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'File 1/20 Liveries (Bahrain Agency)' [‎128dr] (281/526)

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The record is made up of 1 file (260 folios). It was created in 21 Nov 1932-12 Aug 1945. It was written in English and Arabic. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .


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tan* TkliH
na Snfiurante Companp, ilimiteb.
Mpanies Ordinances of Hong Kong) (The liability of the membert U limited.)
3ln tf)e iSame of <6ob: 9men.
iOn Mackenzie & Co.C.ffi.TT.Dept. ,Karachl , r
iiue or Names, as for and in the Name or Names of all and every other Person or Persons to
r shall appertain In part or in all, do make IvsrRAXCE, and hereby cause himself or themselves
, to be I nscbed lost or not lost, at and from
:a chi vo ba^rm^r »~
le, or Treasure, in the good Ship or Vessel called the
* whereof is Master under God, for this present voyage
Master in the said Vessel, or by whatsoever other Name or •'Names the said Vessel, or the
named or called ; BEGINNING the Adventure upon the said Goods or Merchandise from the
;aid Vessel, and so to continue and endure, until the said Goods and Merchandise shall be
.rd the said Vessel, at the aforesaid Port of Destination, including risk of craft to and from
ful for the said Vessel in this Voyage, to proceed and sail to and touch and stay at any Ports
he limits of the above voyage) without prejudice to this I nsckance ; The said Goods and
concerns the assured are and shall be insured for
1 Bundle C.?.Goods,, • •/
vn lyivn™ %f amount^ %
each Us.j SOO '
. A. Thef t, -i If era ge, Non -d elv ery,
r Damage including ^arjStrike,Riot
irnution risks as per c auses attached. •
r t^jh
nd Perils which the NORTH CHINA INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, are contented to
Ives in this Voyage : they are of the Seas, Men-of-War, Fire, Enemies, Pirates, Rovers, Thieves,
d Counter Mart, Surprisals, Takings at Sea, Arrests, Restraints and Detainmenta of all Kings,
; Nation, Condition or Quality soever, Barratry of the Master and Mariners, and of all other
» that have or shall como to the Hurt, Detriment, or Damage of the said Goods and Mer-
AND in case of any Loss or Misfortune, it shall be lawful for the Assured , his or their
, to sue, labour and travel for, in and about the Defence, Safeguard and Recovery of the said
ay part thereof without prejudice to this Insurance , to the charges whereof the said
sording to the rate and quantity of the sum herein Insured. AND it is expressly declared and
er or Assured in recovering, saving, or preserving the property insured shall be considered as
■andonment. AND it is agreed by the said COMPANY that this Writing or Policy of Insurance
i Effect as the surest Writing or Policy of Insurance made in LONDON. AND so the said
E COMPANY, LIMITED, are contented and do hereby promise and bind themselves their
1 Chattels, to the Assured , his or their Executors, Administrators, or Assitcns, for the true
t; confessing themselves paid the consideration due unto them for this Insurance at and after
1 as per margin
I themselves, their Heirs, Executors, Goods and Chattels, in case of Loss happening to satisfy
Dy them so Assured. The settlement of all Losses or Averages, afte being duly adjusted
of the COMPANY there
dbr3i0hbd agents,
s Policy, and according to English Law and Usage.
ir, Jagry, Bice, Corn, Flour, Ghee, Seed, Grain, Tobacco, Hides, Skins, Spirits, and other
rom Particular Average under Ten per cent. Tea and Silk under Three per cent, and all other
• Fire per cent, unless general, or the ship be stranded, sunk, or burnt.
•e, the Agents for the Cfjina Ilnsairaiuc Company, toiiteb. on behaw
ve hereunto subscribed our name in Kfi T1 i C Q 1 »
th Day of September One thousand Nine
four ,o two policies
me of which being accomplished, the ofhtr H T ( 0 ij e void.
Pro.Mackirmon Mackenzie & Co.
"OlBAGri AGENCY An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. .
plus lif
. 1

