Vol 9 Bushire Diary [228r] (475/475)
The record is made up of 2 volumes (241 folios). It was created in 28 Jan 1806-27 May 1807. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .
This transcription is created automatically. It may contain errors.
become due.
ANNUAL, ending the 30/
Journal and Ledger fn
Ditto and ditto fr
Ditto and ditto fr
Ditto and ditto fr
Ditto and ditto fr
Ditto and ditto fr
Ditto and ditto fr
Books from the Cuftoi
Books of Military Dif
Appendix to the Mar
Duplicate Journal an
Ditto ditto , ai
Ditto ditto ai:
Ditto ditto ■ ai
Ditto Books fro!
Treafury Cafh Accoi
Statement of aelual
Collectors of Bor
Cuftom Ma ft ens a
Surat and Camhj
Ertimate of expefte
Collectors of Bor
Cuftom Mailers ;
and Cambay, thi
Account Current o
i- uA. v^u
that may have be
Statements of Qulc
Ditto ditt
Ditto dittj
Ditto dittj
Return of Goods oil
ment to be furnij
at SnraL. C.nmVj
TABLE of BOOKS, STATEMENTS &c. required at the Accountant General's Office ith the periods at which they severally
become due.
To be delivered in if at the Prefidency, or trans
mitted if from Subordinates, fo as to arrive at
the Prefidency, at the following fixed !• jrio<is i
ANNUAL, ending the 30th of April.
Journal and Ledger from the Military Paymafter General, .
Ditto and ditto from the Marine Paymafter and Store-keeper,..
Ditto and ditto from the Refident at Buflbrah,
Ditto and ditto from the Refident at Bagdad,. .
Ditto and ditto from the Refident at Bufliire,
Ditto and ditto from the Military Auditor General,
Ditto and ditto from all other Offices at the Prefidency and at Suhoi
Books from the Cuftom Mafters at the Prefidency and at Subordinate Stat
Books of Military Diftjurfcments, Accompaniments to the Military Pay ?
General's Journal and Leaer,. . . .
Appendix to the Marine Paymafter's and Store-keeper's Journal and Ledger,
Duplicate Journal and Ledger from the Refident at Buflorah, !"
Ditto ditto and ditto from the Refident at Bagdad, . . . ,
Ditto ditto and ditto . from the Refident at Buftiire, ,
and ditto - from -all other Offices-at Subordinate Stations,.
Books from the Cuftom Mafters at Subordinate Stations,.
\\bthof July after the clofe of each year
[ of account.
Ditto ditto ditto.
Ditto ditto ditto.
Ditto ditto ditto.
Ditto ditto ditto.
5 th of July after the clofe of each year
of account.
f 30/A of June after the clofe of each
I year of account.
Ditto ditto ditto.
31// of Auguft after the clofe of each
year of account.
Ditto ditto ditto.
Ditto ditto ditto.
Ditto ditto ditto.
Ditto ditto ~~~ ditto,
j 15th of Ajrgnfi after the clofe of eath
| year of account.
Ditto ditto ditto.
Treafury Cafh Account from the Sub-Treafurer at the Prefidency, ...
St-atement of actual Receipts and Difburfements from the Sub-Treafurer, Poll Mafter General, Civil Pay Mafter.
Collectors ot Bombay, Sall'ette, Caranjah, Surat, Kairah, and Broach, Relidents at Baroda and F'tt Vidloria,
Cuftom Mafters at Bombay, Salfette, Surat, and Broach, the Warehoufekeeper, and the Commercial Refidents at
Surat and Cambay, —
EHimate of expected Receipts and Difburfements, from the Sub-Treafurer, Poft Mafter General, Civil Pay Mafter.
Collectors of Bombay, Salfette, Caranjah, Surat, Kairah and Broach, Refidents at Baroda and Lrt Victoria,
Cuftom Mafters at Bombay, Salfette, Surat arid Broach, the Warehoutekeeper, the Commercial Refid^nts at Surat
and Cambay, the Marine Pay Mafter and Storekeeper, and, the Military Pay Mafter General, —
Account Current of Receipts, or advances and fupplies on account of the Prefidencies of Fort William, Fort St,
Ccorgc, jPoi-L' iCbnTwHiViV, aria 1 the Gvmcciencai st GzyKia accompanied by Vouchers for the advance: and fupplies
that may have been made, for tranfmiftio^ to thofe relpedlive Governments —
Statements of Quick and Dead Stock to 31ft of July, —
Ditto ditto •ditto to 31ft of October,. , . —
Ditto ditto ditto to 31ft of January,.
Ditto ditto ditto to 30th of April, —
Return of Goods on hand and in courfe of proviiion accompanied by General Remarks on the ftate of the inveft
ment to be furnifhed under the following dates, by the Warehoufekeeper at the Prefidency, Commercial Refident;
at Surat, Cambay, Malabar and Anjengo, vizt.
