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'Some years travels into divers parts of Africa, and Asia the great. Describing more particularly the empires of Persia and Industan: interwoven with such remarkable occurrences as hapned in those parts during these later times. As also, many other rich and famous kingdoms in the oriental India, with the isles adjacent. Severally relating their religion, language, customs and habit: as also proper observations concerning them.' [‎357] (380/448)

The record is made up of 1 volume (399 pages). It was created in 1677. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: Printed Collections.


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Tatania. Syam,
as a mufquet will reach over, and by reafon of Rocks very dangerous for pairenger^^W
my calls it Similta, but Sinticora Caflaldm.
Hence to Vatania is not above twelve hours travel. Ttolomy calls^that place Potmra
Caftaldm Balanga, others Ferimula : but all agree it is in the Gulph of Bengala which of
old was named 5^ Argaricm extra Gangem. There the Artie Pole is elevated feven de
grees : A Town it is fcituated betwixt A/Ulacca and 5/^-, of good trade by reafon of the
commodities it affords, which attrads Merchants: Under Regal Government: for the
Princes derive themfelves from one Gingu Son and Pro-rex to the King of Belly y here
fubftituted when VatmU was fubjeded. The Mogul his great neighbour has oft threat-
ned to dethrone him, yet he keeps hisown being fafe-guarded by interpofing GanvesTuA
fome fmall but ufeful Wets where he advantageoufly fortifies. The Town is by fcituation
ftrong, and by twelve pieces of great Brafs Ordnance better ilrengthened; one of which
our men call a Bafilifco being twenty fix foot long and well proportioned both in bore
and fquaring. Some Temples of Idolatry here as in Joor its neighbour are feen : but of
better note are thofe ancient Monuments of fome of their Kings who are there buried.
The people are black, and by reafon of the heat ftiew moll part of their body naked*
Great delight they take in chawing Betele and Opium, Arae (or ftrong liquor) they alfo
drink exceedingly : The better fort ufually eat in thin plates of Gold, others in Porcel-
lane. The people ufually fpeak three Languages, the MaUi^xs Syam and that of China:
but their writing differs , for the Malai write from the right hand to the left as the He
brews ufe the Syam from the left unto the right as we 5 but the China down-right or per
pendicular : all three ufual, and no lefs ufeful to thofe that traffique there.
They are a mixture of Mahometans and Gentiles: the one fo worlhip God, as the other
do their Pa God j both erroneoufly. Hofpitable they are to fuch as from defire of no
velty or gain refide amongft them, and enquire not much of their Country, bufinefs or
Religion : but fo addid to Vice that Strangers who thither come as Travellers or Mer
chants, have extraordinary need to pray for grace to refift Female temptations •, and to
remember that truth the Poet mentions^
Tarva voluntatis quanquam fmt gandia, tonga
Vosna tamen fequitur, mifero per mixta dolor e.
The French alfo, who are as amorous as others, have experimentally given us this cau
tionary leilbn:
From Women light and liqiiorousj" De Femme volage & friande.
Jit all times God deliver us, - En tout' temps Dieu nous defende.
For afluredly, the cuftom as well as the heat, in moil places of thefe etherique Regions,
incline and allure men, efpecially Strangers, to lubricity and debauched courles •, Oh I mi-
[emm cui peccare liceat ; fuch as if grace does not reftrain have reafon to take heed of
punilhment, feeing Adultery they neverthelefs punifh. Howbeit^ the young Women
arc carelefly frolick and fearlefly merry •, the married melancholy, becaufe ftridly ob-
ferved. Idlenefs and heat provokes them, fo as they wallow in all manner of turpitude:
The Grape moves them they fay to wickednefs; for they delight their guft and pallat
with choiceft Wines, Waters, Arac, Rice and fruits: but by this their interrlperance
abbreviate their dayes, fo as fixty years is accounted an old age, which if you contem
plate their excefs ( Deaths Harbinger ) and the Zone they fweat in, may well be granted.
Adjoining this is
S Y A M ( Sab anna and Cortatha of old, a City and Kingdom fo named,declining North
from the ./Equinodial 14 degrees) a great and famous part of India, having Patania to
the South, to the Weft Pegu and part of the Bengalan Gulph *, Joor, Malacca, a great part
of Pegiiy Brama and Camhogia were tributary to him *, Patania alfo, famohay, Odjea and
other Territories watered by Ganges acknowledge him: fo as his power is large, and well
known that within the memory of Man he was able to bring into the Field five hundred
Elephants and two hundred thoufand fighting Men armed with good Swords, Bows and
Arrows, Shield and Lance. The King pretends to a large Race of Kingly progenitors.
The Zone is hot, which makes the Men black, and in ftich places dittle cloathing is re-
quifite*, ib that they content themlelves with a Cambolin of Lawn of a lad colour which
is trebled about their fhoulders: Howbeit, fome tie a leather skin about their neckv
and as a badge of devotion gird their middles with a thong, and hold a Sumbrero in
their hands to abate the heat, but wear no fandals both that the fcorehing fands may

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Some years travels into divers parts of Africa, and Asia the great. Describing more particularly the empires of Persia and Industan: interwoven with such remarkable occurrences as hapned in those parts during these later times. As also, many other rich and famous kingdoms in the oriental India, with the isles adjacent. Severally relating their religion, language, customs and habit: as also proper observations concerning them.

Publication Details: London : printed by R. Everingham, for R. Scot, T. Basset, J. Wright, and R. Chiswell, 1677.

Edition: In this fourth impression are added (by the author now living) as well many additions throughout the whole work, as also several sculptures, never before printed.

Notes: Numerous engraved illustrations, including maps, views of cities and animals, printed within the text. Engraved plate entitled "Rvines of Persæpolis" is signed "W. Hollar fecit 1663". Misprinted page number: 711 instead of 117. Bibliography note: Includes bibliographical references and index.

Physical Description: [6], 399, [21] p., [4] leaves of plates (1 folded) : ill., maps ; 32 cm. (fol.)

Extent and format
1 volume (399 pages)
Physical characteristics

Dimensions: 320mm x 210mm

Written in
English in Latin script
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'Some years travels into divers parts of Africa, and Asia the great. Describing more particularly the empires of Persia and Industan: interwoven with such remarkable occurrences as hapned in those parts during these later times. As also, many other rich and famous kingdoms in the oriental India, with the isles adjacent. Severally relating their religion, language, customs and habit: as also proper observations concerning them.' [‎357] (380/448), British Library: Printed Collections, 215.e.12., in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 23 November 2024]

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