharraq Municipality for
work in the town of Hedd.
A special grant of Rs. 5,000 has been allowed to the Manama Municinalitv
for metalling roads.
VII Agriculture. Rs. 8,000,
Provision has been made for completing the irrigation system in the Budeyaa
experimental garden and for putting the whole area under cultivation.
VIII Departmental Expenditure. Rs. 22,000,
The amount provided under this heading last year was considerably overspent.
" Contingencies " includes stationery, postage, telegraphic expenses and cost of light
and power in the Government offices,
IX Public Works, Rs, 20,000,
Annual repairs to Government buildings has been estimated at Rs, 9,000 and
upkeep of roads at 11,000.

About this item


This volume is the Annual Report of the Government of Bahrain for the year 1357 AH (1938-1939) and gives te details of the Revenue and Expenditure of the Bahrain State and contains notes on the activities of the various Government departments, as well as the budget 1358 and some particulars of importance which took place in Bahrain during the year. It includes text, photographic images and tables. The report appears to be compiled from reports from various Government departments and officials. An index appears on folio 84r, followed by a General Review by Charles Dalrymple Belgrave, Adviser to the State of Bahrain (folio 85r).

The contents are divided into the following sections and sub-sections:

  • Budget 1357 (folios 86r-87r);
  • Summary of Revenue and Expenditure 1357 (folio 87v);
  • Statement of Revenue and Expenditure 1357 (folio 88r);
  • Notes on Revenue 1357 (folio 88v): Customs Receipts, Royalty on Oil, Passport Fees, Judicial Receipts, Car Taxes and Driving Licenses, Land Revenue, Interest on Reserve, Oil Inspection Fees, and Miscellaneous Receipts;
  • Notes on Expenditure 1357 (folios 88v-93r): Allowances to Ruling Family, Administrative Services, Public Health, Public Protection, Departmental Expenses, Education, Municipalities, Public Works, Major New Works (Palace, Hospital, Dispensary and Medical Officer's Quarters, Extension of Customs Pier, Passport Office, Residential Quarters, Manama-Muharraq Causeway, Police Family Quarters, Water Tower of Fort, Muharraq Sea Road Extension, Major Repairs to Quarantine, Fort Wall and Tower, Completion of Muharraq Girls' School, Completion of Hawar Fort, and Completion of Law Courts), Minor New Works (Stores Shed, School playing Ground Wall, Country School, Store Room and Servants Quarters, General Repairs to Roads, and Metalling Roads in Manama), Agriculture, Transport, Unforeseen, and Electric Department;
  • The Pearl Industry (folios 93v-94r): The 1357 Season, Advances, Pearl Propaganda [Pearl Associates], and Future Prospects;
  • Police and Public Security (folios 94v-97r): Police Administration (Strength, Recruitment, Routine and Recreation, Discipline, Health of the Police, Prisoners' Health, Infant Welfare Clinic, Cavalry Section, Buildings and Gardens, Fire Section, Promotions, and Pay and Allowances), Traffic Control, Crime, Liquor, and General;
  • Public Health, by Dr I Davenport Jones, State Medical Officer (folios 97v:-99v): The Village Dispensaries, Malaria, Diseases of the Eye, Diseas of the skin, Dysentery, Enteric, Veneral disease, Tuberculosis, Disease of the Respiration (excluding pulmonary tuberculosis), Small-pox, Gynaecological and obstetrical conditions, The Malaria Report, Medical Examination of School Children, Quarantine Service, and Comments;
  • Land Registration Department (folio 99v): Registration of Sales, Gifts and Titles, Revenue from Sales etc., Property owned by Iranians, and Land Survey;
  • Judicial (folio 100r-100v): Bahrain Courts and Shera Courts;
  • Municipalities (folios 100v-101r): Manama and Muharraq;
  • Wakf [Waqf] Department (folio 101r): Shia Wakf Department and Sunni Wakf Department;
  • Education (folios 101v-103r): Schools, Technical School, Religious Schools, Students Abroad, Girls Schools, and General;
  • Minors Department (folio 103r-103v);
  • Agriculture (folio 103v-104r): Agricultural survey, Government Experimental Garden, and General;
  • Political Unrest and Press Propaganda (folios 104r-104v);
  • General (folios 104v-106r): Distinguished Visitors (including Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone, and Earl Athlone, Rear Admirals J F Somerville and Herbert Fitz-Herbert, Shaikh Hafiz Wahba [Ḥāfiẓ Wahbah], Saudi Arabian Minister to London, the Vicar Apostolic of Arabia and Bishop of Gaza, Monsignor J B Tirinnanzi, and the Ruler of Dubai), Appointments, His Highness's Indian Visit, Bahrain Theatre Company, Bahrain Camels in Edinburgh, Government Rest House, and Repatriation of Indigents;
  • Electric Department, report by Mr W B Steele, State Engineer (folios 106r-108r): Generation, Increase, Wiring Contracts, Temporary Wiring, Mains Extensions, Alterations to Mains, New Generating Set, Air Conditioning, Government Telephone Department, Transport Department, Fire Department, Traffic Section, Municipal Ice Plants, Government Engineering and Carpentry School, General (Private Ice Plant, Water Supply, Royalty and Tanker Oil-Gauging, Financial Position), and Electricty Department - New Load for 1358;
  • Profit and Loss Account (folio 108v);
  • Revenue Account (folio 109r);
  • Balance Sheet (folio 109v);
  • Statement of Energy Sold (folio 110r);
  • Customs Department, report by Mr C C L de Grenier, Director of Customs (folio 110v-115v);
  • Budget 1358 (ff. 116r-118r);
  • Notes on Estimated Revenue 1358 (folio 118r);
  • Notes on Estimated Expenditure 1358: (ff. 118r-120r).

Illustrations appear on five folios and they are labelled as follows:

  • Folio 89: 'Dispensary and Medical Officers Flat', 'South Aspect', and 'North Aspect, from Sea';
  • Folio 92: 'Government house at Kozabia, built for letting', and 'Road construction equipment';
  • Folio 95: 'Mounted Policeman', and 'Police patrol launch “al Hawar”;
  • Folio 102: 'Technical School';
  • Folio 105: 'Princess Alice Inspecting Guard of Honour'.

On the front cover there is an inscription that reads 'Printed at the Times Press, Basrah' (folio 82r). Handwritten annotations and corrections are present on various folios (for example, folio 90v).

Extent and format
1 volume (39 folios)

This file contains an index (folio 84r) which references pages of the report.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: Folios 82-121.

Written in
English in Latin script
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'Government of Bahrain Annual Report for Year 1357 (March 1938 - February 1939)' [‎119r] (75/80), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/1/750/3, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 10 March 2025]

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