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'Travels in Assyria, Media, and Persia, including a journey from Bagdad by Mount Zagros, to Hamadan, the ancient Ecbatana, researches in Ispahan and the ruins of Persepolis, and journey from thence by Shiraz and Shapoor to the sea-shore. Description of Bussorah, Bushire, Bahrein, Ormuz, and Muscat, narrative of an expedition against the pirates of the Persian Gulf, with illustrations of the voyage of Nearchus, and passage by the Arabian Sea to Bombay.' [‎235] (266/582)

The record is made up of 1 volume (545 pages). It was created in 1829. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: Printed Collections.


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Ispahan, the latter of which he might have it in his power to
restore by his residence here, a regard to his personal safety is
said to make him prefer the bad air, bad water, and otherwise
disagreeable station of Teheraun, where he has secured his trea
sures by strong walls,—is nearer his own tribe of the Kujurs for
support, in case of rebellion,—and has behind him impenetrable
forests for escape, in the event of these betraying him * Whether
these be his motives or not, such is the general opinion of his sub
jects here, who do not scruple to pronounce it openly, and inveigh
both against his boundless avarice, his oppressive government, the
corruption of his inferior agents, and his own personal cowardice.
After long waiting in vain for an occasion of departing with a
caravan from hence for Shiraz, we had determined to set out on
the morrow alone, and trust, as we had done before on similar
occasions, to our own vigilance and union for safety.
The city of Ispahan being seated on a perfect plain, with no
one eminence throughout its vast extent, we had as yet enjoyed
no commanding view of it as a whole, from any one part of the
numerous rides that we had taken around it. The most elevated
building in the city, excepting only the domes and minarets of the
mosques, was fortunately a part of the very palace we inhabited,
and stood at the end of a walled passage, of about a thousand feet
in length, leading directly from the court of my own apartment
eastward towards the Maidan, or Great Square.
* The Kujurs are a Turkish tribe. The first son of the present King of Persia, Futteh Ah
Shah, called Mahommed Wali Mirza, was once Governor of Mushed, but has been driven out,
and now lives about his father's court at.Teheran, without a post. The second son, Mahomed
Ali Mirza, now Governor of Kermanshah, is a high-spirited and aspiring character, and a
great favourite of the nation. The third son. Abbas Mirza, Governor of Tabreez, is less en
terprising and less popular; but he is the avowed favourite of the monarch, and is declared
heir to his throne. The fourth son, Hassan Ali Mirza, Governor of Shiraz, is seemingly con
tented with his present power, and puts forth no pretensions to an extension of it.
first of these are the offspring of the King by Georgian women ; the third is by a hig - orn
female of the Kujur tribe, and is therefore chosen to succeed the King, but the secon
refuses to do him homage during the life of his father, and publicly avows his determ
to dispute the empire with him, at the point of the sword, on this monarch's death.
2 H 2

About this item


Travels in Assyria, Media, and Persia, including a journey from Bagdad by Mount Zagros, to Hamadan, the ancient Ecbatana, researches in Ispahan and the ruins of Persepolis, and journey from thence by Shiraz and Shapoor to the sea-shore. Description of Bussorah, Bushire, Bahrein, Ormuz, and Muscat, narrative of an expedition against the pirates of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. , with illustrations of the voyage of Nearchus, and passage by the Arabian Sea to Bombay.

The book is written by James Silk Buckingham and contains illustrations and a map at the beginning, entitled "General map of Persia, with the routes pursued by Mr Buckingham in his travels from Bagdad across the mountains of Zagros, through Assyria, Media & Persia, incuding the chief positions of all the ancient cities & modern towns, from the banks of the Tigris to the shores of the Persian Gulf The historical term used to describe the body of water between the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. " and signed "Sidy. Hall, sculpt."

Buckingham is identified on title page as "author of Travels in Palestine and the countries east of the Jordan; Travels among the Arab tribes; and Travels in Mesopotamia; member of the Literary Societies of Bombay and Madras, and of the Asiatic Society of Bengal." Name of manufacturer from p. ii. Portrait of the author signed as follows: "Drawn and Etched by W.H. Brooke, A.R.H.A." and "Aquatinted by R. Havell Jnr." Dedication to Sir Charles Forbes on p. v. Vignette on p. 545. With publication announcement of the second edition of Buckingham's Travels in Mesopotamia on last unnumbered page.

Publication Details: London : Henry Colburn, New Burlington Street, 1829. Printed by S. and R. Bentley, Dorset Street, Fleet Street.

Extent and format
1 volume (545 pages)

There is a table of contents at the beginning (vii-xvi) and an index at the end of the volume (539-545).

Physical characteristics

Dimensions: 283 mm x 220 mm.

Pagination: xvi, 545, [1] p., [2] leaves of plates (1 folded).

Written in
English in Latin script
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'Travels in Assyria, Media, and Persia, including a journey from Bagdad by Mount Zagros, to Hamadan, the ancient Ecbatana, researches in Ispahan and the ruins of Persepolis, and journey from thence by Shiraz and Shapoor to the sea-shore. Description of Bussorah, Bushire, Bahrein, Ormuz, and Muscat, narrative of an expedition against the pirates of the Persian Gulf, with illustrations of the voyage of Nearchus, and passage by the Arabian Sea to Bombay.' [‎235] (266/582), British Library: Printed Collections, 567.g.5., in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 21 November 2024]

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