31ft of March,
30th of June, - -- -- -- -- -- -- - |- - - —
30th of September, - - - -- -- ------- —
31ft of December, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —
Statement of Aitual'Receipts and Difburfements of the paft year from'the Mari J Paymafter and Store-keeper, and
from the Military Paymafter General, .v. . —
Statement of Actual Receipts and Difburfements of the paft year from all other Offices at the Prefidency and Su
bordinate Stations, . . . . . . , . . . V •—
Comparative Statement, flievving and accounting for the differences betweea the A6tual and Eftimated Receipts and
Difburfements of the paft year, from the Marine Paymafter and Store ' ' r, and from the Military Paymafter
General, . . . .
Comparative Statement, fhewing and acconnt-Ing for the differences betv '<
Difburfements of the paft year, from all other Offices at tht. V -■ -lenc
Eftimate of expected Receipts and Dilbarfini;ats of the current Year, fu
and from the Military Pay Mafter General,
Eftimate of expedtcd Receipts and Difburlements of the current Year, from .all other Offices at the Frefidency and
Subordinate-Stations, - - -
General Return of Stores imported from Europe'to the 30th of April, from ti )e Military, Medical, ^Tarine Boards,
Return of Goods and Merchandize imported from Europe to the 30th of 4pril, from the Warehoufekeeper at the
Prefidency, and from all Commercial Officers at Subordinate Stations, _ - . _ - - —
General Return of Stores received and purchafed in India to the 30th of Apr]^ f r om the Military, Mescal and Ma
rine Boards,
BO^'v ^ CASTLE. 1
30 days after the clofe of each month.
1 jih of each fucceeding month.
1 jth of the month for which it is framed.
1 oth of each fucceeding month.
31 days after the clofe of the quarter.
Ditto ditto ditto.
Ditto ditto ditto.
5 th of June following.
I 20 days after the clofe of the rcffcc-
j" tive quarters.
? Actual and Eftimated Receipts and
bordinate Stations,
Marine Pay M ifterand Storekeeper,
r30/A of June after the
i year of account.
\\5th of June after the
| year of account.
\ 5 th of July after the cloj,
|' of account.
(20th of June after the
| year of account,
f 1 Oth of July after the
| year of account.
{15th of June after the
[ year of account.
{\Jl of July after the clofe
of account.
clofe of each
clofe of each
e of each year
clofe of each
clofe of each
clofe of each
of each year
\\th March ISO/.
SanBioned by the Honorable the
Governor in Council,
Accountant General,
Secretary to Government.
About this item
- Content
The volume consists of chronological diary entries containing transcripts of correspondence sent and received, and notes on the arrival and departure of vessels at Bushire. The Residents during the period covered were William Bruce (acting) and (from May 1807) Nicholas Hankey Smith.
The correspondence sent is entered under the date the letter was written; that received is entered under the date of receipt at Bushire. The correspondence is between the Resident and other East India Company officials: officials of the Government of Bombay From c. 1668-1858, the East India Company’s administration in the city of Bombay [Mumbai] and western India. From 1858-1947, a subdivision of the British Raj. It was responsible for British relations with the Gulf and Red Sea regions. (including correspondence in the Political, Military, Public, General and Commercial Departments, and correspondence with the Accountant General); the Resident at Bagdad [Baghdad] (Harford Jones, and later John Hine [Acting]); the Resident at Muscat (David Seton); and the Resident at Bussora [Basra] (Lieutenant William Eatwell [Acting], and later Samuel Manesty).
The records of shipping consist of a note of the day of arrival and departure of ships of the Bombay Marine The navy of the East India Company. (the East India Company navy) and country ships (privately-owned merchant ships, which operated under licence from the East India Company), and information on their port of origin and destination. The term 'imported' is used to indicate the arrival of a vessel.
General topics covered in the volume include:
- political developments in the Gulf;
- movements of ships;
- the transmission of packets of correspondence;
- piracy;
- the provision and sale of East India Company merchandise;
- accounting and financial matters;
- administrative matters;
- relations with the Court of Persia;
- relations with local rulers;
- the activities of the French in the region (including the activities of French privateers);
- reports of political and military developments in Europe.
