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'Muscat Dhows Arbitration. In the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague. Grant of the French Flag to Muscat Dhows. The case on behalf of the Government of His Britannic Majesty.' [‎68v] (149/208)

The record is made up of 1 volume (102 folios). It was created in 1904?-1905?. It was written in English and French. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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Nous, Commissaire de riuEcription Maritime a Majungo, declarons que le boutre " Salamn,"
d un tonnage de 14 tonneaux, appartenant a Amed-ben-Abdullah, r^sidant a Majungo, commando
par Abdullah-ben-Maliomed, a le droit de naviguer sous pavilion Frai^ais pour faire la naviga
tion sur la cote de Madagascar et les iles avoisinants, avec la faculte d'avoir un equipage compose
d'etrangers. Le present titre est valable pour un an.
En consequence le Gouverneinent de la Republique Fran^aise prie, requiert tous Souverains,
Etats annexes et allies de la France et leurs subordonnes, ordonne a tous I'onctionnaires publics,
commandants de batiments de I'fitat et tous antres qu'il appartiendra, de laisser surement et
librement passer le dit navire sans lui faire souffrir qu'il lui soit fait aucun trouble on empeche-
ment, mais, an contraire, de lui donner toute faveur, secours on assistance partout oil besoin sera.
Fait a Majungo, le 10 Juillet, 1895.
Le Commissaire de I'lnscription Maritime,
(L.S) (Signe) ,
Oflice Memorandum of " Saad's " Papers.
Papers issued at Zanzibar Consulate owned bj Mibsami Nouli, of Great Comoro.
Issued on the 17tli February, 189(5.
I or one year, to trade African coast, Madagascar coast, Gulf of Oman.
(Signed) F. G. B.
September 29, 1896.
Copy of a Letter addressed to the British Consul-General at Bushwe hy His Highness the Sultan of
Muscat, dated 14^/i Muharrum, 1322 (21^ March, 1905).
(After compliments^)
I HAVE the honour to make a reference to j-ou regarding the 30 persons from among my
subjects whom the Frendh Government -claim to protect, together with their dhows and the
. , i • - identity,
instance, one ot them is quoted as " Juma-bin-Saeed" and his dhow A term adopted by British officials to refer to local sailing vessels in the western Indian Ocean. the " Fateh-el-Khair " and
i , 1 !• • w- ^ j rw » • a. t/jljl i vi l.** /
eacli person named in the list, with opportunities for the production of witnesses and documents,
T cannot admit that any single one'ot those mentioned is entitled to French protection. Accor
dingly, it has been necessary to inform you to that effect.
Ihe details which I require in regard to the claimants are as follows :—
The individual's name, such as Mubarak (bin).
His father's name, „ Salim (bin).
His grandfather's name, „ Mahomed.
His nickname, if any „ " El Katheree."
His clan or sub-tribe ,, Fowaris.
His tribe „ Jennebeh.
lhat is Mubarak-bin-Salim-bin-Mahomed El Katheree Clan Fowaris, Tribe Jennebeh. I beg: vou
Avill obtain this information for me, and communicate it to me.
Apart from the above request, I note that among the individuals named on this list whose
names 1 recognize as belonging to persons whom 1 can identify (as claiming French protection)
are included several persons long since dead. How can the French Government include such i/i
m their list ?
Those to whom I refer are three in number—
(1) Salim-bin-Mahomed Al Badi (No. 93 on French list).
(2) Seleem-bin-Thabet (No. 14 „ )
(3) Ahmed-bin-Saaed (No. 22 „ ", " )*
This is what had to be explained, and Salaam.
Datfid A Afh m j moo (Signed) FE1SAL BIN TURKI,
Dated UthMuharrum, 1322. Stdtan MvmaL

About this item


This file consists of a number of printed reports relating to the arbitration over the granting of French flags to Muscat dhows:

  • A printed report in 1904 by the Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, relating to the arbitration on the issue of French flags to Omani dhows. An agreement between Britain and France in 1862 committed both governments to respect the independence of the Sultan of Muscat.
  • Reply on behalf of the Government of His Britannic Majesty to the Supplementary Conclusions, presented on behalf of the Government of the French Republic and admitted by the tribunal on July 25, 1905.
  • The verdict (in French) of the arbitration tribunal.
  • Treaty Series (No. 3, 1905) - Agreements between the United Kingdom and France referring to arbitration the question of the grant of the French flag to Muscat Dhows.
  • The section on the geography of Oman (ff 58-59A) discusses the French claim with reference to Kiepert's map of 1850. Includes a sketch map of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. and Arabian Coast (folio 91A).
Extent and format
1 volume (102 folios)
Physical characteristics

Description: The foliation sequence commences at the title page and terminates at the last folio; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. Foliation errors: 1, and 1A; 50, and 50A; 59, and 59A; 84, and 84A-C; 88, and 88A; 91, and 91A. Pagination: A number of original typed pagination sequences are also located in the file.

Written in
English and French in Latin script
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'Muscat Dhows Arbitration. In the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague. Grant of the French Flag to Muscat Dhows. The case on behalf of the Government of His Britannic Majesty.' [‎68v] (149/208), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/1/406, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 22 March 2025]

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