'Assurances, Undertakings and Agreements, Etc., Made by Certain Chiefs and Khans of Southern Persia with the British Government and Certain British Trading Companies' [66] (76/104)
The record is made up of 1 volume (52 folios). It was created in 1926. It was written in English, Persian and French. The original is part of the British Library: India Office The department of the British Government to which the Government of India reported between 1858 and 1947. The successor to the Court of Directors. Records and Private Papers Documents collected in a private capacity. .
This transcription is created automatically. It may contain errors.
Should the Company be successful in
finding petroleum in the Vali's territory,
both parties accept, and agree to carry
out, all the conditions stipulated in this
Agreement, and when a new Company or
Companies are formed for the working of
the oil industry in the Vali's territory, the
Vali shall become an associate of such
new Company or Companies, and he shall
be granted three shares out of every
hundred shares issued by such Company
or Companies. These shares w ill be given
to the Vali free of all charges, and he
will thus participate in any dividends that
may be declared by the said new Com
pany or Companies from time to time
In the event of the Company failing
to discover oil in the Vali's territory;
or, if oil should be discovered in such
small quantities as to be unworkable; or,
if for any other reason, the Company
desire to stop work in the Vali's territory,
they shall have the right to do so, and
the Vali shaJl have no claim to the above-
mentioned privileges. Due notice of the
cessation of work shall be given by the
Company to the Vali, whose guarantee of
protection shall cease, on removal of the
Company's staff and property from the
Vali's territory. Thereupon, or, in the
event of a new Company or Companies
being formed under Article 5 of this
Agreement, then, at the expiration of the
Company's concession or any extension
thereof, all immoveable property left in
situ by the Company, shall be handed to
the Vali, or his heirs and successors, in
trust for the Persian Government, to
whom such property reverts under the
concession granted to Mr. W. K. D'Arcy
by the Persian Government.
Article 6. —The Vali solemnly declares
that he will carry out all the conditions
of this contract faithfully and loyally,
and that he, or his heirs and successors,
shall be its guarantors, and shall accept
full responsibility for any claims by any
person in his territory questioning the
validity of any of the stipulations m this
contract. In the event of any differences
arising between the Company and the
Vali, whether in respect of the meaning
of any of the foregoing Articles, or other
wise, such matters shall be settled in an
unofficial and friendly manner between the
two parties. Failing a friendly settlement,
the points in dispute shall be referred
to one of His Britannic Majesty's Consular
Officers having jurisdiction to arbitrate
and to settle them. And, in the last
resort, the case shall be referred to His
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About this item
- Content
This volume is a printed report, published by the Government of India Press (Calcutta: 1926), constituting a collection of assurances, undertakings and agreements made by chiefs and Khans of Southern Persia with the British Government and trading companies between 1898 and 1922. The volume is marked 'Confidential' on the front cover and contains a table of contents (folios 4-5). The agreements, some appearing in both Persian and English, are ordered by serial number and they include:
- No. 1: Undertaking Given by Certain Notables of Luristan in regard to the Construction of Cart Road through Part of their Territory (8 June 1911);
- No. 2: Correspondence regarding Right of Option Granted to Persian Railway Syndicate by Persian Government for Construction of Certain Railway Lines (9 February 1913, 4 March 1913, and 10 January 1920);
- No. 3: Memorandum Regarding Concessions for Roads and Railways in South-West Persia up to 1917 (1917);
- No. 4: Persian Transport Company's Concession for the Construction of a Commercial Road Between Ahwaz and Tehran and the Establishment of a Transport Service thereon (5 August 1890);