Policies issued abroad payabU in tin United Kingdom
art required by law to have a Qovernment Stamp affixed
within 10 days after receipt in the United Kingdom.
*0. 44/12499.
pa ya ble iy v fi rac hr.
® Exeh.
RUPEES Indian silver coin also widely used in the Persian Gulf. 200/-
Premium at _ 0 1 3 — 0
less 10
V/ar li%= R 8-
less 10 ^
Stamp Duty "
(1) Warranted free of capture dlizure <\reU reiiTnhiU %ir
detainment, and the consequences thereof or of any
attempt thereat; also from the consequences of hostili
ties or warlike operations, whether there he a declaration
or not, ci ml, war, revolution rebellion
rection or civil strife arising therefrom, or piracy.
(2) M arranted free of loss or damage caused by striker*
lockedout workmen or persons taking part in labour
disturbances riots or civil commotions,
(3) Should the risks excluded by Clause 1 (f. C. & S. Clause)
be reinstated in this policy by deletion of the said
Clause, or should the risks or any of them mentioned in
the same clause or the risks of mines torpedoes bombs
or other engines of war be insured under this policy,
then notwithstanding anything in this policy to the
(a) the insurance against the sail risks shall not attach
to the interest hereby insured or to any part thereof
(0 prior to being on board an overseas vessel.
(For the purpose of this Clause 3 an oversea*
vessel shall be deemed to mean a vessel carrying
the interest from one port or place to another
wftere such voyage involves a sea passage by
that vessel).
(ii) after being discharged overside from an overseas
cessel at the final port of discharge
after expiry of 15 days counting from midnight
of the day on which the overseas vessel is safely
anchored or moored at the final port of
discharge, whichever shall first occur,
(Hi) at a port or place of transhipment to another
overseas vessel after expiry of 15 days (counting
from midnight of the day on which the oversea*
ressel entering tcith the interest is safely
anchored or moored) until the interest is on
board the on-carrying overseas vessel.
In the event of the exercise of any liberty granted to
the Shipowner or Charterer under the contract of
affreightment whereby such contract is terminated at
a port or place other than the destination named
therein such port or place shall be deemed the final
port of discharge for the purpose of this Clause 3.
(b) this policy is warranted free of any claim based
upon loss of, or frustration of, the insured voyage or
(ulventare caused by arrests restraints or detain-
ments of Kings Princes Peoples Usurpers or persons
attempting to usurp power.
If anything contained in this policy shall be
inconsistent with Clause 3 (a) and 3 (b) or either
of it shall to the extent of such inconsistency
be 1 and void.
It is understood and agreed that no claim under this
Policy will be paid in respect of drugs to which the
International Opium Convention of 1912 applies unless
(1) The drugs shall be expressly declared as such in the
policy and the name of the country from which, and
the name of the country to which they are cvnsigned
shall be specifically stated in the Policy
(2) The proof of loss is accompanied either by a licence,
certificate or authorization issued by the Government
of the country to which the drugs are consigned
showing that the importation of the consignment into
that country has been approved by that Government,
or, alternatively, by a licence certificate or authori
zation issued by the Government of the country from
which the drugs are consigned showing that the export
of the consignment to the destination stated has been
approved by that Government
(8) The route by which the drugs were conveyed was
usual and customary.
In the event of damage arising under this Policy
no claims will be admitted unless notice of the
damage be given to
■ \4'!> tvjvj
Ctjina Sngurance Companp, Himiteb.
(Ineorporatfd under the Companies Ordinances of Hong Kong) (The liability of the members is limited.)
3ln tfje i^ame of <gob: 0[mtn.
Messrs •MacKinnon ] ackenzie & Co .C.ffi.'F. Dept. , Ka rachl,'
Be it known that
as well in his or their own 3fame or Names, as for and in the Name or Names of ail and every other Person or Persons to
whom the same doth, may, or shall appertain in part or in all, do make I vhtravce, and hereby cause himself or themselves
and them, and every of them, to be I nscbed lost or not lost, at and from
kahachi ^0 r
upon Goods and Merchandise, or Treasure, in the good Ship or Vessel called the
^¥0 r J-
whereof is Master under God, for this present voyage
or whosoever else shall go for Master in the said Vessel, or by whatsoever other Name or ■'Names the said Vessel, ot the
Master thereof, is or shall be named or called ; BEGINNING the Adventure upon the said Goods or Merchandise from the
Lading thereof on board the said Vessel, and so to continue and endure, until the said Goods and Merchandise shall be
safely delivered from on board the said Vessel, at the aforesaid Port of Destination, including risk of craft to and from
the ship. AND it shall be lawful for the said Vessel in this Voyage, to proceed and sail to and touch and stay at any Ports
or Places whatsoever (within the limits of the above voyage) without prejudice to this I nscbakce ; The said Goods and
Merchandise, for so much as concerns the A ssured are and shall be insured for
* RUPEES Indian silver coin also widely used in the Persian Gulf. TWO HimjRED ONLY, On J- r
^ttie political
Bah.rei a
1 Bundle C.?»Gouds,
^ *
Terms : «W.P.A.Theft, "Hlf erage,Non-deivery,
l^resh Water Damage including Wgr, Strike ,Rlot
& Civil Commotion risks as per c .auses attached.
Touching the Adventures and Perils wliich the NORTH CHINA INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, are contented to
bear and to take upon themselves in this Voyage : they are of the Seas, Men-of-War, Fire, Enemies, Pirates, Rovers, Thieves,
Jettisons, Letters of Mart and Counter Mart, Surprisais, Takings at Sea, Arrests, Restraints and Detainments of all Kings,
Princes and People, of what Nation, Condition or Quality soever, Barratry of the Master and Mariners, and of all other
Perils, Losses and Misfortunes that have or shall come to the Hurt, Detriment, or Damage of the said Goods ami Mer
chandise or any part thereof. AND in case of any Loss or Misfortune, it shall be lawful for the assured, his or their
Factors, Servants or Assigns, to sue, labour and travel for, in and about the Defence, Safeguard and Recovery of the said
Goods or Merchandise, or any part thereof without prejudice to this I nsurance , to the charges whereof the said
COMPANY will contribute according to the rate and quantity of the sum herein I nsured . AND it is expressly declared and
agreed that no acts of Insurer or Assured in recovering, saving, or preserving the property insured shall be considered as
a Waiver or Acceptance of Abandonment. AND it is agretkl by the said COMPANY that this Writing or Policy of I nsurance
shall be of as much Force and Effect as the sure st W riting or Policy of I nsurance made In LONDON. AND so the said
NORTH CHINA INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, are contented and do hereby promise and bind themselves their
Heirs, Executors, Goods and Chattels, to the assured, his or their Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, for the true
Performance of the Premises; confessing themselves paid the consideration due unto them for this Insurance at and after
the rate arranged.
■» as per margin
promise, and agree, and bind themselves, their Heirs, Executors, Goods and Chattels, in case of Loss happening to satisfy
and pay the sum of Money by them so Assured. The settlement of all Losses or Averages, afte being duly adjusted
shall be payable by the of the COMPANY there
- ukderoigijed agents,
agreeably to the tenor of this Policy, and according to English Law and Usage.
Salt, Saltpetre, Sugar, Jagry, Rice, Corn, Flour, Ghee, Seed, Grain, Tobacco, Hides, Skins, Spirits, and other
Liquors, are warranted free from Particular Average under Ten per cent. Tea and Silk under Three per cent, and all other
Goods free of Average under Five per cent, unless general, or the ship be stranded, sunk, or burnt.
5n ®HitnC£!£i Whereof we, the Agents for the ^ortf) Cfjllta SnSiirailfC Company, Uimiteb, on behaK
of the said COttipanj', hav ® hereunto subscribed our name In ^ T . IC ■ -1 »
this 2eth Day of Se ptember
H undred and F orty f^ur t0 tvVO P " lic ieS
of the same tenor and date, one of which being accomplished, the othtr ^ r to be void.
Begd. Pro.Mackinnon T ackenzie & Co.
O ne T housand N ine
the nearest Xloyds Agents.
previous to the survey and certificate be signed
him or them.

