‘The perillous and most unhappy voyages of John Struys, through Italy, Greece, Lifeland, Moscovia, Tartary, Media, Persia, East-India, Japan, and other places in Europe, Africa and Asia. Containing, I. Most accurate remarks and observations of the distinct qualities, religion, politie, customs, laws and properties of the inhabitants: II. A due description of the several cities, towns, forts and places of trust, as to their site and strength, fortifications by nature, or art, &c. with other things worthy of note: and III. An exact memorial of the most disastrous calamities which befell the author in those parts (viz) by ship-wrack, robberies, slavery, hunger, tortures, with other incommodities and hardships’ [16] (55/470)
The record is made up of 1 volume (378 pages). It was created in 1683. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: Printed Collections.
This transcription is created automatically. It may contain errors.
16 Ths Voyages of lohn Stnys, V o y. I .
of feveral kinds. They haveaifo abundance of Water Melons ,
nMAs, Bananas, and other unknown Hants and Roots. The T rees are
loaden with Oranges, Lemons, Pome-Citrons, and two kinds of
Pomegranates, to wit, a fweetand a four, as alfo delicate Pears, Figs,
Almonds, &c. Belldes thefe Fruits, they have feveral ftrange Roots,
diat may be ufed for Diet, which they call bmihaftH,
hares, Ownfouttj, Offehe, tJMayondre, and others , which I
cannot call to mind, at prefent. It affoards alfo very rich Honey, va
riety of Gums, Medicinal Balfams, Oils, Roots and Herbs, nor may
we ommit the commemoration of its'rich Mines, and variety of
Mettals, though the beft it affoards beyond other Places,is Steel.Thc
Gold which is d igged here,is much bafer than that of Peru, the O unce
not valuing above ten Crowns. Neither is this Ifland without Preci
ous ftones , as Topaz , Amethyft , Emerald , Sapphire , Ja-
cynth, Jafpar, Agath, with Blood Stones and others. It abounds
with Beafts, as Kine, tame and wilde, Goats which have young 4
times a year ^ the Sheep are very fat, their tails weighing fome 25
pound'a piece > Swine they have alfo, both tame and wild, whofe
flefli whether hung, or pickled,is far better then that which we
have in Europe. There is alfo a kind of wild Swine that the
':**& Inhabitants call * Tendrak , which they hold for a great deli-
cupllen cacy ; The fame beaft fleeps fix moneths in the year , in which
n>hici time flie cafts her Prickles, as Hedge-hogs do, which are alfo there
ttziotn* n abundance. The Dogs of this Ifland are for the moft part
tmmon litle, fhort-fnouted and ftump-ear'd. Apes and Monkeys run in
, " E " ro * great troops, fome times 50,60 or 100 together, of which there
are feveral kinds. Thofe that are white are the moft cruel , and
hardclt to.'catch;c r tame. Another fort there are which are grey, and
not fo big as the white which are more tame and flexible ; thefe they
often take by wiles, and teach them feveral practical and artificial
ex ercifes. There are befides thefe another kind of white Apes,
commit that go almoft right over end, and are fo lecherous that even the
iRfpe. "\\. T oraen j n that place, cannot be fecure for them, which they raviih
if they find an opportunity, one holding her, till another has per-
form'd his Task > whom , when they have had their will, they
fometimes rend in pieces.But there is a kind of Gray Apes, which
are held in moft efteem } having eies like fire, and are very wild
About this item
- Content
The perillous and most unhappy voyages of John Struys, through Italy, Greece, Lifeland, Moscovia, Tartary, Media, Persia, East-India, Japan, and other places in Europe, Africa and Asia. Containing, I. Most accurate remarks and observations of the distinct qualities, religion, politie, customs, laws and properties of the inhabitants: II. A due description of the several cities, towns, forts and places of trust, as to their site and strength, fortifications by nature, or art, &c. with other things worthy of note: and III. An exact memorial of the most disastrous calamities which befell the author in those parts (viz) by ship-wrack, robberies, slavery, hunger, tortures, with other incommodities and hardships , authored by Jan Janszoon Stroys, and translated from the Dutch by John Morrison. The volume also contains two narratives written by Captain David Butler, relating to the ‘taking in of Astrachan by the Cosacs’, and is illustrated with plates ‘first designed and taken from the Life by the Author himself.’