Specific topic include:
- dispatches from the Government of Bombay From c. 1668-1858, the East India Company’s administration in the city of Bombay [Mumbai] and western India. From 1858-1947, a subdivision of the British Raj. It was responsible for British relations with the Gulf and Red Sea regions. concerning the Persian Embassy to India (entry for 20 February 1806, folios 5-22), including a report of an assault by a sepoy Term used in English to refer to an Indian infantryman. Carries some derogatory connotations as sometimes used as a means of othering and emphasising race, colour, origins, or rank. sentry on a horse belonging to members of the suite of the Persian Ambassador, Mohumed Nebee Khan [Muhammad Nābī Khān];
- dispatches from the Government of Bombay From c. 1668-1858, the East India Company’s administration in the city of Bombay [Mumbai] and western India. From 1858-1947, a subdivision of the British Raj. It was responsible for British relations with the Gulf and Red Sea regions. concerning the Persian Embassy to India (entry for 27 February 1806, folios 22v-40v), including details of the garrison court martial of the sentry mentioned above, and financial claims of the Persian Ambassador;
- letter from Bruce to Francis Warden, Secretary to the Government of Bombay From c. 1668-1858, the East India Company’s administration in the city of Bombay [Mumbai] and western India. From 1858-1947, a subdivision of the British Raj. It was responsible for British relations with the Gulf and Red Sea regions. dated 3 March 1806, in response to the above dispatches (folio 41);
- letter from Bruce to Jonathan Duncan, President and Governor in Council, dated 12 March 1806 containing a report of the search for the wreck of the Reliance (f. 42v);
- letter from Bruce to Jonathan Duncan, President and Governor in Council, dated 25 March 1806 containing a report of the presence of a French agent at Tabrize [Tabriz], who was on his way to Teheran [Tehran] (f. 44v);
- dispatches from the Government of Bombay From c. 1668-1858, the East India Company’s administration in the city of Bombay [Mumbai] and western India. From 1858-1947, a subdivision of the British Raj. It was responsible for British relations with the Gulf and Red Sea regions. concerning the Persian Embassy to India (entry for 13 April 1806, folios 40v-67v), including details of stores drawn and remaining to be drawn from the Honourable Company's stores, and bills to be paid on account of the Rahimshaw (ff. 47-51), account of articles purchased by the Ambassador's people (ff. 56v-57), report of the sale of horses presented by the Persian Ambassador (f. 60), and list of articles purchased for the Persian Ambassador for use as presents (f. 62);
- dispatches from the Government of Bombay From c. 1668-1858, the East India Company’s administration in the city of Bombay [Mumbai] and western India. From 1858-1947, a subdivision of the British Raj. It was responsible for British relations with the Gulf and Red Sea regions. concerning the Persian Embassy to India (entry for 27 May 1806, ff.74v-138v), including the embarkation of the embassy for Calcutta;
- correspondence containing reports by Bruce of a French agent at the Court of Persia, (1-5 September 1806, ff. 160v-162);
- regulations issued by the Government of Bombay From c. 1668-1858, the East India Company’s administration in the city of Bombay [Mumbai] and western India. From 1858-1947, a subdivision of the British Raj. It was responsible for British relations with the Gulf and Red Sea regions. concerning persons in the East Company's service who wished to proceed to Europe (19 October 1806, ff. 170v-171);
- correspondence concerning an incident involving the Honourable Company's Schooner Sylph at Bushire, which led to a serious loss of life amongst the Sylph's crew (14 January - 14 February 1807, ff. 188-192);
- table of books, statements etc. required by the Accountant General's Office, Government of Bombay From c. 1668-1858, the East India Company’s administration in the city of Bombay [Mumbai] and western India. From 1858-1947, a subdivision of the British Raj. It was responsible for British relations with the Gulf and Red Sea regions. , issued 11 March 1807 (f. 228).
- Extent and format
- 2 volumes (241 folios)
- Arrangement
The volume is in the form of a diary running in chronological order from the front to the rear of the volume. The correspondence sent is entered under the approximate date the letter was written; that received is entered under the date of receipt at Bushire. Notes of the arrival and departure of vessels are similarly recorded in diary form under the relevant date.
- Physical characteristics
Foliation: the foliation sequence, which runs through both volumes, commences at 1 on the first folio of correspondence and terminates at 235 on the inside back cover of the second volume. The numbers are written in pencil, are smaller than the pagination numbers, and appear near the top right hand corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. page of each folio. Foliation anomalies: ff. 116, 116A, 116B, 116C, 116D, 116E, 1116F. Folio 228 folds out beyond the edge of the volume. This is the system in use.
Pagination: there is also an incomplete pagination sequence, which runs from 1-458 through both volumes. The numbers are written in pencil, are larger than the foliation numbers, and appear at the top centre or toward the top of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. and verso The back of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'v'. pages.
Condition: the volumes have suffered extensive damage at the beginning and end of the original (pre-conservation) volume (ff. 1-15 and 222-232), in the shape of damaged edges and holes in the folios, which has resulted in significant losses of text. There is also some damage to other folios, which occasionally causes loss of text.
- Written in
- English in Latin script View the complete information for this record
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Vol 9 Bushire Diary [228r] (475/475), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/1/9, in Qatar Digital Library <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100023905343.0x00004c> [accessed 24 November 2024]
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Copyright: How to use this content
- Reference
- IOR/R/15/1/9
- Title
- Vol 9 Bushire Diary
- Pages
- front-a, front-a-i, i-r:iii-v, 1r:116v, 116ar:116bv, back-a-i, back-a, front-b, front-a-i, 116er:116fv, 117r:228r
- Author
- East India Company, the Board of Control, the India Office, or other British Government Department
- Usage terms
- Open Government Licence