- No. 5: Compensation for Loss of Pilotage Fees, Amounting to Ts. 2000 per annum to be paid to Haidar Khan, Hayat Daudi [Ḥaydar Khān Ḥayāt Dāwūdī], C I E (12 February 1920 and 26 February 1920);
- No. 6: Agreement Concluded between Messrs. Lynch Bros. and certain Bakhtiari Chiefs for the Construction and Maintenace of a Road from Ahwaz to Isfahan and Shushter [Shushtār] to Isfahan (3 March 1898);
- No. 7: D'Arcy Oil Concession (28 May 1901);
- No. 7(a): Translation of the D'Arcy Oil Concession (28 May 1901);
- No. 8: Agreement Between D'Arcy Syndicate and the Bakhtiari (15 November 1905);
- No. 8(a): Refusal of Persian Government to Recognize Agreement between the D'Arcy Syndicate and the Bakhriaris (12 January 1906);
- No. 8(b): Notes on the Bakhtiari Agreement of November 15 1905 (20 October 1906);
- No. 9: Agreement between Mr W[illiam] K[nox] D'Arcy and the Kili Sayyeds (1 October 1906);
- No. 10: Agreement between the Oil Company and H. E. Shahab-Es-Sultaneh, Ilbegi [Shihāb al-Sulṭānah Īlbagī] of the Bakhtiar (25 March 1907);
- No. 11: Land Agreement between the Oil Company and the Bakhtiari Khans (15 May 1911);
- No. 11(a): Power-of-Attorney Appointing Sardar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Muhtesham [ Sardār Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Muḥtasham] and Sardar Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Bahadur [ Sardār Leader of a tribe or a polity; also refers to a military rank or title given to a commander of an army or division. Bahādur] as Agents of the Bakhtiari Khans (1910);
- No. 11(b): The Bakhtiari Khans' Orders to their Tribesmen Regarding the Oil Company's Employees (May 1911);
- No. 11(c): Undertaking made by the Bakhtiari Khans regarding the Kili Sayyeds (May 1911);
- No. 12: Agreement for Protection of Pipe-Line (28 April 1911);
- No. 13: Supplementary Agreement between Mr W K D'Arcy and the Kili Sayyeds (10 February 1911);
- No. 14: Agreement between the Anglo-Persian Oil Company and Parwiz Khan, Gunduzlu [Parvīz Khān Gunduzlū] (20 February 1911);
- No. 15: Agreement between the Anglo-Persian Oil Company and the Wali of Pusht-i-Kuh (19 September 1919);
- No. 16: Land Aquisition Agreement between Anglo-Persian Oil Company and the Bakhiairi Khans (20 April 1921);
- No. 17: Agreement between the Anglo-Persian Oil Company and Haidar Khan, C I E, of Hayat Daud (6 October 1921, 22 October 1921, and 13 November 1921);
- No. 18: Agreement between the Anglo-Persian Oil Company and the Kashkuli [Kashkūlī] Khans (14 October 1921);
- No. 19: Agreement between Anglo-Persian Oil Company and the Ilkhani The paramount chief of certain tribes in south west Iran. of the Qashgais (20 May 1922).
- Extent and format
- 1 volume (52 folios)
- Arrangement
The assurances, agreements and undertakings compiled in this volume are arranged according to serial number from 1 to 18. These appear roughly in chronological order.
- Physical characteristics
Foliation: The foliation sequence commences at the front cover, and terminates at the inside back cover; these numbers are written in pencil, are circled, and are located in the top right corner of the recto The front of a sheet of paper or leaf, often abbreviated to 'r'. side of each folio. The volume also contains an original printed pagination sequence.
- Written in
- English, Persian and French in Latin and Arabic script View the complete information for this record
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'Assurances, Undertakings and Agreements, Etc., Made by Certain Chiefs and Khans of Southern Persia with the British Government and Certain British Trading Companies' [66] (76/104), British Library: India Office Records and Private Papers, IOR/L/PS/20/C231, in Qatar Digital Library <https://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100023623056.0x00004e> [accessed 17 November 2024]
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Copyright: How to use this content
- Reference
- IOR/L/PS/20/C231
- Title
- 'Assurances, Undertakings and Agreements, Etc., Made by Certain Chiefs and Khans of Southern Persia with the British Government and Certain British Trading Companies'
- Pages
- 61:67
- Author
- Unknown
- Usage terms
- The copyright status is unknown. Please contact [email protected] with any information you have regarding this item.