Publication details: Printed for Samuel Smith at the Princes Arms in St Pauls Church-yard, London, 1683.
Physical description: 24 unnumbered pages, including preface and contents; 378 pages; 21 plates (20 folded); 1 map; Quarto.
- Extent and format
- 1 volume (378 pages)
- Arrangement
This volume contains a table of contents giving chapter headings, a detailed breakdown of the contents of that chapter, and page references. There is also a list of illustrations (plates) giving titles and page references. There is an alphabetic index at the back of the volume. Note the following misprinted page numbers: 26 instead of 62; 75 instead of 87; 134 instead of 132; 135 instead of 133; 136 instead of 134; 137 instead of 139; 124 instead of 142; 175 instead of 157; 109 instead of 209; 119 instead of 219; 212 instead of 220; 213 instead of 223.
- Physical characteristics
Dimensions: 233mm x 180mm.
- Written in
- English in Latin script View the complete information for this record
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‘The perillous and most unhappy voyages of John Struys, through Italy, Greece, Lifeland, Moscovia, Tartary, Media, Persia, East-India, Japan, and other places in Europe, Africa and Asia. Containing, I. Most accurate remarks and observations of the distinct qualities, religion, politie, customs, laws and properties of the inhabitants: II. A due description of the several cities, towns, forts and places of trust, as to their site and strength, fortifications by nature, or art, &c. with other things worthy of note: and III. An exact memorial of the most disastrous calamities which befell the author in those parts (viz) by ship-wrack, robberies, slavery, hunger, tortures, with other incommodities and hardships’ [16] (55/470), British Library: Printed Collections, 1600/630., in Qatar Digital Library <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100023695183.0x000038> [accessed 29 March 2025]
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<meta charset="utf-8"><a href="https://www.qdl.qa/en/archive/81055/vdc_100023695183.0x000038">‘The perillous and most unhappy voyages of John Struys, through Italy, Greece, Lifeland, Moscovia, Tartary, Media, Persia, East-India, Japan, and other places in Europe, Africa and Asia. Containing, I. Most accurate remarks and observations of the distinct qualities, religion, politie, customs, laws and properties of the inhabitants: II. A due description of the several cities, towns, forts and places of trust, as to their site and strength, fortifications by nature, or art, &c. with other things worthy of note: and III. An exact memorial of the most disastrous calamities which befell the author in those parts (viz) by ship-wrack, robberies, slavery, hunger, tortures, with other incommodities and hardships’ [‎16] (55/470)</a> <a href="https://www.qdl.qa/en/archive/81055/vdc_100023695183.0x000038"> <img src="https://iiif.qdl.qa/iiif/images/81055/vdc_100023513130.0x000001/1600_630._0057.jp2/full/!280,240/0/default.jpg" alt="" /> </a>
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Copyright: How to use this content
- Reference
- 1600/630.
- Title
- ‘The perillous and most unhappy voyages of John Struys, through Italy, Greece, Lifeland, Moscovia, Tartary, Media, Persia, East-India, Japan, and other places in Europe, Africa and Asia. Containing, I. Most accurate remarks and observations of the distinct qualities, religion, politie, customs, laws and properties of the inhabitants: II. A due description of the several cities, towns, forts and places of trust, as to their site and strength, fortifications by nature, or art, &c. with other things worthy of note: and III. An exact memorial of the most disastrous calamities which befell the author in those parts (viz) by ship-wrack, robberies, slavery, hunger, tortures, with other incommodities and hardships’
- Pages
- front, back, spine, edge, head, tail, front-i, i-r:ii-v, 1:28, 1:26, 26a:26b, 27:46, 46a:46b, 47:90, 90a:90b, 91:92, 92a:92b, 93:110, 110a:110b, 111:176, 176a:176b, 177:186, 186a:186b, 187:198, 198a:198b, 199:204, 204a:204b, 205:214, 214a:214b, 215:238, 238a:238b, 239:260, 260a:260b, 261:270, 270a:270b, 271:314, 314a:314b, 315:332, 332a:332b, 333:334, 334a:334b, 335:338, 338a:338b, 339:350, 350a:350b, 351:372, 372a:372b, 373:388, iii-r:iv-v, back-i
- Author
- Struys, Jan Janszoon
- Usage terms
- Public Domain