About this item


The file relates to the provision of items of uniform for members of the Menial Establishment of the Political Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. , Bahrain. The papers consist of correspondence, invoices, receipts, telegrams, despatch notes, and a personal letter, and cover correspondence with suppliers; correspondence relating to the supply of buttons, coat of arms badges, winter liveries (cold weather uniforms), summer liveries, daggers for uniforms of ferashes, items of uniform for Agency An office of the East India Company and, later, of the British Raj, headed by an agent. Launch crew, cotton piece goods, and cloth; samples of material; correspondence with departments of the Royal Indian Navy concerning the supply of naval stores; arrangements for ensuring the good appearance of members of staff; and papers relating to the shipping of items of uniform, including bills of lading and insurance documents.

The Arabic language content of this file consists of one invoice, and a number of signatures.

The date of the final piece of correspondence in this file is 17 June 1945. The overall date range is supplied by an entry in the notes at the end of the file.

Extent and format
1 file (260 folios)

The papers are arranged in chronological order from the front to the rear of the file. Circled serial numbers (red for received correspondence; blue/black for issued correspondence) refer to entries in the notes at the rear of the file.

Physical characteristics

Foliation: the foliation system in use commences at 1A on the front cover, and continues through to 250 on the back cover. The sequence appears written pencil in the top right hand corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. page of each folio. Foliation anomalies: ff. 1A-1B; ff. 22A-22B; ff. 59A-59B; ff. 97A-97B; ff. 111, 111A; ff. 127A, 127B, 127C, 127D; ff. 128A, 128B, 128C, 128D. The following number is omitted from the sequence: 89. In addition, the notes at the rear of the file have a second, incomplete foliation sequence, numbered 2-73.

Written in
English and Arabic in Latin and Arabic script
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'File 1/20 Liveries (Bahrain Agency)' [‎128dr] (281/526), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/R/15/2/1007, in Qatar Digital Library <> [accessed 13 September 2024]

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