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Report on the Operations in the Vicinity of Shaiba 12th-14th April 1915. Simla: General Staff India, 1915. [‎9] (17/70)

The record is made up of 35 folios. It was created in 1915. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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is. About 5 P. M. a distinct rearward movement was noticed in front of our 3 ^
north defensive line and fourteen big " bellums " were seen going off in a
northerly direction filled with Arabs from North Mound vicinity.
13. At dusk a furious attack was made from the western extremity of
Dorset position, supported by fire from south-west and west, heavy rifle and 6-45 p. m.
machine gun fire being brought to bear on the South Salient and ground
immediately east and west of the Fort, but they made no progress and the
attack died away to intermittent firing. The machine gun in South Salient was
out of action from 7 P. M. to 9 P. M. but was replaced by one from the 48th 7 P ' u '
Pioneers during this time, and the searchlight here too was put out of action by
rifle fire 15 minutes after it had opened up.
14. Throughout the night intermittent firing, with occasional heavy bursts
with machine gun fire, took place to cover bold attempts to cut our wire entangle
ments, especially on South Salient w 7 here the enemy^ main efforts were concen
trated, though these attacks extended to the north end of the Fort on our right
and to Cairn Post on the left. The brunt of these attacks fell on the 48th
Pioneers and 17th Company, 3rd Sappers and Miners, which units with ceaseless
vigilance repelled every effort of the enemy. During the heavier periods of the
attacks the star shell fired by Field and Mountain Artillery greatly assisted in the
defence. The machine gun of the 2nd Norfolk Regiment at the southern
extremity of South Salient did most excellent service throughout the day and-night
in a very exposed position. The 120th Infantry and portion of the 1 10th Light
Infantry in East Work and Cairn Post were less heavily engaged, but frequently
repelled the efforts of wire cutters and were throughout alert for develop
15. At 11 P .m. the enemy were heard digging off South Salient and a half mpm .
Double Company 48th Pioneers was held in readiness to meet any penetration by
the enemy, while I held 1 Double Company 2nd Norfolk Regiment ready for par
ticular support in this direction.
16. The night thus passed with occasional lulls till 3-30 a.m ., when the final 13th April,
attempt was made and small parties were seen close up to the entanglements (one
party was heard to call out in Hindustani !< Do not fire "). After this no further
attacks were made and all became quiet.
17. From 4-30 a.m. Major-General Melliss, V.C , C.B., who had arrived 4.30A.M.|
late the previous evening with the 6th Divisional Staff, took over command of
the garrison, but not being ' au fait ' with the defence arrangements, had left
the conduct of the operations for the night to me, and my report on subsequent
operations has been submitted to him.
18. The casualties during this action were comparatively slight and were,
approximately, British officers, wounded, 4; Rank and file killed 5, wounded 62.
19. The artillery expended some 1 ,495 shrapnel and *5 star shell during
the above period of the action.
to. The 6th Cavalry Brigade were not employed during the day except
one squadron 7th Lancers and " S" Battery, Royal Horse Artillery, under
Lieutenant-Colonel C. A. Sykes, Royal Horse Artillery, which did good work
in co-operaiion with the Infantry and other Artillery; they however came in
for many casualties among their horses as, unfortunately, their camp was
situated directly behind the Fort Section of the defence and in line with the
main hostile attacks. I wish to mention:—
Major G. G. M, Wheeler, Jth Lancers, —For the gallant and admirable lead- x
ing of his Squadron in the charge against a body of the enemy south of Piquet
Works, who had been causing much annoyance to our artillery observation post,
with a most successful and effective result.
21. The Artihery afforded, as has been my experience throughout the
campaign, a magnificent support and their rapid location of the enemy's guns
was followed by a slackening and in many cases a cessation of their fire. Lieute
nant'Colonel E, iS. Clee've ) R.F.A., most efficiently directed the artillery during

About this item


This file contains military despatches regarding the Battle of Shaiba that took place between British and Ottoman forces on 12-14 April 1915.

The file begins with an introductory letter from General Sir John Eccles Nixon, Commanding Force "D" to the Chief of General Staff, Simla (folios 4-6) that is followed by a report related to events of 11-12 April written by Major-General C. I. Fry (folios 8-10) and another report that concerns events of April 13-14 written by Major-General C. J. Melliss (folios 14-19).

The file contains a number of maps and sketches of the battlefield and surrounding area.

Extent and format
35 folios

The file contains an contents page (that uses the original printed pagination system) on folio 3.

Physical characteristics

A bound, printed volume. The file's foliation sequence commences at the front cover and terminates at the inside back cover; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. Please note that ff. 31-34 are housed within f. 35.

The volume also contains an original printed pagination sequence.

Written in
English in Latin script
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Report on the Operations in the Vicinity of Shaiba 12th-14th April 1915. Simla: General Staff India, 1915. [‎9] (17/70), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/MIL/17/15/95, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 18 October 2024]

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