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‘The travels of Sig. Pietro della Valle, a noble Roman, into East-India and Arabia Deserta. In which, the several countries, together with the customs, manners, traffique, and rites both religious and civil, of those Oriental princes and nations, are faithfully described: In familiar letters to his friend Signior Mario Schipano. Whereunto is added a relation of Sir Thomas Roe’s voyage into the East-Indies’ [‎472] (493/508)

The record is made up of 1 volume (480 pages). It was created in 1665. It was written in English. The original is part of the British Library: Printed Collections.


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A Voyage to EAST-INDIA, &c.
which might not be taken of) for the fpace of three years 5 after
which time, that feal was taken away, that he might with free
dom enjoy the Light, though not his Liberty. And after his
F ather had taken him out of Prifon, he kept him alwayes near
about him, but with a very ftrong Guard upon him ^ fo that he
following the King his Father in his Progrefl'es, we fometimes
faw him. And once he called my Lord Ambaffadour to him as
we paffed by him, afking him many Queftions, as how fardi-
ftant our Country was from them, and what we brought thither,
and what wecarryed thence, and how the Ring his Father had
ufed him (ince his arrive there, whether or no he had not beftow-
ed upon him fome great gifts.The Ambafladour told him^that his
bufineft there was to obtain a free Trade for his Nation the Eng-
lifh ^ and that being granted him, he had reward enough- The
Prince replyed 5 that this could notbedenyed us,we coming ib far
to trade there with him, and the Prince further alked him, How
long he had been there, the Ambaffadour told him. About two
years ^ the Prince replyed again, that it was a very gxeat flaame
for the Succeffor of Tawherlane, who had fuch infinite Riches, to
fuffer a Man of his quality to come fo far unto him, and to live
fo long about him, and not to give him fome Royal Gift, and
he further added, that for himfelf he was a Prifoner, and there
fore could do him no good, but would pray for him, and fo he
For that Prince, he was a Gentleman of a very lovely pre-
(ence and fine carriage, (b exceedingly beloved of the common
people, that, as writes of Titus, hevtzsAmor&Deli-
ci£) 8cc. the very love and delight of them. Aged then about
thirty and five years. He was a Man who contented himfelf
with one Wife, which with all love and care accompanied him
in all hisftreights, and therefore he would never take any Wife
but her felf, though the Liberty of his Religion did admit of
It was generally believed to be the intent of his Father (for
he would often prefage fo ) to make this Prince his firft-born his
Succeffor, though for the prefent out of fome jealoufie ("he
being fo much beloved of the people^ he denyed him his
His Father's Love, brings upon him the extream hatred of his
Brother the Mogol's third Son, who then lived in very
great Pomp and Splendor at that Court, aiming at that Em
pire : to which end he put many jealoufies into his Father's Head
(now grown in years) concerning his Brother Coobfurroo, and
that his Father might live more fecure, and out of all prefent
fear of him, if he fo pleafed^ upon which infinuations, partly,
by force, fas I obferved before) and, partly, by intreaty of
Friends about the King, he was by the King put into the Cruel
Hand of his hioxhtx Caroom who told his Father that he would
have both his Eyes upon him, and further fo provide, that he

About this item


The travels of Sig. Pietro della Valle, a noble Roman, into East-India and Arabia Deserta. In which, the several countries, together with the customs, manners, traffique, and rites both religious and civil, of those Oriental princes and nations, are faithfully described: In familiar letters to his friend Signior Mario Schipano. Whereunto is added a relation of Sir Thomas Roe’s voyage into the East-Indies . Translated from the Italian by George Havers. A dedication, written by Havers to the Right Honourable Roger, Earl of Orrery, precedes the main text. The second part of the volume, A Voyage to East-India with a description of the large territories under the subjection of the Great Mogol , was written by Edward Terry, and not, as the frontispiece suggests, by Sir Thomas Roe.

Publication details: Printed by J Macock for Henry Herringman, London, 1665.

There are pencil and ink annotations in margins of many pages in the volume. The index at the end of the volume is handwritten, and contains entries for: Persia, Portuguize [Portuguese], Surat, Ormuz [Hormuz], Cambay [Khambhat], and Shah Abbas.

Extent and format
1 volume (480 pages)
Written in
English in Latin script
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‘The travels of Sig. Pietro della Valle, a noble Roman, into East-India and Arabia Deserta. In which, the several countries, together with the customs, manners, traffique, and rites both religious and civil, of those Oriental princes and nations, are faithfully described: In familiar letters to his friend Signior Mario Schipano. Whereunto is added a relation of Sir Thomas Roe’s voyage into the East-Indies’ [‎472] (493/508), British Library: Printed Collections, 212.d.1., in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 31 January 2025]

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