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'Report on the operations carried out in the southern desert in connection with the Iraq-Najd borders, November 1927-May 1928.' [‎28r] (55/66)

The record is made up of 1 volume (33 folios). It was created in 1928. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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Similar O ? 0ra j ions ma y have to be undertaken
ir^ntLr Iv! . } }' 111 a >' coincide with operations on the northern
frontier, the present scale of reserve stores is being reviewed.
Behaviour of Personnel.
.i, 66 ' k 11 P erson ? el have maintained a high standard of efficiencv
h operations. They have been called upon to work under
Itaff h h exactm S conditions and, although stations were often under
staffed and cases occurred where watches of over 12 hours daily were kent
by one operator, they have performed their duties without" complaint
The flying personnel are particularly deserving of praise since thev
accompamed five or six hours reconnaissances daily for long periods and in
'Iraqi W/T Personnel.
67. Prior to the commencement of operations a W/T station, manned bv
Iraqi operators, existed in the police post at Busaivah Ilnnn t)i .
i^iT 1 and Shabco1 ' detachments of the 'Iraq Army were
H.t l ? ^ U1 i ^ ^™ a i} ent Posts and to assist in defence " These
detachments included W/T sections manned by 'Iraqi operators In ill
cases supervision was exercised by British operators who also took all
com^nicaSdE? 1131 Peri0dS ^ When atmos P he "CS rendered
'Iraqi operators, on the whole, were fairly efficient. Delays occurred
however as the result of the difference in the procedure used by thc R A F.'
', e Iraq Anny. Although the P .M .G. procedure was understood bv
the control station operators it is not as comprehensive as the Service
procedure and, as a result, 'Iraqi operators attempted to use the latter
th^f 568 repltl Von an d checks. The necessity for adhering at all times to
pr ° ce . dure was impressed upon 'Iraqi operators, but it was not
tJaffic ddays PreVent USe 0f 3 mixtwre t)f the tw o, with consequent
It is evident that in cases where stations of the R.A.F. and 'Iraq Armv
are working in the same group, a certain amount of R.A.F. procedure wiU
winX mo f t aqi pers ° nne1 ' aild 11 is suggested that delays consequent
w-Mn V l WO P r o ce dures in one group would be obviated if the
aching of a certain amount of R.A.F. procedure were included in the
£ nf® a A r . aqis - Thc P re sent system has been unsatisfactory during
of a^k^na^n^p 6 0 P eratl0ns ' and 15 llk ely to continue so in future operations

About this item


A printed report on air and motorcar operations carried out along the Iraq-Najd border following several cross-border raids. The report was produced and issued by the Air Ministry and printed in London in December 1928. The volume is divided into three sections: the report, appendices, and maps.

The report contains the following sub-headings:

Introduction; Attack on Busaiya Post; Events Leading up to the Formation of Akforce; Formation of Akforce; First Phase; Second Phase; Third Phase; Difficulties of Terrain; Value of Troop-Carrying Aircraft; Use of Armoured Cars; Protection of Advanced Aircraft Bases.

List of Appendices

1. Operational Flying Times by Units. 2. Supplies and Transport. 3. Supply of Equipment. 4. Stores Accounting. 5. Pay Accounting. 6. Report on Supcol. 7. Water Supplies. 8. Tentage at Temporary Stations. 9. Changing Engines on Operations. 10. Maintenance of Aircraft and Engines in the open. 11. Armament. 12. Medical Arrangements. 13. Weather. 14. Signals.

List of Maps

1. 'Iraq-Najd Frontier and probable raid routes. 2. Najd borders. 3. 'Iraq-Najd. Areas suitable for armoured cars. 4. Akforce W/T Communications.

Extent and format
1 volume (33 folios)
Physical characteristics

Foliation: The sequence commences at the front cover and terminates at the inside back cover; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio.

Pagination: The volume also contains an original printed pagination sequence.

Written in
English in Latin script
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'Report on the operations carried out in the southern desert in connection with the Iraq-Najd borders, November 1927-May 1928.' [‎28r] (55/66), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/MIL/17/15/62, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 8 July 2024]

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